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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

I'd recommend the Toyota Sienna LE. I bought a used 2011 in the spring. I think Toyota made a ton of them for fleets/rentals/whatever, so you can find them pretty reasonably priced. It has the auto sliding doors, which is a fantastic feature, as well as the stow-and-go back bench seat. The Honda Odyssey looked pretty nice as well, but I couldn't find any newer models with low mileage as reasonably priced as the Toyota Sienna.
Cool, thanks for the tip. The Sienna is on the list.
I've been meaning to post some pics, but haven't gone through to pick out which ones I'd want to post here. That said, I just had to post this one that happened last week.


We're terrible parents if you think about why this picture exists.


Deep into his 30th decade
here's a picture I took of our 4 month old. Dr. says he has the weight of a 8 month old and the height of a 6 month. He is huge!
He is trying so hard to talk to us.

I think he is great. Mom is still stressing out, but I guess that is what moms do.


I am almost our wits end with ours. We just returned from Hungary where the little one (5 months) was reasonably good. She would go to sleep at about 8, sleep until about 2/3, have a feed then sleep until about 6/7. The best she's ever slept.

Now we're back home it's terrible! Usually getting off early (7 ish), waking up at 11/12, 2/3 and then up for good at 3/4!

She is up now at 3 with seemingly no chance of getting off again. Any suggestions? I'm borderline crazy, I have enough on my plate with a stressful job without trying to live on 2-3 hours sleep a night!


Other than a different routine during your trip, has she started teething? Our five month old has been a miserable little thing recently, crying and complaining and refusing to sleep well. You'd think after one kid before we'd clue in a little faster, but the teeth didn't pop through until the other day.

I'm not one to pump my kid full of stuff but some Tylenol before bed does wonders. I wouldn't do it unless you know she's teething, though.

Some recent pictures. Curious:


And reading GAF:



Yeah, she's teething I guess as she chewing everything in site, drooling and frothing like a dog with rabies and her cheeks are red. I thought she may have been teething before we went to Hungary but maybe it's worse.

She is sleeping now, she has started rolling over to sleep on her stomach, she's only done this in the past few days as well. She's been rolling over for a while but not to sleep.
Yeah, she's teething I guess as she chewing everything in site, drooling and frothing like a dog with rabies and her cheeks are red. I thought she may have been teething before we went to Hungary but maybe it's worse.

She is sleeping now, she has started rolling over to sleep on her stomach, she's only done this in the past few days as well. She's been rolling over for a while but not to sleep.
We liked the Lil' Teethers brand teething gel. It worked pretty well to help soothe my son's gums when he was teething.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Is it true that girls develop faster early on than boys ?

My son is almost 15months and he can't walk yet, he can walk around the room holding onto stuff and can stand alone for a little bit before he falls down. He's got a truck he pushes around the room.

It's kind of hard not to get into a pissing contest with other parents when their kids hit milestones before yours do.
All babies are different. My 17 month old is running around the place, but still hardly speaks any words.


My daughter is 2 weeks old as of tomorrow. She is wonderful. Had a bit of jaundice at the start which has now cleared, but other than that she seems a healthy and happy baby.

She is feeding well but is on something of a growth spurt at the moment! Some of the sleepless nights have been tough, though. She wakes for a feed anywhere between 2 and 4 hours apart. The nights where she sleeps 4 hours are fine, but the 2 gaps are a bit harder to manage! In addition, she seems to be becoming more awake and alert now, and we are finding it harder to put her back down to sleep, so feeds blend into one another through the night and we can be several hours at a time waiting for her to get back to sleep. I take it this is all part of the normal fun of a new born!


Yeah, she has an awesome head of hair already. My wife had to stay in hospital for several days after the birth and had numerous visits from the midwives who wanted to see "the one with all the hair", heh.
Any dads here going through the "daddy phase" with their babies ? And getting some jealousy from the wife ?

My son seems to prefer me over mom whenever I am home, he'll scream if I leave the room for a bit sometimes. Naturally she is jealous since she's home with him all day.


Any dads here going through the "daddy phase" with their babies ? And getting some jealousy from the wife ?

My son seems to prefer me over mom whenever I am home, he'll scream if I leave the room for a bit sometimes. Naturally she is jealous since she's home with him all day.
Yes, exactly the same with my 17mo daughter. She often screams to have me take care of her rather than her mom. Of course I'm all like "you're imagining things" but I'm secretly super happy about it *glee*
I always thought this was a "girl prefers their dad" case but I guess maybe not if you have the same from your boy.

