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New Yorkers, Sporting Goods store in Manhattan?

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Anyone know of a good sporting good store in Manhattan? All I know is Paragon, but they are pretty expensive. I'd like to swing by and pick up an ABA style basketball before the nights over. Any recommendations are appreciated.
HELL FUCK YES! Look what I got!!!


Last one at Paragon. I checked out all the other stores you guys mentioned (Thanks by the way), but no one had it!

I've never played basketball before. Well, I did once in highschool and was kicked out of the game. HowevaR ! With NBA street 2 in my life, the basketball light has been lit in my body. I've got a makeshift hoop in the alley behind my house. The concrete's all cut up though, so my ball might get scartched...fuck. Anyway, I can also go to the carmine recreation center to get my game on...then when I have mad skillz I will take my 5/9 frame to "The cage" and wax some serious arse. In a few years, Biff "White choclate" Hardbody will be a legend.

You wanna drink/smoke tonight Biff? Low on money, already in with someone, 3rd makes it even cheaper.

Thanks for the invite, sactown. I appreciate it. I'm having dinner with some others tonight though. BTW, do you post on OA?
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