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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


So our little kid turned a month old! Good news: We can keep a baby alive for at least a month :p

My wife takes lots of pics and i'll have to post more, but this one in particular I found cute:


Which then, during at 2am feeding, I turned into:


So far the father business is pretty good, despite a certain constant level of tired :p

Also, great to see your little one up and about, Oatmeal!
So true. My son in the hospital would not latch on at all. It was like 8 hours later and the nurses were making my wife feel terrible about wanting to use formula, we finally asked for a little and he slept for two hours. You can't argue how breast milk is better, but like you say, formula is totally fine.
Also, why am I just finding this thread now? Great stuff in here guys!

We went through the same thing, it was pretty nerve racking. The nurses really, REALLY push breast feeding. the boy wouldn't latch properly, we had a consultant come in and everything, even she got flustered. We just ended up using formula. My daughter took to the boob like a champ though.

And Oatmeal, great to see your boy recovering so nicely!


We've got three kids, first two were girls, youngest was born last August, finally a boy. He's awesome, and we named him Hudson. Game over man.... game over! :D

I'll post a pic later, sitting in the airport right now, have a flight home to catch.

Ha, my nearly 2-year-old nephew is named Hudson and I never even cottoned to the Aliens connection. Definitely going to be dropping some references in the future.


Deep into his 30th decade
My wife is due at august 9, but back on May 20th she started going into labor.

Six weeks later all in the hospital she is still having contractions, but we managed to hold off giving birth, now my wife is at home, but on bedrest.

Getting a tour of the NICU was terrifying seeing all those little babies. I am so happy we managed to hold off.

We are expecting a little boy. We have decided on the name Oren. My first one! Excited and terrified.


Hey ya'll, sorry I've been absent with updates...

Sawyer's been doing well. He's still a little swollen making his eyes look a little different, but the scar is healing really nicely and his hair is starting to come back in. He's a little different now, doesn't nap as well, in pain more often, but each day he gets better.

His smile has returned, however.

Here's some new pics:


This is when he first opened his eyes. The previous two days he'd be awake but his eyes were swollen, so he was always very frustrated. But when he was able to open them, he smiled. Melted our hearts.


When we were discharged, the nurse brought us a wagon to wheel him out in. Rollin' out in style/comfort.


A day or two after returning home. His eyes were still not quite there, but he was still smiling.


Had some of these caps made for him to cover his scars.



At the follow up appointment with the neurosurgeon. They got a kick out of the shirt.


Me and Sawyer.


2 weeks post surgery, amazing.

Thanks for all the well wishes, it was a really tough time, but we had an incredible amount of support from family and friends. :)

I don't know the backstory, but I have tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

The pic of him opening his eyes and smiling... just powerful.


adorable Gary!

good luck Hilbert. My wife had a 24 hour labour that ended in that crazy suction cup thing that I though for sure was a joke in the parenting classes. Everything is super nerve racking but trust me the 1st time you see your little guy you will forget all the worry and problems.

and glad to see Sawyer is recovering oatmeal!


Congrats everyone on the cute babies. Oatmeal's pix got me a little chocked up, glad things went well.

But the good news is my girl is pregnant. This is only week 6 so it's all a bit fresh. It will be my first and I am super excited. Some great advice in here too, read the whole thread.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
My daughter kept me up until 1:30 this morning playing Fortune Street... she did not want to go to sleep......


I don't know the backstory, but I have tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

The pic of him opening his eyes and smiling... just powerful.

Same. I just now read the back story (page 4 I think) and glad to see all went well!

My daughter Eva who is 6 weeks old now:



Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Yeah, that sounds about right. It gets better though.

I honestly don't care right now. I'm a summer teacher so I'm on summer break... it's awesome. I feel terri-bad for parents who have to go to work the next morning. My daughter was born on the 3rd to last day of school, then I did a quick summer school session after that, but its' been really nice to be off work this past week and now until the end of August.

I think tonight we'll work a little bit more on our Metroid Prime save file! :)

Double D

Snapped a pic of my daughter the other day with my phone as I was drying her off from a bath and I just really liked it.

My wife is now 37 weeks. We went in for an ultrasound and apparently he's already over 7 pounds! Now we're basically in a holding pattern, waiting for him to arrive.




It's an iPad case with an optional home button cover!

Fucking genius.

I've got that, and the iPod Touch one as well. The Touch wasn't getting used so that's permanently in its case and it has some learning apps, but the iPad we only use when we let bubs watch some kids TV as it's a bit of a pain to setup.

Her not being able to push the home button is good so she cant accidentally close the app, but it also means you need to take the iDevice out of the case just to change apps.
A little update on wee baby Owen. Hes 27in long and 16lbs. Hes 4 months old(not sure if I listed this on my first reply) and hes now got pretty good control of his head movement and hes now just starting to roll over. Hes surprising himself and everytime he rolls completely over he starts crying. One thing Im noticing is that hes getting much harder to get to sleep. We try to rock him to sleep with the faucet running(he loves that) at around 9ish but he usually doesnt full fall asleep till 11ish and then hes up at 5-6am which is weird. But one of us will wake up feed and change him and he'll fall asleep for another 3 hours or so.
We are still in the hospital since Leah wound up needing to have a C-section so she needs a few extra days to recover and for her and the baby to be monitored.

