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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


I weigh myself several times a day. Used to be once a day when I'd get out of bed. But I've been losing a bit recently without really changing diet or exercice routine, so I'm kind of curious about what's going on.

On a side note, just realized I broke a 100lbs lost, from 275 to 175lbs (125 to 79.5Kg).
Now if I could only get rid of that little extra skin left on my belly...

Edit: fuck, top of the page brag. I just done fucked my karma haven't I?
Is craigslist the best place to find a free bicycle? I'd love to increase my exercise amount and be able to expand my social circle and so far, craigslist has zilch.

gotta love craigslist:


Yea right free...go get a job....after surgery and get a normal book etc to help.

Humans are cruel.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
i sometimes wonder if life would be any better if i was under 200 lbs. currently at 480

It would be a million times better. Start today and you could be done in 3 years and have the rest of your life to enjoy.


That's awesome. How much do you think you need to lose total?

I want to lose another 30 - 40.

Is craigslist the best place to find a free bicycle? I'd love to increase my exercise amount and be able to expand my social circle and so far, craigslist has zilch.

gotta love craigslist:

Humans are cruel.

That's not far off of a lot of the shit that gets posted in every OT thread about weight. Nerds are a picked upon bunch and therefore they look to fat people to take out their aggression on because it's pretty much the last group that's socially acceptable to hate.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Is craigslist the best place to find a free bicycle? I'd love to increase my exercise amount and be able to expand my social circle and so far, craigslist has zilch.

gotta love craigslist:

Humans are cruel.

People are dicks, don't let them slow you down. You'll be a lot happier than they are once you're at your goal weight, and they'll still be angry and shitty human beings.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Last 30 or so will go the slowest but it is the biggest difference visually.

Truth. I need to lose about 17lbs and it just won't budge, I just keep losing and gaining the same few lbs over and over.
That's not far off of a lot of the shit that gets posted in every OT thread about weight. Nerds are a picked upon bunch and therefore they look to fat people to take out their aggression on because it's pretty much the last group that's socially acceptable to hate.

Yeah, that's what I figure.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Plus I'm sure we're harder on ourselves than they could be, I fucking hate myself for the state I let my body get into. My body is permanently damaged due to a lifetime of obesity. Even though I'm nearly at my goal weight I still hate my body, just for a different reason now, instead of blubber I'm left with loose skin which I will never be able to afford to have removed, so I will never be happy with how I look. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered as I'm still depressed, but at least I won't die by the time I'm 40 now, and at least I look good while clothed. I've even had good looking women smile at me while out now, something I have never experienced before, it's a strange feeling not shrivelling up ovaries with a simple glance.
Week 3 progress: 2.4lbs lost, 12.6lbs total. A little disappointed but it was always going to slow down. I'm still doing well and on course for my target (or close to it anyway...) and it's going to be over a stone in 4 weeks (barring a disaster!) so that's about where I wanted to be when I started.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Now I can finally fit in 2x clothing. No dice on the bicycle or GoFundMe front so far.

Hopefully my life comes back together. :)

I'm 2XL as well, started at 5XL. It's nice how clothes have stopped looking like bedsheets. I guess 1XL is where I'll end up as I'm 6ft 3 so I don't think large is realistic.


I've totally stalled at around 115kg for a while now, pretty much since work hit me with loads of overtime a few weeks back. Kinda frustrating but I'm not gaining any weight so I'll just have to ride it out until I can get back to my normal routine. It's far too easy to snack on 12 hour shifts, and there's no way in hell I want to go to the gym or do some Xbox fitness when I'm at home :(

I'm really enjoying hill walking these days. I've now climbed 3 munros (Ben Lomond, Ben Vorlich and Schiehallion) and almost got to the top of a 4th (Meall nan Tarmachan) but got stopped by snow and bad weather just shy of the summit. The difference in my fitness is amazing, I'm now leading the way up with my wife trailing behind instead of me needing rest breaks all the time with her shouting at me to keep up. It's a great feeling!

I had to buy some new boxer shorts recently as I'm down from 2xl to just xl now and my old ones are getting really loose. Also need to get new trousers again - the 40" pair of jeans I bought 2 months are starting to get loose, and they're pretty much the only pair I have that aren't ridiculously large on me. I can't afford to keep buying new trousers tho lol...


Humans are cruel.
Lttp on this, but yeah, people freely insulting others online typically are lonely, sad bags of shit. It's never nice getting agressed like that but take comfort in that the guy in question must lead a sad, sad life.

