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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


Happy fathers day early baby gaf!

Kids are so unbelievable. gives a new perspective on life. If I knew how to post image without hot linking from an iPad, would do so of our 4 year old. Feel free to pm if want.

Otherwise- life is so short. Hug your kid at least daily!


A couple of pics of my son


This was his first time on a toddler swing and he loved the hell out of it.


This was after he had Spaghetti for dinner.

Beautiful child


This thread got me poking back through the photos we've taken of our daughter since she was born - there are a few of them (3,354 to be precise).

We've slowed way down on taking pictures since the first year, which is kind of sad, and I know a lot of people tend to slow down further for the second kid. But I'd like to have just as detailed a visual record of him/her growing up.

Six pounds ten ounces.


Three months-ish. Still not sure what this expression is, other than 'what the heck.'


About a year. Hooray for magic erasers! And washable crayons/markers/everything.


26 months now. It's going to be weird having another one in a couple of weeks as I know I'll be surprised - again - by how small a newborn is due to how much my daughter has grown. But I'm excited.



So today was my wife's second sonogram. I'm invited along. I ask her if it was at the same place we got the first one. Yeah yeah. Get there, wait 15 minutes when I realize she's late. I call..."Where are you?" she says.

Um, I'm waiting here for you to show up.

"I'm inside"

I don't see your car.

"Where are you? Are you at that place on Maple Rd?"

Yes, that's where you told me the appointment was.

"No, I'm at my OBGYN on Transit"

I've never been there before, how am I supposed to know where that is?

LOL, I ended up missing the appointment (it was 25 minutes across town) so I was a bit disappointed. Baby is all fine tho. Is it common for pregnant women to mess up directions or instructions or words? I'm finding this the case with her more and more.
We're at DEFCON 2. 38 weeks yesterday. A forum for mothers with July due dates that Leah is on is already posting lots of photos of early babies. We are as ready as we can be. This is the worst part, the waiting! It could come RIGHT NOW, or it could be a whole other month. WHY U DO THIS TO ME NATURE?


We're at DEFCON 2. 38 weeks yesterday. A forum for mothers with July due dates that Leah is on is already posting lots of photos of early babies. We are as ready as we can be. This is the worst part, the waiting! It could come RIGHT NOW, or it could be a whole other month. WHY U DO THIS TO ME NATURE?

Yeah the waiting is the worst part. Although I find the concept of designer births disgusting a small part of me can understand why someone would want to schedule that.

We're exactly one week off the due date now, and it's our second...which generally arrive early. So any day now.


So proud of my ten and a half-month old, Joash.





This series my wife put together absolutely cracks me up. He totally had watermelon all wrong, and his friend was eating like a champ.



Cute kid, DGRE. My daughter did the same thing with watermelon the first time to and kept making faces at how bitter the rind was.

Just got back from the hospital - we've got our second one five days early as of 9:30 this morning. My girlfriend had been having contractions since last night, but they were so infrequent and it took so long last time that we didn't expect anything until later today at the earliest.

Instead, we got to the hospital about 20 minutes before giving birth, no doctor and completely natural (she was hoping for another epidural although given how short this one was it didn't really matter anyway).

With a two year old I'd forgotten how small newborns are. And she was even a pound more than her sister was at birth.


And for just over two years old she was surprisingly good in the delivery room - helped in no small part by it being so damn quick.

The doctor also commented at how nice the placenta looked, twice, almost as if she was expecting me to ask if it could be wrapped up to go for some placenta tacos or stew.
I'm not going to get myself a baby, but I just wanted to stop by to say good luck and thank you to those of you who are trying to raise a decent future generation of humans!


My son who is also our first child, was born on 14th May via C-section. He is growing well and the mother is doing great as well. Glad everything went smoothly. I was pretty nervous during the surgery but had my cousin perform the surgery so that helped. We haven't really been victims to the typical sleepless nights as our baby has not been colic so far (knock on wood!) He has the most wonderful smiles and we are just in love with him and his leg kicks and Cooing. Babies are awesome! Really does change you when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time.


In other news, I saw this in action at a baby store today, totally amazing!


How was it? Did it open and close quick enough for your liking and did it steer well?

I posted about it a few pages back but they aren't available anywhere in Australia to demo and they don't have a capsule option for newborns otherwise I may very well have imported one instead of getting a Bugaboo Chameleon. That way I would have got myself a new geek gadget and saved myself some cash in the process. I still might get one in the future, I love the idea of it.


Great pics everyone, I love it.

One piece of advice from me on sleeping: Make sure she gets all her eating done during the day! This was the advice our pediatrician gave us and it worked with our first and now our second. She eats from around 6am to 11pm. Wake her if you need to, every 2 hours (or more if she wants). Get all those calories in then and she sleeps a good 6 hours between 11 and 5 or 6am.

My 2nd is now 6 weeks old:


Ok here is my six month old (and my wife) at different stages. Her name is Ravyn. She was born 5.7 lbs and we took her home at 5 pounds exactly. She is now 14 pounds and can sit up on her own without her hands to support her.

How was it? Did it open and close quick enough for your liking and did it steer well?