So far mother and baby are both doing well. I am a little concerned as baby has lost a bit of weight in the 48 hours since birth, which everyone keeps telling me is normal, but she was already pretty small at birth - 6lbs 7oz. If she loses more tomorrow there's a discussion to be had about supplementing with formula until mother's milk comes in, which hopefully will be any day now.

Baby also has a little jaundice - which again apparently is normal, 80% of babies have it to some extent - and hopefully she won't have to spend any time under the phototherapy lights before we can be discharged.

I am trying not to be the super over-anxious dad but it's not easy, I am a worrier by nature. So I am obsessing over every little thing even though Leah and all the doctors and nurses around us are telling me not to. Being a dad is ROUGH.


I know that feeling. As a Dad, you can't feed the baby or do anything of importance in the hospital. The only thing to do is change diapers and count and check poops. Besides worrying that is. Things get a lot better when you're in your own house and there are no doctors or nurses around.
I actually like having all the doctors and nurses around, they make me feel more secure, even if they sometimes contradict each other. The staff here is really friendly and reassuring.

Also, I rock at changing diapers and checking poops! Her poop evolution has been fascinating to observe, from the really early tar-like spackle that's near impossible wipe off butt cheeks, to the huge eruption of Nutella-like cream that came out of her last night, to the more mustard-seedy stuff today. Apparently this is exactly what you want to see in a newborn.


We are still in the hospital since Leah wound up needing to have a C-section so she needs a few extra days to recover and for her and the baby to be monitored.

So far mother and baby are both doing well. I am a little concerned as baby has lost a bit of weight in the 48 hours since birth, which everyone keeps telling me is normal, but she was already pretty small at birth - 6lbs 7oz. If she loses more tomorrow there's a discussion to be had about supplementing with formula until mother's milk comes in, which hopefully will be any day now.

Baby also has a little jaundice - which again apparently is normal, 80% of babies have it to some extent - and hopefully she won't have to spend any time under the phototherapy lights before we can be discharged.

I am trying not to be the super over-anxious dad but it's not easy, I am a worrier by nature. So I am obsessing over every little thing even though Leah and all the doctors and nurses around us are telling me not to. Being a dad is ROUGH.
That sounds completely normal and exactly what we went through as well.

My baby daughter lost quite a bit of weight in the first couple of days and she had breast feeding issues, so we were suggested to go to the breast feeding clinic for ways to encourage our baby. It didnt help so we ended up introducing formula and she has been on that ever since. Its one of my wife's biggest regrets (of not being able to breast feed) but I keep telling her that its not her fault .. anyway hopefully you and your wife's luck with breast feeding is better than ours :)

My baby also got jaundiced in the first 3-4 days and she ended up spending a day and half under photo therapy, so we had like two hospital stays within week-10 days. The hardest thing for us was watching our newborn under the lights and not being able to do anything. We couldnt hold her for long (only for changing diapers, feeding) and she also had an IV on her arm with a stick brace and all. I was in tears mostly during this but looking back I think it was just the overbearing emotions from the birth and everything else just compounding it further. Just hang in there, it'll all be good and soon.


We are still in the hospital since Leah wound up needing to have a C-section so she needs a few extra days to recover and for her and the baby to be monitored.

So far mother and baby are both doing well. I am a little concerned as baby has lost a bit of weight in the 48 hours since birth, which everyone keeps telling me is normal, but she was already pretty small at birth - 6lbs 7oz. If she loses more tomorrow there's a discussion to be had about supplementing with formula until mother's milk comes in, which hopefully will be any day now.

Baby also has a little jaundice - which again apparently is normal, 80% of babies have it to some extent - and hopefully she won't have to spend any time under the phototherapy lights before we can be discharged.

I am trying not to be the super over-anxious dad but it's not easy, I am a worrier by nature. So I am obsessing over every little thing even though Leah and all the doctors and nurses around us are telling me not to. Being a dad is ROUGH.

Similar thing happened to us... Born a little small, losing weight, a bit of jaundice... I was taking him to the doctor to get weighed every day. We finally just went with the formula, which people had talked about like some sort of desperate last resort, and then everything was fine. Anyway, it turned out the wife had milk, but my son was sucking wrong. They gave my wife a little plastic thing that slides over the nipple and then he could drink it fine. After all the talk about if-they-go-formula-they-never-go-back he went back and forth between them for like eight months without caring which was which.

Really stressful week, though...


We are still in the hospital since Leah wound up needing to have a C-section so she needs a few extra days to recover and for her and the baby to be monitored.