You, on the other hand, are getting better all the time. Keep up the good work, we're all proud of you!! ;3
Lttp on this, but yeah, people freely insulting others online typically are lonely, sad bags of shit. It's never nice getting agressed like that but take comfort in that the guy in question must lead a sad, sad life.

You, on the other hand, are getting better all the time. Keep up the good work, we're all proud of you!! ;3

Thanks for the encouragement! It's not like I was asking for $5,000 dollars to buy over-paid take home dinners or something like that! LOL

I'm 2XL as well, started at 5XL. It's nice how clothes have stopped looking like bedsheets. I guess 1XL is where I'll end up as I'm 6ft 3 so I don't think large is realistic.

I'll be happy in the large - xl range myself.

On a side note, I hope I can get a Costco Membership sometime soon. Wish my Amazon gift cards could buy it.


I'm 2XL as well, started at 5XL. It's nice how clothes have stopped looking like bedsheets. I guess 1XL is where I'll end up as I'm 6ft 3 so I don't think large is realistic.

I stopped at XL due to shoulders fitting just right but you have slim fit options which are more tapered in the waist beyond that.
I'm 2XL as well, started at 5XL. It's nice how clothes have stopped looking like bedsheets. I guess 1XL is where I'll end up as I'm 6ft 3 so I don't think large is realistic.
Depending on the manufacturer and your shoulders, a large is not out of question. I'm 6' and I can squeeze into some mediums.
I've only read the first couple of pages so far, but reading everyone's stories and seeing the before/after pics is really inspiring. Great work, everyone.

Today, I've reached a decision. I am done with being fat. After spending years trying to convince myself I'm happy the way I am, it's time to face facts. I've come to understand that my weight issues are 50% due to various psychological and emotional issues I don't really want to get into right now, and the other 50% due to me being a greedy bastard. Like, my relationship with food is so intertwined with my emotions that it's hard to see how I can break free from it. My default response to everything seems to be food. If I'm upset? I eat. Angry, I eat. Happy, I eat. You get the picture. I've been at various stages of overweight and obese since my mid teens, and I'm sick of it. I don't want to feel like this for the rest of my life. I recently turned 30, which is known in some circles as The Gay Death. Well, try being gay, 30 AND bordering on obese. Let's just say I'm not exactly fighting guys off with a stick.

The thing is, one of my best female friends has recently lost a large amount of weight, and while I'm overjoyed for her, I'm having to admit to myself that I'm also jealous of her success. Obviously I need to channel those feelings into motivation. I HATE all forms of exercise, with the sole exceptions of swimming (though I'm too self-conscious to use a public pool) and walking. Still, I have a cross-trainer I bought from a friend several months ago, a gym less than two minutes away from my house, and I'm fortunate enough to live in close proximity to several sprawling parks. I have no excuse.

(Jesus Christ, I'm just now noticing how many instances of "I", "I'm" and "me" there are in my post. I swear I'm not that self-absorbed, guys.)


Neo Member
Have lost motivation for the last few weeks or so, but then put two pictures side by side and now can finally see a difference. Started at 300 in February and now 245 in July. Feels fantastic so far.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I've only read the first couple of pages so far, but reading everyone's stories and seeing the before/after pics is really inspiring. Great work, everyone.

Today, I've reached a decision. I am done with being fat. After spending years trying to convince myself I'm happy the way I am, it's time to face facts. I've come to understand that my weight issues are 50% due to various psychological and emotional issues I don't really want to get into right now, and the other 50% due to me being a greedy bastard. Like, my relationship with food is so intertwined with my emotions that it's hard to see how I can break free from it. My default response to everything seems to be food. If I'm upset? I eat. Angry, I eat. Happy, I eat. You get the picture. I've been at various stages of overweight and obese since my mid teens, and I'm sick of it. I don't want to feel like this for the rest of my life. I recently turned 30, which is known in some circles as The Gay Death. Well, try being gay, 30 AND bordering on obese. Let's just say I'm not exactly fighting guys off with a stick.

The thing is, one of my best female friends has recently lost a large amount of weight, and while I'm overjoyed for her, I'm having to admit to myself that I'm also jealous of her success. Obviously I need to channel those feelings into motivation. I HATE all forms of exercise, with the sole exceptions of swimming (though I'm too self-conscious to use a public pool) and walking. Still, I have a cross-trainer I bought from a friend several months ago, a gym less than two minutes away from my house, and I'm fortunate enough to live in close proximity to several sprawling parks. I have no excuse.

(Jesus Christ, I'm just now noticing how many instances of "I", "I'm" and "me" there are in my post. I swear I'm not that self-absorbed, guys.)

