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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was wondering this. I didn't want to say anything since everyone has a right to raise their kid the way they want, but I'm not sure I understand the reason for doing this.

Tapiozona - Love your avatar =)
I honestly had no idea some people would have issues with this. It's normal where I'm from. I didn't really care if she had them either way. No twisted reasoning.
I honestly had no idea some people would have issues with this. It's normal where I'm from. I didn't really care if she had them either way. No twisted reasoning.

I figured it was a cultural thing so that's why I didn't object outright. Like I said before, I think everyone has a right to raise their kid the way they feel is right and among their cultural beliefs. Where are you from BTW?
I figured it was a cultural thing so that's why I didn't object outright. Like I said before, I think everyone has a right to raise their kid the way they feel is right and among their cultural beliefs. Where are you from BTW?
Southern California. I see babies all the time with their ears pierced. The store policy was as long as the baby has her tetanus shots but there was no age limit. The woman who pierced them even said she pierces babies ears all the time and has been doing it for three years.

Off the top of my head, I have a friend with a 3 year old who got pierced at 6 months, my wife was pierced at 4 months I believe, her cousin pierced her baby's ears when we saw her in Kansas at 8 months, my cousin has a 7 month old who is pierced, one of our birthing class-mates has her baby pierced and I have a coworker who's almost 1 year old is pierced. None of these people know each other outside of me or my wife so it's not a group thing.

It's really strange to me that people here have an issue with it.
Why pierce her ears at such a young age? Let her pierce them when she's older and actually wants them. Seems like it's just so you can take 'dress up' to the next level.
It's a very thing Hispanic thing to do. My little sister got her ears pierced as an infant as well, so did my stepmom and her sisters. It's a weird tradition but it's done. If I ever have a daughter I don't think I'd have it done until she is much older and only if she wants.
Southern California. I see babies all the time with their ears pierced. The store policy was as long as the baby has her tetanus shots but there was no age limit. The woman who pierced them even said she pierces babies ears all the time and has been doing it for three years.

Off the top of my head, I have a friend with a 3 year old who got pierced at 6 months, my wife was pierced at 4 months I believe, her cousin pierced her baby's ears when we saw her in Kansas at 8 months, my cousin has a 7 month old who is pierced, one of pur birthing class-mates has her baby pierced and I have a coworker who's almost 1 year old is pierced. None of these people know each other outside of me or my wife so it's not a group thing.

Oh SoCal... no wonder...
j/k, Bay Area here.

I'm not saying I don't see it, I just never understood the cultural reasoning for it. I seem to see it more common among certain ethnic backgrounds than others from just a casual observation. Like, I don't see Asians doing it very often but seems more common among Hispanics.


My mum is Dutch and she and her sisters had their ears pierced as babies, but my babygirl is 7 months now and I can't even imagine taking her to get her ears pierced.


In her Captains Chair

6 months - the smiles are non stop

1 year - the girlification begins
Cute! My bubs was too fat for her bumbo at 6 months. It squeezed too tight on her chunky thighs lol.

Heh mine didn't last too long either but it's because she was tall by the time it was ok to use for her. She would straighten her body and legs and pretty much pop right out of it.

Speaking of tall, anyone find that the clothing size in months being pretty much meaningless to them? My girl is barely 14 months and she's already moving past the 12-18 month clothes.


Alright I was holding out but I can't help it anymore, she just turned 4 months and I had daddy day care duty today. She loves the high chair...

Alright I was holding out but I can't help it anymore, she just turned 4 months and I had daddy day care duty today. She loves the high chair...

We almost bought that exact toy but figured the handle was too large for her to grasp. We found another one that's the same but without the huge beads on it.


Heh mine didn't last too long either but it's because she was tall by the time it was ok to use for her. She would straighten her body and legs and pretty much pop right out of it.

Speaking of tall, anyone find that the clothing size in months being pretty much meaningless to them? My girl is barely 14 months and she's already moving past the 12-18 month clothes.

Yep that's so true, at 6 months the doc said bubba was in the upper 95% for height and weight and we have a stack of baby clothes that were either never worn or only worn once because she just blasted past that size.


Yep that's so true, at 6 months the doc said bubba was in the upper 95% for height and weight and we have a stack of baby clothes that were either never worn or only worn once because she just blasted past that size.

Yeah ours is 4 months old, 98 percentile in height, she wears the 6-9 month clothing. We had so much she couldn't wear. She actually fits in 9 month stuff, it's a tad too long, but it's still crazy.
Baby Einstein is the bomb. That toy put my son in such a trance I was a little worried.

Heh ya, in the car, I just hear song after song being played. Then there will be silence, and I think she might have fallen asleep, but then you hear a song start again and it's like nope, still awake =)
Alright I was holding out but I can't help it anymore, she just turned 4 months and I had daddy day care duty today. She loves the high chair...

Goddamn she's adorable.

That picture reminded me of something, when you're buying a high chair make sure you get one that's easy to clean. They can get pretty gross, get one that you can put right in the shower. Trust me on this.


