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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


Nice dude!

It's absolutely amazing how just losing a few dozen pounds can really change the way your face looks.

I know when I went from 320 to 280 people could really tell in my face.


Looking good. Lost an entire chin, well done!

I grew a beard before I lost my weight, so I never actually really saw myself losing my double chin, I feel kind of bad about that. :D

Thanks! It is a pretty good feeling. I still have days where even though the scale is telling me I'm doing really well, the mirror says fuck you. But looking at comparison pics like this helps wake me back up.

Nice dude!

It's absolutely amazing how just losing a few dozen pounds can really change the way your face looks.

I know when I went from 320 to 280 people could really tell in my face.

Thanks! The face was actually the first place everyone was able to notice the weight loss. I wear a shirt and tie to work, and the collars didn't look like they were choking me (they really were) anymore.
awesome progress Psychotron!

i'm back under 200lbs right now. trying to lose as much body fat at the point. i gotta find me a place to get myself measured properly so i can have a good idea where im at.but i can see the areas that do have fat (sides, hips, thighs) are getting smaller.

Chris R

Sub 250 again finally.

Just wish the weight on my belly and "love handles" would start to go away so my shirts would fit a bit better. Last time I was sub 250 (more like almost 200) I bought a bunch of nicer clothes since my XXL stuff was way too baggy, but it's still just a bit too tight. 10 more pounds and I think it will be good enough to wear again.

I have a business trip / vacation planned for a few weeks from now and I'm thinking about doing Keto again when I get back since I had no problem dropping to almost sub 200 on it when I was serious about it and exercising three years ago.
It's been like 2-3 months and i've been switching diet plans up for fat loss.

thought i needed carbs for energy so my macro was like 1:1 to protein or something like that and low fat. nope. bad idea. so i ended up lowering it to .5:1 or something. and went with slow digesting carbs. nope. lol. every 2 weeks or so i noticed my sides were either the same size or bigger. currently i'm about 1 week in on the 90 grams of carbs and doing great. some days i don't even hit that amount. i'm going to try dropping it down 5 grams and up the protein. currently its 20% carbs /45% Protein /35% Fat

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Hit a milestone today, I'm in the 15s! 15st 12lbs. It's always nice hitting a new stone bracket and I wasn't expecting it this week.
So end of last year was bad for me. Moved, started new job, studied for the GMAT, and basically stopped giving a shit. At the turn of the year I hit over 200 for the first time in my life and felt like shit. About five months later I've lost 25 pounds. Now I'm at 175. Probably lowest since high school. 90% diet about 10% exercise. Need to switch to weights now and improve my muscle mass.

Finally broke past that 230 barrier I've felt stuck at forever. Last few days I've weighted in at 228 making me feel comfortable that it wasn't a fluke! Almost at the half way goal from where I was to where I want to be!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Finally broke past that 230 barrier I've felt stuck at forever. Last few days I've weighted in at 228 making me feel comfortable that it wasn't a fluke! Almost at the half way goal from where I was to where I want to be!

I go through the same, usually when I'm about to drop into a new stone bracket, but once I break into it I start to lose steadily again so hopefully it'll be the same for you.


Was out of town for a conference... junk food all day everyday for four days now lol. I did go run twice a day so hopefully the damage isn't too crazy.
This morning I was 0.7lbs away from my goal,something I wouldn't have thought was possible January 1st.

12/26/14 - 266.7 lbs
5/29/15 - 225.7 lbs

I think my next goal is going to be under 200. It will be tougher, but I think I can keep at it and be the lowest I've been in more than 15 years.


This morning I was 0.7lbs away from my goal,something I wouldn't have thought was possible January 1st.

12/26/14 - 266.7 lbs
5/29/15 - 225.7 lbs

I think my next goal is going to be under 200. It will be tougher, but I think I can keep at it and be the lowest I've been in more than 15 years.
40+lbs in 6 months is pretty fantastic progress, congrats!


