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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


Greetings sleepless nights GAF. Currently sat waiting for my wife to get the all clear for a cesarian. Pregnancy has gone swimmingly up to this week but we are into Day Four of being sat around in the hospital without barely a wink of sleep, and its got to end up in a cesarian; via a couple of complications and a failed induction.

Tired is an understatement and my wife is in bits after 18 hours of labour and 4 days without sleep while being poked, pulled and injected every 5 minutes, but cannot wait to meet my daughter. Should be within the hour now.
Almost. Baby is having issues latching for breast feeding, but we will get thru this.

Pretty common with first babies, be a good dad and run out and grab her some nipple cream before she starts actually getting sore, by then it's too late and it can put new mums off going the distance.


Junior Member
Watch a movie called "The Business of Being Born". My wife was 200% committed to having a natural birth at home after watching it.
Of course pretty much everything that could have gone wrong did, and we ended up having an emergency C-section but we intend to try it again if/when we get kid #2 (and they let her do VBAC).

Sounds like our experience. If your wife has any interest in joining a homebirth cesarean group, PM me and I can share the info.

On a happier note, baby is now four months old and looking pretty damn cute.



Baby is slowly getting the hang of latching...we have had a lactation nurse visit our home (I didn't even know this service existed), and our pediatrician had an on-site lactation nurse we visited this morning. We'll get there.

It's crazy how much I love this kid already.

And really, thank you so much to everyone in here for the advice and support the last few months.


Latching can be difficult at first. It was our experience, and while frustrating at the time once they get the hang of it the process becomes second nature. Thankfully we got to talk with a few lactation nurses during our five days in the hospital. They were very helpful, and so I am glad you were able to get one sent to your home.

And congrats CrankyJay on the newborn!

Ours was due election day, and given his ten pound girth right now my wife is thankful for his early arrival.


Latching can be difficult at first. It was our experience, and while frustrating at the time once they get the hang of it the process becomes second nature. Thankfully we got to talk with a few lactation nurses during our five days in the hospital. They were very helpful, and so I am glad you were able to get one sent to your home.

And congrats CrankyJay on the newborn!

Ours was due election day, and given his ten pound girth right now my wife is thankful for his early arrival.

Still a process right now...wife is trying to pump some of that milk out. Once she got our 40mL, but twice overnight, almost nothing. She's getting frustrated and engorged and is already thinking about giving up because she's worried baby isn't getting enough. For now we're supplementing with Enfamil newborn formula.

My dog checking in on baby girl...he's very concerned and curious about her.



My 11mo babygirl is mobile now with the help of her radio flyer cart. She packs it full of toys, walks to the other side of the room, unpacks it and then repeats the process. It's so cute to watch.

Is it true that girls develop faster early on than boys ?

My son is almost 15months and he can't walk yet, he can walk around the room holding onto stuff and can stand alone for a little bit before he falls down. He's got a truck he pushes around the room.

It's kind of hard not to get into a pissing contest with other parents when their kids hit milestones before yours do.


I have no idea if that's true. My girl can't even stand without assistance though, she pulls herself up to standing using the furniture and then gets around holding onto that. Has your lad got a walker like the one in my photo? He might be ready to start getting around with one of those.


It's kind of hard not to get into a pissing contest with other parents when their kids hit milestones before yours do.

Yeah. As for development, every kid's different, I haven't seen anything that would make me believe girls develop faster.

We did have a friend whose daughter started speaking before a year, and was stringing together remarkably long sentences before 18 months. It was infuriating as our own daughter decided that speech was of little to importance to her. So while our daughter had the edge on motor skills and coordination she seemed like a mute next to the other kid.


My daughter says "golly golly golly" a lot for some reason, she sounds like an old Indian man. And sometimes she says "mamama" looking at her mum. I think I got a "dadadada" one time but I might have imagined it. :(


Going to be joining this thread soon, my wife is getting to the very pregnant stage and is due in December.

