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New Yorkers make most per hour in U.S.

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Goddamn there must be lots of rich folk here. Most people I know make $15 and under per hour, and that's just the people that I know from school or old jobs or whatever. NYC has tons of McDonald's, Burger Kings, super markets, etc. it takes years if not decades to make it to over $10 in an establishment like that.

And yeah, cost of living is rigoddamnediculous.


goodcow said:

the amount of taxes you have to pay pretty much levels the playing field and these are numbers using 1999-2000 data, taxes have been raised much higher since then.


Per $1,000 of income, New York State residents pay an average of $73 in local taxes, compared to a nationwide average of $43.




What the fuck...that's crazy shit. I make $12.42/hr CANADIAN. And the average American makes $17? I'm getting ripped off over here...
The Average NY american, Alucard. NY costs a hellofafucking lot to live there. 700 rents a really, really shitty apartment in NY, 700 rents like a 1400 sq. ft house in Central Arkansas.


You gotta think, all the rich sumbitches are counted in that too. If they take out salary workers, let's see how much that drops.

I'm stuck at $8 right now. A local taco bell has offered $7 for like a year without upping it at all. Damn goons.

I hear costco pays very good. $15 starting.


Tre said:
The Average NY american, Alucard. NY costs a hellofafucking lot to live there. 700 rents a really, really shitty apartment in NY, 700 rents like a 1400 sq. ft house in Central Arkansas.
700 rents a shitty apartment in Harlem (or further north) maybe. I lucked out getting $1400 350 sq foot "hole" in Chelsea from what I understand. :/
I'm not going to going into much detail in this topic, but I would really love to know where these newspapers and websites get their facts from. I've lived in NYC all my life, and and have quite a few friends and family members here as well. I can't recall anyone who makes $23.10 an hour. Myself included. In my opinion, $23.10 is damn good money in this city. Especially if you can manage to get the average 40 hours of work at that rate. I laugh everytime I read articles like this. Apparently, when they write these articles, they fail to realize that NYC is much bigger than midtown Manhattan, and that of the 8,000,000 people here, very few are doctors or lawyers.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I'm not going to going into much detail in this topic, but I would really love to know where these newspapers and websites get their facts from. I've lived in NYC all my life, and and have quite a few friends and family members here as well. I can't recall anyone who makes $23.10 an hour. Myself included. In my opinion, $23.10 is damn good money in this city. Especially if you can manage to get the average 40 hours of work at that rate. I laugh everytime I read articles like this. Apparently, when they write these articles, they fail to realize that NYC is much bigger than midtown Manhattan, and that of the 8,000,000 people here, very few are doctors or lawyers.<<<

All of my neighbors make low-to-mid six figures, (the guy in the house in front of me pays $132,000 a year in alimony alone) so I guess the average pay in Los Angeles must be $100 an hour... Oh, wait, the people I work for all make high-6 to 8 figures. What's that make the average now? Where's a rolleyes when you need one?
TAJ said:
All of my neighbors make low-to-mid six figures, (the guy in the house in front of me pays $132,000 a year in alimony alone) so I guess the average pay in Los Angeles must be $100 an hour... Oh, wait, the people I work for all make high-6 to 8 figures. What's that make the average now? Where's a rolleyes when you need one?

Like I said, it's not impossible to find a person or group of people who make 6 to 8 figures a year, but the truth of the matter, is that depending on where you live, this is pretty uncommon. Of course the people who live in the Hollywood hills will make more than the people who live in, say, South Central. However, although I'm no mathematician, I'm willing to bet that if they threw "poorer" people into the mix, who make up the majority of people in NYC, they may get a different number. If you were to go apply for almost (almost being the operative word, since some positions are in higher demand than others) any job now in NYC, assuming you don't possess a Master's degree, I can almost guarantee that if you were to get hired, even at an office job, you'd make less than $23.00 an hour. If you want to be technical, many people in NYC work retail jobs, and many of those still pay the $5.15 which is minimum wage. $23.10 an hour translates to about ~$48k a year, which to me is pretty good money. These figures seem pretty bogus to me. Immigrants from other countries (many from poorer countries like India, China, Africa, etc.) make up over 3,000,000 of the 8,000,000 people that reside throughout the 5 boroughs of NYC. I'm sure many of them would love to make $23.10 an hour, but none of them do (at least not any that I know).


What the? Is it really possible to make less than 10 bucks an hour? That`s disgusting.

I live in Norway and I think the lowest you can possibly make per hour here is close to 20 dollars. But I guess we pay more tax, usually around 30%. But still..


23.10 at 40 hours a week and 52 weeks a year makes for $48k a year salary which is comfortable here in the city. I don't think I can name a single person from my childhood through my sophomore year of college that was making that much, and after that it's friends that graduated and started out at like $52k a year with their companiesbut they're salaried employees.

I think $48k is starting salary at my job. We have guys that are clear over it and close to double after a couple of years if they are good, though. The results are pretty skewed by the phenomenally rich people out there, obviously. It's just odd to see such a high number knowing the incredible amounts of people out here that work retail.

Edit: Er... yeah $48 as CorruptionDee had mentioned.


SKluck said:
Is that USD already? Because 20 Krones is $3 USD.

Yes, converted to dollars. The lowest you can make is around 130 kroner per hour I believe. Which is about 18-19 dollars.

I found this quote, it`s in Norwegian though.

"Minstelønn i Norge er omtrent 2,5 ganger så høy som i Amerika."

It says the minimum salary in Norway is about 2.5 times higher than than in america. :/


The only person I know(personally) that makes more than the NYC average was my late father....he worked at verizon, and from working there one summer, i can say they pay pretty good money, though we(me and the other summer hires) were owned because we got paid 7 and change an hour for almost the same work as around 20/hr.


City jobs, of course, are great as well.

A train operator for the MTA starts at $23.85 with benefits.

I get $17 an hour with benefits. (CUNY)


NY'ers might make the most, but to live in this city, or the 5 boroughs will keep your wallet dry. I was speaking to my old recruiter at my last job, and she says that in terms of the National Average of Cost of Living, the national avg, is Las Vegas. They use Las Vegas to base every other city on. Las Vegas is set at 100% for cost of living, anything above that means that it costs more to live in that city, and obviously anything below that means its cheaper to live in that city. So I found out that NYC is 46% more than Las Vegas. No wonder why everyone in NYC is broke.


NY is one of the most expensive places to live in the country (San Francisco and LA being up there as well). Even making roughly $48-49k, you're still not living very well in NYC. To really live well in NYC you have to be making $70+. I remember when I first started looking at some positions in NYC, because I really love the city, and I converted my then salary 5 years ago into what it would be to have the same standard of living in NYC I would have been making 6 figures.
What the? Is it really possible to make less than 10 bucks an hour? That`s disgusting.

I live in Norway and I think the lowest you can possibly make per hour here is close to 20 dollars. But I guess we pay more tax, usually around 30%. But still..

I just had to look this up, since I found it hard to believe that the average burger flipper (or Norwegian equivalent thereof) makes $20 an hour.

Apparantly, the Norwegian minimum wage, unless it's been raised since last year, is around $9.10. Higher than the U.S., but not quite $20 an hour.

Of course, Norway is also one of the most expensive countries in the world:

Pint of domestic beer - $7.30
Hamburger - $6.32
Gallon of gas - $5.46 (roughly)


It doesn't matter if you earn 10 times the amount of someone else, if it costs you 10 times more to live than they do.

(Note for the slow: Dollar figures in article are Canadian)
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