Well even if you hate exercise... in my experience weight loss is like 70-90% nutrition. Exercise can be a very helpful tool (and one might even grow to enjoy it) but it just isn't necessary for weight loss.

Problem with nutrition though, is that there's a lot of really bad info out there on what's "healthy" eating. And this causes all sorts of problems for people with very sincere, good intentions, but bad information.

So losing weight without exercise really does require one to unlearn much of the bullshit and understand the nutrition, and maybe just as important, one's own triggers and usual stumbling blocks.

People who ask me what I did to drop weight so fast (I did exercise btw, I enjoy running) I tell them: Keep a food journal and count calories every calorie (myfitnesspal or a pad of paper, whatever) and the calories you do consume, eat high protein, medium fat, as low carb as you can tolerate. That recipe might not be good for everyone (we all have different goals. needs, personalities) but it's a relatively straightforward approach and it was pretty easy for me, honestly.


Exercise isn't strictly necessary for weight loss but it is absolutely necessary for improving your physical and mental health, keeping the weight off, reducing the odds of heart disease, diabetes, etc etc. The "diet only" trend for weight loss is bad news, IMO. It downplays physical fitness. I'm not saying you need to become a muscled out dudebro (nothing wrong with that though the culture surrounding it gets REAL old REAL fast) but improving your physical fitness improves your quality of life in ways that just dieting cannot.
Exercise isn't strictly necessary for weight loss but it is absolutely necessary for improving your physical and mental health, keeping the weight off, reducing the odds of heart disease, diabetes, etc etc. The "diet only" trend for weight loss is bad news, IMO. It downplays physical fitness. I'm not saying you need to become a muscled out dudebro (nothing wrong with that though the culture surrounding it gets REAL old REAL fast) but improving your physical fitness improves your quality of life in ways that just dieting cannot.

One of the reasons i'm looking for a bike or treadmill (bike for most days except snowy and treadmill for when the weather is too bad). I want to go meet people and that, but with no driver's license, this is the next best thing imo.


I deleted my gofundme and my family is now disowning me for being a fat ass.
That's a terrible thing to do, especially now that you're taking steps to get better.
I'm being brigaded on facebook and reddit from some FPH'er that is tired of me asking for a bike or treadmill.. wtf did I ever do to them?!
People are idiots. Maybe take some time off social networks, let them vent. They'll get tired and move on if you just ignore them.
That's a terrible thing to do, especially now that you're taking steps to get better.
People are idiots. Maybe take some time off social networks, let them vent. They'll get tired and move on if you just ignore them.

Its either be left alone or have a %1 chance to get money, I'll be picking left alone. You don't know how it is online if you seem like a minority (fat, gay, transgenered or poor) and you ask for something.I should've known it lol.
So just had my 4th weigh in, and I've lost 3.6lbs this past week. Very pleased with that! Did work harder this week so I'm not surprised it's more than last week. That's 16.2lbs in 4 weeks. Feeling some benefits already!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Not lost weight in a few weeks, I've started eating out of boredom again which is bad.
I'm already at 285lbs. I've been losing an average of about a pound a day after bariatric surgery. Just need to get my acid reflux under control and I'm golden (Going to ask to increase my protonix to 2x daily for stomach burning and carafate to 4x daily to help prevent ulcers).

I might be getting an exercise bike for free from craigslist, person knows i don't have a driver's license or my own transportation half the time so once she gets it down from her attic, she'll bring it over.

Sugar free pudding part of my full liquid diet sucks big time and it's going to be until the 19th of August before I can get anything that has more nutrition.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
When I first started losing weight I exercised every day and was able to just about finish T25 Alpha, fast forward to today and I could only manage 15 minutes because I felt like I was going to puke. I haven't exercised in months but I'm much lighter now so I figured it would balance out, but apparently not.
It's been one year since I started my weight loss journey. Started at 246, am currently at 165 (at 6' 2"). Still have a couple pounds of belly fat to lose yet, then I want to get serious about gaining weight in the form of muscle.

I highly recommend looking into intermittent fasting for anyone that wants to lose weight. I do the 8 on/16 off schedule daily, with exceptions from time to time. I've cleaned up my diet a whole lot, but I still eat junk every once in a while as well, and I think the intermittent fasting has kept me losing despite the lapses in food choice at times.
It's been one year since I started my weight loss journey. Started at 246, am currently at 165 (at 6' 2"). Still have a couple pounds of belly fat to lose yet, then I want to get serious about gaining weight in the form of muscle.