It's our third (other two are 5 and 3...this pregnancy prompted me to get a vasectomy, check out that thread sometime) and we're doing a planned homebirth. After a horrible hospital experience with our first kid, we had a homebirth for the second and it was awesome. So, no rushing to the hospital here, the midwife comes to our house when it's birthing time.


Still a process right now...wife is trying to pump some of that milk out. Once she got our 40mL, but twice overnight, almost nothing. She's getting frustrated and engorged and is already thinking about giving up because she's worried baby isn't getting enough. For now we're supplementing with Enfamil newborn formula.

My dog checking in on baby girl...he's very concerned and curious about her.

It can take weeks before it fully comes in, so don't give up if you want to do things that way.
Yeah. As for development, every kid's different, I haven't seen anything that would make me believe girls develop faster.

We did have a friend whose daughter started speaking before a year, and was stringing together remarkably long sentences before 18 months. It was infuriating as our own daughter decided that speech was of little to importance to her. So while our daughter had the edge on motor skills and coordination she seemed like a mute next to the other kid.

Pretty much this. If you're worried talk to your Pediatrician. No harm in that. Peace of mind.


It can take weeks before it fully comes in, so don't give up if you want to do things that way.

She has good feedings and bad feedings, in which case we just supplement with Enfamil.

Anyone here use gripe water? Thinking of using that to avoid getting a colicky baby.


Going to be joining this thread soon, my wife is getting to the very pregnant stage and is due in December.

It's our third (other two are 5 and 3...this pregnancy prompted me to get a vasectomy, check out that thread sometime) and we're doing a planned homebirth. After a horrible hospital experience with our first kid, we had a homebirth for the second and it was awesome. So, no rushing to the hospital here, the midwife comes to our house when it's birthing time.

Was this in Buffalo? Mind if I ask which hospital you had the bad experience at? Can PM me if that if you want, or not.
7 weeks in. My son has adjusted amazingly well, and even tries to calm his baby sister when she cries. He's a little jealous every now and then, but that's to be expected.

The baby, however....she's been a treat lately. 12.5 lbs. She WILL NOT take a bottle for more than an ounce, then gets pissed off and requires a boob to settle her down. Additionally she will FIGHT to stay awake at night. My wife has to spend nearly an hour (sometimes more) getting her down to sleep, and then pray to some dark god that it sticks.

The up side....she's only awake once, maybe twice a night. I get up and change the diaper, get the boppy for the wife, hand the baby off and then go back to sleep.


Is it true that girls develop faster early on than boys ?

My son is almost 15months and he can't walk yet, he can walk around the room holding onto stuff and can stand alone for a little bit before he falls down. He's got a truck he pushes around the room.

It's kind of hard not to get into a pissing contest with other parents when their kids hit milestones before yours do.

From everything I have heard and seen personally yes. At least in regards to walking.

It is interesting watching my son and his cousin (girl) play. They where born a few weeks apart. She is walking around like crazy but he is much better at fine motor skills. I think he has a larger vocabulary but it might just be me being biased and more used to his "words".

So different... walking though is a major milestone and a pretty big event. Seems like girls do it faster from everyone I know.
From everything I have heard and seen personally yes. At least in regards to walking.

It is interesting watching my son and his cousin (girl) play. They where born a few weeks apart. She is walking around like crazy but he is much better at fine motor skills. I think he has a larger vocabulary but it might just be me being biased and more used to his "words".

So different... walking though is a major milestone and a pretty big event. Seems like girls do it faster from everyone I know.

Not worried about walking he has a toy truck that he pushes around the room. You're probably right about the fine motor skills part though.

A few minutes ago I watched him unlock my iPhone.

If the screen is black had knows to hit the button and then he slides his finger across to unlock it. Does it everytime.


Was this in Buffalo? Mind if I ask which hospital you had the bad experience at? Can PM me if that if you want, or not.