So funny thing about all the baby stuff that plays music.

I'm a whistler, a subconscious whistler, I already drive people crazy without realizing it.

Ever since she was about 2 - 3 months old and has been playing with the "jingle" toys, I've reached a new level of obnoxious. Those freaking tunes get so stuck in my crazy whistling mind I'm surprised I have not been shot yet.

The baby einstein music thing is difficult for them to grasp, she knows how to operate all her music playing toys with her hands, but that one she usually just bites and mauls and it eventually hits the music button.


Well I never....

Didn,t know there was this thread. I guess you could add me as a member.

Our daughter arrived 6 weeks ago, it was stressful and tough. It,s funny, stuff happens in thhe middle of the night, while you're super stressed, no sleep, and the doctors make you sign stuff. They say it's your choice, but at the time, they give you two minutes to make a decision, and who's going to argue against professional advice? Doesn't feel like much of a choice.

But all's well that ends well, and we're all safe and sound. Working through a different kind of tough time, but it's probably all pretty standard.

Congrats to all recent arrivals. The best thing ever is to know that others are going through it too. A multitude of different opinions is refreshing (but also stressing), so long as you get to pick and choose what you like best.
Well I never....

Didn,t know there was this thread. I guess you could add me as a member.

Our daughter arrived 6 weeks ago, it was stressful and tough. It,s funny, stuff happens in thhe middle of the night, while you're super stressed, no sleep, and the doctors make you sign stuff. They say it's your choice, but at the time, they give you two minutes to make a decision, and who's going to argue against professional advice? Doesn't feel like much of a choice.

But all's well that ends well, and we're all safe and sound. Working through a different kind of tough time, but it's probably all pretty standard.

Congrats to all recent arrivals. The best thing ever is to know that others are going through it too. A multitude of different opinions is refreshing (but also stressing), so long as you get to pick and choose what you like best.
My wife had white coat hypertension. She had anxiety over getting her blood pressure taken. The doctors were scared that she had PE because of her high blood pressure and didn't believe in white coat syndrome. They wanted to give her something for possible PE, my wife declined and all of a sudden they acted like they were happy about that. They actually said that she made the right decision. I was baffled.


Heh mine didn't last too long either but it's because she was tall by the time it was ok to use for her. She would straighten her body and legs and pretty much pop right out of it.

Speaking of tall, anyone find that the clothing size in months being pretty much meaningless to them? My girl is barely 14 months and she's already moving past the 12-18 month clothes.

Ya, my son is under 4 months and he's almost outgrown 9 month clothing. He's a big boy though. I think it does hold some weight though. Our friends who loaned us a lot of clothing early on have kids who's clothing sizes fit exactly to her age. Sucks now though because our son caught up to theirs even with the 5-6 month difference so no free clothing.

On another note, anyone notice the drastic change in their child in the 3rd month? The first few months were for a lack of better words, disappointing. I expected all the baby stuff you see in commercials and TV. Laughing, kicking, cooing, playing, etc. All I got was crying, sleeping, and looking at everything other than me.
All of a sudden after 3 months and especially now that we're approaching 4 months, he's like a completely different child. He's super interactive and loves experiencing new things. This is what I imagined having an infant to be like. It's awesome (minus the fact that he still gets up infinity times a night).
On another note, anyone notice the drastic change in their child in the 3rd month? The first few months were for a lack of better words, disappointing. I expected all the baby stuff you see in commercials and TV. Laughing, kicking, cooing, playing, etc. All I got was crying, sleeping, and looking at everything other than me.
All of a sudden after 3 months and especially now that we're approaching 4 months, he's like a completely different child. He's super interactive and loves experiencing new things. This is what I imagined having an infant to be like. It's awesome (minus the fact that he still gets up infinity times a night).

There's a joke out there that this happens due to evolution and the survival of the species. Just when the parents are at their wits end (due to 3 months of crying, puking, poop, and sleepless nights) the baby looks you in the eye and starts cooing and laughing. It's magical. Any anxiety you may have had as a parent washes away and it's a clean slate from there on!

That moment with each of my children is etched in my mind. It hits pretty hard and is wonderful to experience.


shitting in the alley outside your window
we're just over 2 weeks in now and it has been awesome. for all the stressful times there are so many more great moments just holding your kid and watching all of his crazy facial expressions. sleeping wise, i was prepared for the worst, but he's only been waking us up 3 or 4 times a night, i hope that keeps up!


We've got three kids, first two were girls, youngest was born last August, finally a boy. He's awesome, and we named him Hudson. Game over man.... game over! :D

I'll post a pic later, sitting in the airport right now, have a flight home to catch.


Just realized I've not posted pictures of my daughter here yet. She's almost 8 months old now, and the calmest baby I've ever seen. She doesn't fuss that much (only when hungry or tired), sleeps through the night, and has been great on the couple flights my wife and I have taken her on (including a 14+ hour one to New Zealand). Waiting for the other shoe to drop on that.