This past week has been kinda rough... I was on vacation and ate a lot, but I was walking between 5 and 9 miles a day. I flew home on Sunday morning but I'm still eating like I'm on vacation.

Saturday - steak and molten chocolate cake

Sunday - fish+chips and 3 pints of Guinness during a layover @ Heathrow, 2 small meals on the flight, then a Wendy's triple w/ cheese + fries and coke to celebrate returning to freedomland

Monday - BBQ for Memorial Day, Boston cream parfait

Tuesday - Lamb tikka masala, garlic naan bread, strawberry lassi

Wednesday - 1/2lb burger, garlic fries, dark chocolate chip shake

Thurs - lamb kebab w/ basmati rice, a side of plain yogurt, and a yogurt soda

Fri - Kung Pao Beef + steamed white rice + 1 can of coke

I'm about 7 pounds heavier than the day I left, on May 6. I've been working out every day since I got back, though... I'd probably be close to even if I'd lay off of the food a bit.


Summary after this weeks weigh-in

March 5th '15:
281 lbs

May 28th '15:
251 lbs

Happy with my progress so far, still a lot of work to be done in the coming months though.


Summary after this weeks weigh-in

March 5th '15:
281 lbs

May 28th '15:
251 lbs

Happy with my progress so far, still a lot of work to be done in the coming months though.

Great work bud! That is quite some progress. How tall are you?
40+lbs in 6 months is pretty fantastic progress, congrats!

Thanks! I hit my goal this morning. I was down to 224.0. Its crazy to think in December my goal was 242, which was the lowest I'd been in 5 years and now I've broken through that and my updated goal of 225. Like I said in my previous post, if someone would have told me in November that in 7 months I would be down to 224 I would have thought they were crazy and that it wouldn't be possible. Well it is and it feels damn good.


My 7-day average weight for May 31 is 238.2 lbs, down from 243.4 lbs on April 30 !

I'm going to continue @ 1lb/week but I think I am going to call the losing quits when I hit 230 and try to go into maintenance. Height is 6'5", or 196cm

I think that will be a good stopping point unless I want to start playing xylophone on my ribs.

Not bad for starting out at 430 on Jan 1, 2014
Good News: My weight loss surgery is scheduled for the 15th of June!

I'm thinking of taking before pics of me as well :)

(I have an LG Optimus Fuel with Tracfone with no auto-focus, if I can get to afford an LG Ultimate 2 I'll be able to take better pics but I'm not at $100 yet lol)


Congrats, and best wishes!

I'm just back from a week long camping/hiking holiday. Despite eating massive amounts of food over the week, I still lost another 3kg from my weigh in before I left so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Overall a really enjoyable trip although we had planned to climb a bunch of munros and made it up exactly zero. (got to within 50m of the top of one before adverse conditions forced us to turn back. Scottish weather is a nightmare - snowstorms in June!)

I'm absolutely gutted though, I've now lost so much weight my wedding ring fell off on the last day off the trip. No idea exactly when/where, but we turned everything upside down/inside out and there's no sign of it. Best guess is it came off while dismantling the camp and it's somewhere on the forest floor near Aviemore :(
Thanks for the replies! Waiting for my final confirmation for insurance coverage for it (they say it can take up to two weeks, they received my papers on the 5th) but there is a small chance it could be pushed back.


Went on vacation for a few weeks on May 6. Ate like I was on vacation. I continued to exercise and stayed pretty much the same weight. Got home and continued to eat like I was on vacation but fell off a bit on working out. Gained about 10 or 11 pounds. Mostly water retention, though. But I also "felt" terrible, like... bloated. I felt like I'd gained 50 pounds, seriously. It was all in my head, but it was kind of demoralizing. Got back on track over the past few days, burned off most of that 10 pounds.


Thanks for the replies! Waiting for my final confirmation for insurance coverage for it (they say it can take up to two weeks, they received my papers on the 5th) but there is a small chance it could be pushed back.