Any dads here going through the "daddy phase" with their babies ? And getting some jealousy from the wife ?

My son seems to prefer me over mom whenever I am home, he'll scream if I leave the room for a bit sometimes. Naturally she is jealous since she's home with him all day.
Its the opposite for me. My son will sometimes flat out refuse my help. One time he asked my wife for milk and I got up to grab it. When I handed it to him he wouldn't take it from my hand and told me, "Mommy has to do it."

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Woah, so crazy to check up on this thread. I started this thread the day after my baby was born, she is going to be 6 months old this Sunday! Absolutely crazy. Time has gone so fast.

I'm thankful for my two beautiful awesome awesome girls!



Did anyone here end up getting their wives or girlfriends a gift to signify the birth of your child? I'm looking for ideas...jewelry or some other keepsake.

Any ideas?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Did anyone here end up getting their wives or girlfriends a gift to signify the birth of your child? I'm looking for ideas...jewelry or some other keepsake.

Any ideas?

Don't do it. Really. You got a son or daughter or something, and no amount of jewellery or anything else can possible measure up to it. So don't even try.


Don't do it. Really. You got a son or daughter or something, and no amount of jewellery or anything else can possible measure up to it. So don't even try.

Push rock? I got my wife a Meteor (materia) necklace from the Square Enix website. We're nerds.

Was thinking something simple like a bracelet or necklace with my daughter's birthstone, nothing super expensive, just something to commemorate the occasion.


Opinions on pacifiers?

We just gave in yesterday after seven weeks and plugged one in my boy's face after a particularly fussy day. He became a perfectly content stone buddha.
Opinions on pacifiers?

We just gave in yesterday after seven weeks and plugged one in my boy's face after a particularly fussy day. He became a perfectly content stone buddha.

We tried to avoid it and did so successfully. Avoid it if you can but I can totally understand if it's the only thing that will make them happy. Just be strong when you try to ween them off it later.


Did anyone here end up getting their wives or girlfriends a gift to signify the birth of your child? I'm looking for ideas...jewelry or some other keepsake.

Any ideas?

I got the Trinity from Cartier for my girlfriend. Pretty common gift here in Germany - 3 rings as a symbol for you two and the little one.


She is adorable! Glad everything is going well. We had two premiees as well; my son was born at 29 weeks and daughter at 32. They're 9 and 7 now and you'd have no clue the rough starts both had by looking at them today. My son had years of therapies, but my daughter had no developmental issues at all. The longer they can cook the better.

Thank you! I hear girls are usually tougher. I´m still really scared every time we go to the doctor.


Opinions on pacifiers?

We just gave in yesterday after seven weeks and plugged one in my boy's face after a particularly fussy day. He became a perfectly content stone buddha.

The hospital sent us home with a couple of vanilla scented ones. They smell great. My kid usually spits it out after 30 seconds, which is good I guess. Would rather not get her addicted if we don't have to.
Help him find his thumb would be better in my opinion.

Nah, you can't take the thumb away when it's time to ditch it. Pacifiers are fine imo as long as you're disciplined about ending it at a certain age. Our Ped. told us what age but I forget now. 2 1/2? My daughter was pretty addicted to them, especially at night but it wasn't too bad when we took them away, not nearly as bad as we were expecting, at least.


Thanks for the advice guys.

We've been able to use the pacifier selectively so far. Ten minutes on two seperate occasions yesterday and twenty minutes once the day before. Not bad. Could be worse. Could be better.


Junior Member
Did anyone here end up getting their wives or girlfriends a gift to signify the birth of your child? I'm looking for ideas...jewelry or some other keepsake.

Any ideas?

Gary got me two necklaces (bonus necklace for epic labor). Sure, nothing compares to getting a baby, but they mean a lot to me and I love the idea of someday passing them down to our daughter. I'd post mine but it's really specific/personal to us so it won't be much help.

This style is really popular with new moms: http://www.thevintagepearl.com/ You can find lots in similar styles on etsy.


Deadlast we have the same play centre thing, that one in your pic with the slide and the red door and the telephone bit. They're great, bubs loves it!

Did anyone here end up getting their wives or girlfriends a gift to signify the birth of your child?

Yep, a pram. But I let her pick whichever one she wanted.