I posted about it a few pages back but they aren't available anywhere in Australia to demo and they don't have a capsule option for newborns otherwise I may very well have imported one instead of getting a Bugaboo Chameleon. That way I would have got myself a new geek gadget and saved myself some cash in the process. I still might get one in the future, I love the idea of it.
The automated opening and closing is a real mind-blower the first time you see it but even the guy in the store said it was way too heavy to be very practical. Also apparently the fact that it charges itself from the motion of being pushed means there's additional resistance which maybe makes pushing it more of a pain. I couldn't confirm this though. Also it's only good for about two years apparently as it has a relatively low max weight.

I think it's a vanity piece to show off to other moms and dads for people who have money to burn.
7 months now. My upcoming daughter's older brother is beaming to meet her. We've got all rooms prepped, my wife is done teaching for the summer and we're ready to roll.

Now just keeping fingers crossed for post-delivery awesomeness.

This is my recommendation for the best surprise we found for a stroller solution:


It's really inexpensive, super light, highly maneuverable with a great turning radius, folds really easy, compact to fit in a trunk, has a ton of room in the bottom basket, and even has cup holders.

We actually bought one of those more all in one travel solutions from Graco before that but the thing was just so big and heavy that we ended up returning it. It was what we had our minds and heart set on when we found out we got pregnant since they looked so functional with so many features. But what we learned in the end is, it doesn't matter what the guy can handle, it's more about how easy and light it is for the mommy to handle, especially when dealing with a baby.

It was one of the best unexpected things that we found out was better for us during the first year. We've moved on from it, but I have trouble recommending super big and fancy stroller setups for first time parents for the first year of life now.
This is my recommendation for the best surprise we found for a stroller solution:


It's really inexpensive, super light, highly maneuverable with a great turning radius, folds really easy, compact to fit in a trunk, has a ton of room in the bottom basket, and even has cup holders.

Storage in a stroller is HUGE, babies need a ton of crap, diapers, bottles, extra clothes, changing towels, wipes etc etc etc. If I had to do it all over again that would be one of my top requirements in a stroller. My MIL got us a Bugaboo Frog, so overrated. It's just a status symbol.


My son is going on 1 year in June and up until very recently he was great at sleeping, rocked to sleep in 5 minutes and then usually 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Just recently though he has become really difficult to get to sleep, he is still wide awake at midnight and does not want to fall asleep for anything. I think that now he is crawling and climbing everywhere he is too excited to just give up and go to sleep.

Kinda same here. My daughter slept like a rock for the first year but I think energy and teeth are starting to mess with that. She's just screw around in her bed for a couple hours before conking out. Sometimes she cries too. you just have to keep being patient I guess. Once asleep though she'll only wake up once, cry for ten seconds and the conk out again.
Storage in a stroller is HUGE, babies need a ton of crap, diapers, bottles, extra clothes, changing towels, wipes etc etc etc. If I had to do it all over again that would be one of my top requirements in a stroller. My MIL got us a Bugaboo Frog, so overrated. It's just a status symbol.

Yep! That stroller frame is only like $65 too. Between the diaper bag and the basket there, we had plenty of storage space. Heck so much that when shopping at the store, we'd use it as a shopping cart too since we had plenty of space. Loved that thing.


The automated opening and closing is a real mind-blower the first time you see it but even the guy in the store said it was way too heavy to be very practical. Also apparently the fact that it charges itself from the motion of being pushed means there's additional resistance which maybe makes pushing it more of a pain. I couldn't confirm this though. Also it's only good for about two years apparently as it has a relatively low max weight.

I think it's a vanity piece to show off to other moms and dads for people who have money to burn.

Thanks for the extra info Gary, the fact it's heavy has totally put me off it, my missus isn't exactly She-Hulk.


Our little girl came last Thurs! I apologize for the pic sizes if they're huge - posting via phone so I can't edit them.




Evey Shea is already a total sweetheart and loves to cuddle on our chests. <3


Congrats on the baby girl!!

Storage in a stroller is HUGE, babies need a ton of crap, diapers, bottles, extra clothes, changing towels, wipes etc etc etc. If I had to do it all over again that would be one of my top requirements in a stroller. My MIL got us a Bugaboo Frog, so overrated. It's just a status symbol.

You must be old-school, the Frog was superseded by the Chameleon about 7 years ago and the new Chameleon is awesome. Plenty of storage space underneath and the big wheels and suspension make it heaps nicer to push around than any of the other models we tried apart from maybe the Stokke Xplory.
Congrats on the baby girl!!

You must be old-school, the Frog was superseded by the Chameleon about 7 years ago and the new Chameleon is awesome. Plenty of storage space underneath and the big wheels and suspension make it heaps nicer to push around than any of the other models we tried apart from maybe the Stokke Xplory.

Yeah, it was about 7 years ago. The reason I didn't like the Frog was because you had to take it apart to go anywhere. I guess they'd be OK in the city where you just park the thing by the door of your apartment but I had to take it apart, fold it up, put it in the car, rinse and repeat multiple times a day.

Either way, it certainly wasn't worth the money that my admittedly shallow and crazy MIL paid for it.
uhh. I had to turn that off. Can't see why you would do that to a baby :(

Why pierce her ears at such a young age? Let her pierce them when she's older and actually wants them. Seems like it's just so you can take 'dress up' to the next level.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was wondering this. I didn't want to say anything since everyone has a right to raise their kid the way they want, but I'm not sure I understand the reason for doing this.

Tapiozona - Love your avatar =)
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