Yeah it was in Buffalo at Sister's Hospital on Main St. right by the 198. The first problem was with the OB (admittedly not the hospital's fault)...she gave birth on Dec. 27th so of course her regular OB was off on holiday. So we get the backup OB who is this 85 year old super old fashioned guy...anyways he went to town on the episiotomy which was honesty the most horrifying thing I've ever watched. He was convinced it was necessary but I can't see how seeing as our daughter was small (7lbs) and two years later our son was born 9 lbs with no tears. So anyways after the baby is born she gets to hold the baby for like 5 minutes, then they take the baby away and the Dr. spends about 45 minutes sewing her up down there (this led to scar tissue by the way and uncomfortable sex for about a year).

So after she's all cleaned up they took the baby away because they said the baby had low blood sugar...we get to our hospital room and the baby's still not there. We ask when we will get to see the baby and they tell us "a little while." An hour later we ask again... "a little while." And they never really give us a good report of what's going on with the baby. Fast forward to SIX HOURS LATER and my wife has till only held the baby for 5 minutes and we're still asking and the nurse is giving us attitude about it...my wife finally bursts into tears, sobbing, because they've been telling us it will just be a little while longer for 6 hours now and have never really given us a good reason why the baby had to be taken away. After the sobbing fit, the nurse finally brings the baby in, acting like she's doing us a favor. We got to keep the baby in the room from that point on.

So, on the blood sugar thing, I can see if they have to take the baby away b/c of health reasons but the annoying part was they kept telling us it would just be a little longer and they never gave us a good update on WHY the baby was being held in the nursery. So that's the hospital story.


Oh we have a thread for this!?

GAF never disappoints..

My daughter was born 4 month ago, preemie, should have been in there 8 more weeks.

It was very dramatic - mother and child almost didn´t make it, but as of now everything is going fine.

Kid develops at the right pace and we have our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Of course we are very afraid of every doctors appointment because we are always scared he "finds something"..

Parenthood - seems stressful so far.

Quoting myself with with a little update. Daughter is now 6 month old (4 month "corrected") and everything is going really great.

Hope it stays that way.



Not worried about walking he has a toy truck that he pushes around the room. You're probably right about the fine motor skills part though.

A few minutes ago I watched him unlock my iPhone.

If the screen is black had knows to hit the button and then he slides his finger across to unlock it. Does it everytime.

Yeah I am a little concerned at how well my little guy can use iOS... Not sure if this is the best thread for it but https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/first-words-deluxe/id337462979?mt=8 is his current obsession. Also loves the Curios George app.

Also, cute overload on this page!
The 8-10 month sleep regression paired with teething sucks. Poor little girl went from sleeping straight through the night to now sleeping 2-3 hour stretches.


Yeah it was in Buffalo at Sister's Hospital on Main St. right by the 198. The first problem was with the OB (admittedly not the hospital's fault)...she gave birth on Dec. 27th so of course her regular OB was off on holiday. So we get the backup OB who is this 85 year old super old fashioned guy...anyways he went to town on the episiotomy which was honesty the most horrifying thing I've ever watched. He was convinced it was necessary but I can't see how seeing as our daughter was small (7lbs) and two years later our son was born 9 lbs with no tears. So anyways after the baby is born she gets to hold the baby for like 5 minutes, then they take the baby away and the Dr. spends about 45 minutes sewing her up down there (this led to scar tissue by the way and uncomfortable sex for about a year).

So after she's all cleaned up they took the baby away because they said the baby had low blood sugar...we get to our hospital room and the baby's still not there. We ask when we will get to see the baby and they tell us "a little while." An hour later we ask again... "a little while." And they never really give us a good report of what's going on with the baby. Fast forward to SIX HOURS LATER and my wife has till only held the baby for 5 minutes and we're still asking and the nurse is giving us attitude about it...my wife finally bursts into tears, sobbing, because they've been telling us it will just be a little while longer for 6 hours now and have never really given us a good reason why the baby had to be taken away. After the sobbing fit, the nurse finally brings the baby in, acting like she's doing us a favor. We got to keep the baby in the room from that point on.

So, on the blood sugar thing, I can see if they have to take the baby away b/c of health reasons but the annoying part was they kept telling us it would just be a little longer and they never gave us a good update on WHY the baby was being held in the nursery. So that's the hospital story.

Wow, sounds awful. Sorry you went thru that. We went to Mercy in South Buffalo.