I highly recommend looking into intermittent fasting for anyone that wants to lose weight. I do the 8 on/16 off schedule daily, with exceptions from time to time. I've cleaned up my diet a whole lot, but I still eat junk every once in a while as well, and I think the intermittent fasting has kept me losing despite the lapses in food choice at times.

Hmm, I'm trying to find local gyms that maybe offer transportation or something. Kinda need to get more soda cans to get more protein powder soon, as I'm going to run out and it sucks being on a post-op full liquid diet.


It's been one year since I started my weight loss journey. Started at 246, am currently at 165 (at 6' 2"). Still have a couple pounds of belly fat to lose yet, then I want to get serious about gaining weight in the form of muscle.
I'm roughly the same height, I'm at around 175 and feeling kinda skinny already; you must be looking pretty lean.

3rd week after VSG
Looking better and better, dude. Keep up the good work.


I'm roughly the same height, I'm at around 175 and feeling kinda skinny already; you must be looking pretty lean.

Its all very relative to your frame and whatever baseline muscle mass you are genetically incline to hold onto.

Im 6'5" and when i dipped down to 225-227 my friends and family told me to stop.

The best way to figure out for yourself is to look at a picture of you from a candid photo from a family gathering or something like that.
I'm roughly the same height, I'm at around 175 and feeling kinda skinny already; you must be looking pretty lean.

Yeah, pretty lean these days, except for the few pounds of fat on the belly. Family and friends are apprehensive about me losing more weight for some strange reason, but I'm eating the healthiest I ever have in my life, and I'm eating plenty of food every day, including some junk like reduced fat kettle chips or nachos and cheese, but I'm still dropping some pounds. I think I have good metabolism, I just used to demolish it with too much food, too many sweets, and eating at all times of the day. I don't have a weight goal anymore, I'm just seeing where this all takes me. I need to exercise more frequently, and I'd like to add muscle to my frame, but otherwise I feel like I'm doing pretty good.


Why does he wear the mask!?
It's been one year since I started my weight loss journey. Started at 246, am currently at 165 (at 6' 2"). Still have a couple pounds of belly fat to lose yet, then I want to get serious about gaining weight in the form of muscle.

I highly recommend looking into intermittent fasting for anyone that wants to lose weight. I do the 8 on/16 off schedule daily, with exceptions from time to time. I've cleaned up my diet a whole lot, but I still eat junk every once in a while as well, and I think the intermittent fasting has kept me losing despite the lapses in food choice at times.

I can't recommend IF enough. I too do the 8/16 cycle. So, so helpful with weight loss.
Ugh, I made a huge mistake of posting in Fatlogic on reddit. At first they were receptive of my weight loss, then when I mentioned that dieting doesn't usually work (because most people either regain or worse, weigh more) I brought my conclusions back with evidence and they weren't going to have any of that. I got nasty fucking pms from people reminiscent of FatPeopleHate.. fucking reddit.

(I'd leave that site, but beermoney and swagbucks helps me so much)


Why does he wear the mask!?
Ugh, I made a huge mistake of posting in Fatlogic on reddit. At first they were receptive of my weight loss, then when I mentioned that dieting doesn't usually work (because most people either regain or worse, weigh more) I brought my conclusions back with evidence and they weren't going to have any of that. I got nasty fucking pms from people reminiscent of FatPeopleHate.. fucking reddit.

(I'd leave that site, but beermoney and swagbucks helps me so much)

/r/loseit is a much better subreddit
3.4lbs loss this week. Very surprised at that as I wasn't in work, so that knocked around 5 hours of walking off my activity for the week. I even managed to have a pizza and fish and chips in the week! I swear, if anybody saw my diet, they wouldn't think I'm on a diet. Haha. All about the quantities...

That's 19.6lbs lost in 5 weeks. If I can lose an average of about 2.8lbs per week for the rest of the year I'll hit my target at around Christmas. Not going to push it though, I'll keep up my current routine and see where it takes me.
3.4lbs loss this week. Very surprised at that as I wasn't in work, so that knocked around 5 hours of walking off my activity for the week. I even managed to have a pizza and fish and chips in the week! I swear, if anybody saw my diet, they wouldn't think I'm on a diet. Haha. All about the quantities...

That's 19.6lbs lost in 5 weeks. If I can lose an average of about 2.8lbs per week for the rest of the year I'll hit my target at around Christmas. Not going to push it though, I'll keep up my current routine and see where it takes me.

Very nice progress. I am hoping to get my loss per week up there soon.

I went on vacation for a week and ate horribly, but came back and lost half a pound, so I am content right now.
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