Fingers crossed its all good, I had bariatric surgery about 6 months ago, I had a bit of a rough start but it all came together and Im doing awesome, Im just cranky I didnt do it earlier!

And DEFINITELY take before pictures, front, back, sides, close up of your face, take your measurements etc. I wish I had done more pictures for comparison.
Been bad the past two weeks done almost no exercise and ate out a lot with friends. Thankfully my weight is still below 230 so I've been able to maintain, gotta double down now that things are back to normal
Fingers crossed its all good, I had bariatric surgery about 6 months ago, I had a bit of a rough start but it all came together and Im doing awesome, Im just cranky I didnt do it earlier!

And DEFINITELY take before pictures, front, back, sides, close up of your face, take your measurements etc. I wish I had done more pictures for comparison.

Thank you for your story, man! :)

Well, I have good news and bad news..

Bad News: My surgery got delayed

Good News: I'll be able to get a VSG (Stomach Staple) instead and within this month instead of waiting for August. I have one more test (Blood & BP) to do at my regular doctor's office and get it faxed over by the 19th of June.

Stomach Staple might have a little bit less weight loss, but I won't need to be on a big vitamin regimen for the rest of my life other than a multi-vitamin.


Thank you for your story, man! :)

Well, I have good news and bad news..

Bad News: My surgery got delayed

Good News: I'll be able to get a VSG (Stomach Staple) instead and within this month instead of waiting for August. I have one more test (Blood & BP) to do at my regular doctor's office and get it faxed over by the 19th of June.

Stomach Staple might have a little bit less weight loss, but I won't need to be on a big vitamin regimen for the rest of my life other than a multi-vitamin.

VSG is what I had, apart from a daily multivitamin pill I dont need to have anything else. I can eat anything (steak, bread etc) just in far far smaller portions than I used to.

This is my before and in progress, about half way there. From 174.1kgs to 126.9kgs (383 to 279lbs)

VSG is what I had, apart from a daily multivitamin pill I dont need to have anything else. I can eat anything (steak, bread etc) just in far far smaller portions than I used to.

This is my before and in progress, about half way there. From 174.1kgs to 126.9kgs (383 to 279lbs)


Good progress there!
June Update: Currently at 310 lbs, used to be at 456 lbs.

I have a confirmed surgery day (this time, I'm sure) of July 13th, 2015 for a Gastric Sleeve (VSG)

Been trying to ask people I know if they have a costco membership so I can get premier protein shakes on the cheap with my EBT card (at costco you get 36 of the shakes for $49.99, at other stores it's usually almost $9 for 4 shakes).
Hi guys! Figured I'd join in and share my progress.


Starting weight: 255 in April 2014


Weight: 189 as of Thanksgiving of 2014

No Shirt Comparison 245 vs 192


Weight: 245 - 248


Weight: 192 About a week ago at the beach. First time in years where I didn't dread taking my shirt off at the beach. All I've done is exercise (walk 6 miles a night) ate almost entirely clean with a cheat day every once in a while. Still want to drop another 20 and I'll be set and ready to start hitting the weights. For me, it was:

Obese -> Fat -> Overweight -> Skinny Fat -> Start turning that fat into muscle
Hi guys! Figured I'd join in and share my progress.


Starting weight: 255 in April 2014


Weight: 189 as of Thanksgiving of 2014

No Shirt Comparison 245 vs 192


Weight: 245 - 248


Weight: 192 About a week ago at the beach. First time in years where I didn't dread taking my shirt off at the beach. All I've done is exercise (walk 6 miles a night) ate almost entirely clean with a cheat day every once in a while. Still want to drop another 20 and I'll be set and ready to start hitting the weights. For me, it was:

Obese -> Fat -> Overweight -> Skinny Fat -> Start turning that fat into muscle

Very good progress there! Congratulations!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I lost another 3lbs this week, that makes it 78lbs total. I've been struggling for awhile now, I fluctuate up and down but this is the lightest I've been since I was a kid. My goal is in 9lbs, although there's a good chance I'll want to lose more when I get there, that's what happened the last time I hit my original goal.