My wife got an episiotomy as well, I'm glad I didn't watch that, but I did hear it..two or three surgical scissor snips. Ouch...I hope that doesn't lead to sex discomfort for her.

My kid was 7lb15oz...but from what I remember they did it because the baby's heart rate was dropping at that point and they wanted the kid out fast.


I turned my back on bubs for a few minutes today and found her halfway up the staircase! I didn't even know she could climb stairs. I went straight out and bought a security gate and installed it. Just as I finished installing it I turned around and she was standing there watching me without holding onto anything for support, just standing up on her own as though she's been doing it for ages and it was no big deal. It's crazy how fast she's growing up.
I turned my back on bubs for a few minutes today and found her halfway up the staircase! I didn't even know she could climb stairs. I went straight out and bought a security gate and installed it. Just as I finished installing it I turned around and she was standing there watching me without holding onto anything for support, just standing up on her own as though she's been doing it for ages and it was no big deal. It's crazy how fast she's growing up.

Blink and you'll miss it


The cost of formula is wrecking me. What can I do to cut down the cost of this stuff?

Are you buying the pre-mixed or powder?

Also, just got great news. My kid is back up to birth weight + 7oz after 2 weeks...she is thriving. My wife has been a champ with breast feedings every 2-3 hours and pumping...and they took off the umbilical cord.

Also great is that we can start spacing out the feedings so wife can get more rest.

My wife went from sobbing this morning to being so excited when I just talked to her on the phone.
The cost of formula is wrecking me. What can I do to cut down the cost of this stuff?

Costco, the best place for this stuff.

(Not to mention diapers and baby wipes).

Yeah I am a little concerned at how well my little guy can use iOS... Not sure if this is the best thread for it but https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/first-words-deluxe/id337462979?mt=8 is his current obsession. Also loves the Curios George app.

That's an awesome app. He's kind of getting the hang of it. I might have to give him one of our iPods to play with soon if I get an iPad or iPad mini for X-mas.
Ugh. Little one has a cold. Thankfully she slept from midnight to 5 am. Still won't take a bottle and still gets really pissed off when over tired, but I can keep her occupied for 30 minutes now instead of 5, meaning my wife can go pee and then go at least get something to eat.

2 more weeks of leave. This'll be fun.


My 11mo babygirl is mobile now with the help of her radio flyer cart. She packs it full of toys, walks to the other side of the room, unpacks it and then repeats the process. It's so cute to watch.

My 11mo son has a very similar cart, and he does the same thing. Pushes it back and forth across the room. Fills and empties it of toys. I even got him on video doing it.

He started walking the other day though.
We had heard from daycare that he'd taken a step or two, so I was filming him while he was pushing the cart. His mom walked into the room, he said "mama!" and started walking towards here. Cutest thing ever.
Welp, we activated hard mode. My wife, who is 8 weeks along, had her first ultrasound about a week ago and found one baby. Last night we got a second ultrasound and a new challenger appeared. The second baby was hiding during the first ultrasound and the OB didn't see it the first go around. Both babies are doing fine and we are a little shocked that we are having twins. We have a three year old boy and he knows he was going to be a big brother but has no idea he's getting two siblings not just one.

Man it's a bizarre feeling. I was stressing about going back to caring for an infant after the and a half years but now is a whole new ball game. Does anybody here have experience with twins?
Welp, we activated hard mode. My wife, who is 8 weeks along, had her first ultrasound about a week ago and found one baby. Last night we got a second ultrasound and a new challenger appeared. The second baby was hiding during the first ultrasound and the OB didn't see it the first go around. Both babies are doing fine and we are a little shocked that we are having twins. We have a three year old boy and he knows he was going to be a big brother but has no idea he's getting two siblings not just one.

Man it's a bizarre feeling. I was stressing about going back to caring for an infant after the and a half years but now is a whole new ball game. Does anybody here have experience with twins?

I have a friend who had twins this past summer, which makes him a father of three, now. Apparently you just work at it, and don't be shy about a pacifier. Your (and your wifes) sanity comes first.