She started sitting up on her own without the help of the Bumbo seat a few weeks ago and she'll occasionally wave or try to clap. Yes her ears are pierced (happened while I was out of the country on business so I couldn't protest).

Newly born



Her first try at solid foods (Gerber carrots)


Sitting up, and nerding up


She wakes up happy

You should be! So lovely. Congrats! :)
Have you said what you are having? Do you know?

Just realized I've not posted pictures of my daughter here yet. She's almost 8 months old now, and the calmest baby I've ever seen. She doesn't fuss that much (only when hungry or tired), sleeps through the night, and has been great on the couple flights my wife and I have taken her on (including a 14+ hour one to New Zealand). Waiting for the other shoe to drop on that.

She started sitting up on her own without the help of the Bumbo seat a few weeks ago and she'll occasionally wave or try to clap. Yes her ears are pierced (happened while I was out of the country on business so I couldn't protest).

Newly born



Her first try at solid foods (Gerber carrots)


Sitting up, and nerding up


She wakes up happy

Bald just like mine. We got some bald headed ass babies dude! lol

Mine just started to sit up without assistance about two or three weeks ago. She doesn't clap. She just started grabbing. Before she used her feet to interact with objects. I called her my little soccer player.


So many cute kids here.

It's been five days now - hospital discharge was about 20 hours after birth, a couple of days less than last time. Especially interesting from the quick delivery is the bloodshot eye my daughter has, and apparently it will last for some time.

She has no birth marks at all unlike her sister, however, who had stork bites and a massive birthmark right between her ass cheek and crotch, where hopefully no one else will see it until well into her teens.

Also weird having a baby with hair, as our first was quite bald.


Sisters getting along (sometimes):

We just had our baby boy last week. Little Grayson has been awesome so far. He wakes up about every 2 - 3 hours but that is starting to stretch a little further every night it seems. He hardly cries unless he is past feeding time or messed himself and we couldn't be happier. It is crazy surreal seeing him at times, we find ourselves thinking WOW we have a son! lol



Clothed, sober, cooperative
FORMULA: if you ever have trouble with feeding, give the fucker some formula. It will not hurt him or her and it will help you both. Stick to breast milk as much as you can but do not be fooled by modern parenting into thinking forumla is poison. It's nutrition and your kind will live to be 80+ which is three times longer than our caveman organic ancestors stuck with meager breatsmilk that wasn't flowing.
My son will be 4 months on the 1st. Weird how time flies when you're a parent. Having a kid has definitely brought me and my girlfriend closer together. Couldn't imagine a more perfect life right now. His name is Owen and right now he weighs 16 lbs and is 25(?) Inches long. Yes hes big lol. Weird considering I'm so short lol(5'5) but my extended family is tall and so is my g/f's family so he will definitely be taller than me, which I'm okay with. I'm just so stoked for when he gets older so I can take him to sporting events and if he likes, even get him into sports. Plus us dads our there get two holidays a year! Our birthdays and Fathers Day! Woot woot.


Hey ya'll, sorry I've been absent with updates...

Sawyer's been doing well. He's still a little swollen making his eyes look a little different, but the scar is healing really nicely and his hair is starting to come back in. He's a little different now, doesn't nap as well, in pain more often, but each day he gets better.

His smile has returned, however.

Here's some new pics:


This is when he first opened his eyes. The previous two days he'd be awake but his eyes were swollen, so he was always very frustrated. But when he was able to open them, he smiled. Melted our hearts.


When we were discharged, the nurse brought us a wagon to wheel him out in. Rollin' out in style/comfort.


A day or two after returning home. His eyes were still not quite there, but he was still smiling.


Had some of these caps made for him to cover his scars.



At the follow up appointment with the neurosurgeon. They got a kick out of the shirt.


Me and Sawyer.


2 weeks post surgery, amazing.

Thanks for all the well wishes, it was a really tough time, but we had an incredible amount of support from family and friends. :)


Thanks for the update oatmeal, glad to hear the little one is coming alone fine, he looks happy and healthy!! You guys must be so relieved that chapter is over now and you can move on with the fun stuff.


We've got three kids, first two were girls, youngest was born last August, finally a boy. He's awesome, and we named him Hudson. Game over man.... game over! :D

I'll post a pic later, sitting in the airport right now, have a flight home to catch.

Our little man! 10 months old now, time flies!



FORMULA: if you ever have trouble with feeding, give the fucker some formula. It will not hurt him or her and it will help you both. Stick to breast milk as much as you can but do not be fooled by modern parenting into thinking forumla is poison. It's nutrition and your kind will live to be 80+ which is three times longer than our caveman organic ancestors stuck with meager breatsmilk that wasn't flowing.
So true. My son in the hospital would not latch on at all. It was like 8 hours later and the nurses were making my wife feel terrible about wanting to use formula, we finally asked for a little and he slept for two hours. You can't argue how breast milk is better, but like you say, formula is totally fine.
Also, why am I just finding this thread now? Great stuff in here guys!
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