Just wanted to say be careful right now in the summer heat. It's been in the 90s the past several days and I overdid it a couple of times. Dehydration happens real fast and can be dangerous. Hypoglycemia is even worse. If you're fasting or doing low carb while working out aggressively it can really sneak up on you.
Decided to lose the last 50 lbs or so that I need to lose after losing significant amounts of weight a couple years ago on low carb.

This time around I am doing straight calorie counting and limiting myself to around 1500 calories per day. I have only been on the diet for a few weeks, but I seem to be having steady results.

Trying to walk for 1-2.5 hours per day since I don't work in the summer.


No pics yet of my progress, but here is my current weight chart:

Started at about 265lbs in January and have come down near 60lbs with another 50lbs to go to hit my target weight. I might post a body comparison pic later on, but right now I'm still not that confident in how my body looks. I still think I look like a fat ass, even after the progress I've made.

I need to do some chest and actual waist measurements too, since I've neglected doing so over the past 5-6 months. All I know is I can comfortably fit into an XL dress shirt and it doesn't look like my shirt is going to come undone around the waist when I sit down.


relies on auto-aim
Great job everyone, keep it up!
I'm stalling a bit, but I'm down over 20lbs still in the past 3 months.
Down to about 226-227 lbs (my scale can't seem to decide :X) pretty excellent as I've gotten really bad with exercising, power of dieting and eating smart.


Had already posted a before/after comparison before, but here's an updated one.
Lost 40 from 03/14 to 11/14 (125 to 85Kg, 275/187lbs, left/middle). Had been hovering around 85 since, managed to lose another cple Ks recently, down to 82 this morning (181lbs, right). Losing the last few Ks has been difficult. I do a lot of exercise, but to be honest, I could be a little more strict on the diet if I really wanted to. Got sick of calorie counting. I do eat reasonably healthy, but I'm getting complacent on cheat meals, and non-cheat meals have started to feature a few too many carbs. But I'm happy overall, absolutely enjoy the food I'm eating and I've started to get more enjoyment out of running as well, so it's no challenge at all upholding the new lifestyle. On the contrary even. I find more enjoyment out of food now than I used to when I would pig out on anything I could think of, and I enjoy getting out for a good run.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Another-2lbs this week, which makes 8lbs in the last 3 weeks. I can't remember the last time I had a 10lb monthly loss so fingers crossed. I'm 7lbs away from my goal which will be 6 stone in a year.
Had already posted a before/after comparison before, but here's an updated one.

Lost 40 from 03/14 to 11/14 (125 to 85Kg, 275/187lbs, left/middle). Had been hovering around 85 since, managed to lose another cple Ks recently, down to 82 this morning (181lbs, right). Losing the last few Ks has been difficult. I do a lot of exercise, but to be honest, I could be a little more strict on the diet if I really wanted to. Got sick of calorie counting. I do eat reasonably healthy, but I'm getting complacent on cheat meals, and non-cheat meals have started to feature a few too many carbs. But I'm happy overall, absolutely enjoy the food I'm eating and I've started to get more enjoyment out of running as well, so it's no challenge at all upholding the new lifestyle. On the contrary even. I find more enjoyment out of food now than I used to when I would pig out on anything I could think of, and I enjoy getting out for a good run.
Is it me or does it stop loading after your hair and forehead


Ok long winded and Im gonna drop this bomb and go to sleep because i destroyed my glutes today at the gym.

Hit 230 which was my goal weight. Originally I was going to stop at 250 but I kept going as I was still carrying around more fat than I liked.
Started Jan 1, 2014 @ 430lbs, 6'5", began using MFP last July.

Quick timeline of what I did diet wise:

Jan -- Jul
This was strictly a portion reduction phase alongside removal of junk food. Lost 30lbs

Jul -- March
1500kCal Low Carb, moderate protein(100-130g/day). Essentially a Paleo/Keto mixed diet.
I started 2015 around 285-290 and began slowly upping my calories to 2300 by March.
I had a few fainting spells and general lack of energy. Fixed by adding more food, still low carb.