And buy a minivan. You'll need it, from what I've seen. All will be AOK, rest assured.


Welp, we activated hard mode. My wife, who is 8 weeks along, had her first ultrasound about a week ago and found one baby. Last night we got a second ultrasound and a new challenger appeared. The second baby was hiding during the first ultrasound and the OB didn't see it the first go around. Both babies are doing fine and we are a little shocked that we are having twins. We have a three year old boy and he knows he was going to be a big brother but has no idea he's getting two siblings not just one.

Man it's a bizarre feeling. I was stressing about going back to caring for an infant after the and a half years but now is a whole new ball game. Does anybody here have experience with twins?

Oh man...congrats!

Hari Seldon

My daughter is now 18 months. She is a ton of fun now that she is a lot more interactive.

But anyway, since all she can do is pound on the keyboard randomly, I decided to spend this weekend making a very simple game for her. Basically I made it full screen so she can't get out of it and mess with the computer, but every key on the keyboard opens up an image and optionally plays a sound. So I mapped all the letter keys to images in the alphabet (a = apple, b = ball, etc.) and I plan on mapping the rest to family pictures.
Welp, we activated hard mode. My wife, who is 8 weeks along, had her first ultrasound about a week ago and found one baby. Last night we got a second ultrasound and a new challenger appeared. The second baby was hiding during the first ultrasound and the OB didn't see it the first go around. Both babies are doing fine and we are a little shocked that we are having twins. We have a three year old boy and he knows he was going to be a big brother but has no idea he's getting two siblings not just one.

Man it's a bizarre feeling. I was stressing about going back to caring for an infant after the and a half years but now is a whole new ball game. Does anybody here have experience with twins?

Good Lord, I cannot imagine. A 3 year old and a 3 month old here, and it's a struggle to stay sane. Cannot even fathom twins. Of course, it probably doesn't help that my 3 year old is a ridiculously high maintenance child.
Good Lord, I cannot imagine. A 3 year old and a 3 month old here, and it's a struggle to stay sane. Cannot even fathom twins. Of course, it probably doesn't help that my 3 year old is a ridiculously high maintenance child.

Three year olds are balls to the wall. The father-son bond is super strong, but if we go outside he just runs in circles and climbs his swingset for two hours.

Sleeps all through the night and sometimes lets me sleep in the next morning when that happens. It's why I don't like winter...I'm not going to get to sleep in this winter, either.
I have a friend who had twins this past summer, which makes him a father of three, now. Apparently you just work at it, and don't be shy about a pacifier. Your (and your wifes) sanity comes first.

And buy a minivan. You'll need it, from what I've seen. All will be AOK, rest assured.

Oh man...congrats!

Good Lord, I cannot imagine. A 3 year old and a 3 month old here, and it's a struggle to stay sane. Cannot even fathom twins. Of course, it probably doesn't help that my 3 year old is a ridiculously high maintenance child.
Thanks, guys. The minivan conversation came up when we were driving home last night. We were planning on getting a bigger car but now we definitely need a minivan. My son is great but can be a handful. Typical three year old boy stuff, climbing furniture, running around the house. Thankfully I have a good support system so that is going to help out a lot.
We were planning on getting a bigger car but now we definitely need a minivan.

I'd recommend the Toyota Sienna LE. I bought a used 2011 in the spring. I think Toyota made a ton of them for fleets/rentals/whatever, so you can find them pretty reasonably priced. It has the auto sliding doors, which is a fantastic feature, as well as the stow-and-go back bench seat. The Honda Odyssey looked pretty nice as well, but I couldn't find any newer models with low mileage as reasonably priced as the Toyota Sienna.


Quoting myself with with a little update. Daughter is now 6 month old (4 month "corrected") and everything is going really great.

Hope it stays that way.


She is adorable! Glad everything is going well. We had two premiees as well; my son was born at 29 weeks and daughter at 32. They're 9 and 7 now and you'd have no clue the rough starts both had by looking at them today. My son had years of therapies, but my daughter had no developmental issues at all. The longer they can cook the better.
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