Opinions on pacifiers?

We just gave in yesterday after seven weeks and plugged one in my boy's face after a particularly fussy day. He became a perfectly content stone buddha.

We used one once after she wouldn't settle after she had immunisation shots, she fell asleep immediately after putting it in her mouth and then we took it back out and she's never used it again since. I see some mums use their babys mouths as a pacifier storage device but they aren't for us.


Ugh, baby just had a full meltdown during bathtime. So frazzled now.

Last two baths went great. Not sure if she as hungry or if the water was too warm...we have this rubber ducky with a heat indicator on the bottom and it...but I'm not exactly sure how to read it. Anyone else have one of these?

She's calm down, swaddled up and has a pacifier.


Ugh, baby just had a full meltdown during bathtime. So frazzled now.

Last two baths went great. Not sure if she as hungry or if the water was too warm...we have this rubber ducky with a heat indicator on the bottom and it...but I'm not exactly sure how to read it. Anyone else have one of these?

She's calm down, swaddled up and has a pacifier.

Strangest thing ... We bathed our baby everyday for months and then one day she suddenly started hysterically crying when we did. Like for 10 minutes after ahe was crying like a stressed cry.

We tried all sorts of things to figure it out. Room temp, procedure etc. we figured out that it was related to her head, like she would cry when we put her head in water. So we stopped that. But then she cried when we took her out of the bath and her head lay on a towel. We thought it was the slight roughness of the towel maybe? Changed towels and all was mostly ok, like she started frowning but we could distract her into not crying.

Then she stopped crying after about a week of anguish. We never REALLY knew what caused it and we probably never will. Maybe t was a phase. Maybe it was something we thought and we fixed it. Maybe it was something like she had a sensitive spot on her head and it went away. Who knows.

Right now, she is going through a phase of hating sleep at night. Maybe she's not fully fed, maybe she's too tired. Maybe she's not tired enough. Maybe she's too hot. Maybe shes teething. She's apparently fine during the day. Trying to figure it all out is the norm. Toughest part is that it's always a moving target.


Ugh, baby has been super fussy lately...she's 3 weeks now, and tends to scream her head off every 2-3 hours...we're thinking she's going through a growth spurt and is hungry. Does this sound right?

We're paranoid she has a fever, but she's eating voraciously, so we're leaning towards the growth spurt thing. She used to be such an easy baby but now she's hard to calm down.


Yep, growth spurts come in the 3s, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months ( then 6, 9, 12 months). My little guy would nurse constantly during these times, it was tough on my wife.


Probably growth spurt. Colic also starts around that age, if you're so lucky (we were with our first).

Hopefully it's not colic.


Probably growth spurt. Colic also starts around that age, if you're so lucky (we were with our first).

Hopefully it's not colic.

If it were colic wouldn't she be screaming around the clock? This is just happening like every 2-3 hours. She seems pretty calm after feedings.


If it were colic wouldn't she be screaming around the clock? This is just happening like every 2-3 hours. She seems pretty calm after feedings.

I guess that's true.

To be honest I remember very little of that time, just that there was lots of crying, endless crying.
My son is 3 months old now and he has grown so much. He is in the 86th percentile in weight and 75th in height. We dressed him up for Thanksgiving and he gave a look that made him look like a baby Chris Farley. Kept thinking about that Chris Farley reincarnated meme. Dad-in-law & I thought it was hilarious. The wife and grandma, not so much.


When your kid had colic, did you ever try gripe water?

Several varieties and homemade - my guess is that the older, completely inappropriate stuff (with alcohol) was likely far more effective than what's on shelves now.

I think most of it is literally water with some herbal extracts (chicory, fennel, etc) and baking soda. We never had any luck with it.


Ugh, baby just had a full meltdown during bathtime. So frazzled now.

Last two baths went great. Not sure if she as hungry or if the water was too warm...we have this rubber ducky with a heat indicator on the bottom and it...but I'm not exactly sure how to read it. Anyone else have one of these?

She's calm down, swaddled up and has a pacifier.

I had one of those random meltdowns one time with ours. All I could figure that happened was she was playing and slapping the water and a drop went down the wrong pipe and drowning instincts took over. It was bad.


We're moving into a new apartment this weekend and our 23 month old is going to have his own room. I'm looking forward to getting our own bedroom again, but not looking forward to getting him used to sleeping in his own room. Anyone go through this?
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