March - Jul
Hit a stalling point with weight loss(~265). Met up with an old friend, by sheer chance who takes his strength training seriously.
Got started on a pretty advanced, high volume routine along with cardio.
Starting from probably April till now I have moved calories from 2300-3000
Macros are 0.85g/lb protein, 0.5g/lb fat and rest carbs. My carbs are brown rice, quinoa, sweet potato(rare), oatmeal, select fruits

Goal is to get back up to 240 over the course of several(5-6) months while continuing weight training. Reevaluate from there.
Macros are 1g/lb protein, 0.6g/lb fat and rest carbs. Still at 3k but going to try to get it to 3500 over the next few weeks.

Things I think worked for me or wish I had known from the get go:

0) I wish I would have eaten more the whole time. Im pretty certain I accelerated my hair loss/mpb during that middle phase of the diet as well as sacrificed muscle mass.
It would have made the results much slower but healthier

1) Eating higher protein spares you from losing too much lean body mass.
It may even have some effect on preservation of skin elasticity as it allows the body to preserve subcutaneous collagen.
I ate at least 100g/day even when I was at my lowest calories. Based on how

2) Taking progress pictures is highly recommended. You see yourself every day and dont recognize changes. Give it a few months of progress and you dont recognize yourself.

3) You need to do other things than the scale to measure progress. Most people lose sizes in clothes so that is an easy indicator, but otherwise take measurements of your legs, arms, neck, chest...

4) I would crazy recommend exercising. Yes you can totally lose weight without it but you are shedding lean body mass.
Spare your joints when you are starting. Swimming, Cycling, Walking are the top 3.
Once you get to a good place I would super highly duper recommend taking up resistance training.
Many people I have chat with through MFP and Reddit on weightloss have found exercise to be fun and something they do out of pure enjoyment and slight masochism(me).

5) I think you need to use whatever diet you can stick to that works. Food elimination diets are the hardest. You already have issues eating properly, its like going from the frying pan into the fire.
The person who lost 10lbs a year for 5 years did better than the person who lost 100 in 12 months only to gain it back.

6) Starting out with portion control was important. Get a food scale. No you don't have to marry it but it will open your eyes to what you thought a tablespoon of peanut butter or cup of rice was.

7) The real game is mental. You have to accept that the collective outcome of your habits regarding exercise and food are wrong and rebuild from the ground up. The hard part is you have to want it.
Every time it sucks you have to want it more than that or else you fold and end up going backwards. The hardest part is patience. I never felt like I saw results fast enough even when I lost 20lbs a month.
That's a instant gratification thing I had to learn for myself. Trust in the proven process and results follow. Take care of all the little things and the big ones fall into place.

8) Calorie counting is not the bible or the devil. Not all calories are the same but they are close enough. Its just a tool. You start by taking a decent guess with a TDEE calculator and moving around the #'s based on feedback. I would recommend at least portion tracking to anyone.

I don't really have any full body progress pics to share but here are some face gains. Sorry for the creepy recent pic but I get up at 0345 to go to the gym before work and I suck at selfies. Yes i was snorlax at one point


Oh man, this thread is super timely for me.

A few years back, I lost about 75 pounds and mostly maintained it for the past few years. Flash forward to me getting a job in the game industry, and one year later, I've gained 20 pounds back after all the free food and social drinking at work.

It's still super weird (and depressing :|) to me that I managed to let myself go after all that hard work, so seeing everyone's journeys in this thread was the right kick in the ass I needed.

C'mon, don't be depressed. It's 20 pounds. That's literally a few weeks of work to fix.


I don't really have any full body progress pics to share but here are some face gains. Sorry for the creepy recent pic but I get up at 0345 to go to the gym before work and I suck at selfies. Yes i was snorlax at one point
That's a pretty impressive transformation, congrats dude!
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