So far mother and baby are both doing well. I am a little concerned as baby has lost a bit of weight in the 48 hours since birth, which everyone keeps telling me is normal, but she was already pretty small at birth - 6lbs 7oz. If she loses more tomorrow there's a discussion to be had about supplementing with formula until mother's milk comes in, which hopefully will be any day now.

Baby also has a little jaundice - which again apparently is normal, 80% of babies have it to some extent - and hopefully she won't have to spend any time under the phototherapy lights before we can be discharged.

I am trying not to be the super over-anxious dad but it's not easy, I am a worrier by nature. So I am obsessing over every little thing even though Leah and all the doctors and nurses around us are telling me not to. Being a dad is ROUGH.

That sounds completely normal and exactly what we went through as well.

My baby daughter lost quite a bit of weight in the first couple of days and she had breast feeding issues, so we were suggested to go to the breast feeding clinic for ways to encourage our baby. It didnt help so we ended up introducing formula and she has been on that ever since. Its one of my wife's biggest regrets (of not being able to breast feed) but I keep telling her that its not her fault .. anyway hopefully you and your wife's luck with breast feeding is better than ours :)

My baby also got jaundiced in the first 3-4 days and she ended up spending a day and half under photo therapy, so we had like two hospital stays within week-10 days. The hardest thing for us was watching our newborn under the lights and not being able to do anything. We couldnt hold her for long (only for changing diapers, feeding) and she also had an IV on her arm with a stick brace and all. I was in tears mostly during this but looking back I think it was just the overbearing emotions from the birth and everything else just compounding it further. Just hang in there, it'll all be good and soon.

This this this.

Gary, rest assured, everything is going pretty routinely. We're 6 weeks in now, but let me describe our birth and afterwards.

Our baby was born exactly 6lb7oz as well! (*high five* had to do the conversion from 2920 grams). She was born after a long labour that required escalating syntonocin doses and epidural (yeah it's super scary at the time, being told the possible consequences of all decisions and having to make them while dead tired - they say it's all your choice, but you certainly don't feel like here is much choice-making when the professionals recommend somethi and you have 2 minutes to decide!). It culminated in a forceps-assisted birth.

The after care was a real roller coaster. Baby lost weight, by 12% where 10% is considered no concern. So we were put on formula topups (and still haven't manage to get rid of them to this day). Mum was in the hospital for four days after, each day saying we could go the next day, but each day a minor complication cropping up, from high temp (nearly had to give anti biotics, which they readied baby for with an needle and splint), to low temp, to minor jaundice etc. Even after we were discharged, we were readmitted for another jaundice test (those heel pricks are nasty and she still has the scars from the 4 that were done).

In the end, it all amounted to nothing. We didn't need phototherapy, baby is super healthy and strong. It's still a struggle and rough as anythin I've ever done. You get a lvel of expectation from all you hear that it will be tough. But it doesn't matter how much you listen - it's an entirely differen thin to LIVE it. It may even go 100% how you expect, but it's still tough to do it day in and day out.

In retrospect, everything that happened and everything that will happen, no doubt, might seem super stressful, but it's all part of the game. the best thing is actually the reassurance of others who have been unde the same situation, be it family, friends or anonymous online users on a gaming forum. :)

Of course that doesn't mean it shouldn't or won't stress and worry the hell out of you or that you should be less vigilant about possible problems, but that's how I see this thread - something we can be less anxious about things by sharing our experiences.

Hang in there!


We had twins and exactly the same experience as Gary. C section and milk did not come in right away either and they sent in some specialists who got it going pretty quickly. Our kids were tiny in the beginning and they supplemented for formula for first week or maybe first 2 weeks until there was enough milk to feed both.

Also worrying is normal for the first kid. The first 3 months are the easiest but it doesn't seem that way because despite the books and movies you have no idea what the fuck you are doing.

Also take advantage of being in the hospital and get some sleep! Might be awhile before mommy gets it again unless you are lucky.


I am trying not to be the super over-anxious dad but it's not easy, I am a worrier by nature. So I am obsessing over every little thing even though Leah and all the doctors and nurses around us are telling me not to. Being a dad is ROUGH.

You get over that eventually. My biggest concern was always when the baby stopped crying - our first daughter was so colicky that whenever there was complete silence I'd always peek into her crib to make sure she was still breathing.

With my second it hasn't been so bad yet, though we've gone through some weight loss in the first week and a bit and have had to supplement with formula until her mom's milk comes in fully. Didn't help that one of the nurses misread her weight so her previously healthy weight gain has now set off alarm bells and we're having to deal with more nurses and our doctor give tons of advice and try and set us up with a breastfeeding clinic. It took a couple of weeks the first time, I don't see how it will be any different this time. She's basically back up to birth weight anyway, it just took a tiny bit longer than the average one week.

Hopefully you don't get a blowout of that whole grain mustardy poop either. I always managed to avoid changing her in the middle of one of those but my girlfriend got hit three or four times by projectile shit - one of which actually squirted onto the walls a good seven or eight feet away.


We had twins and exactly the same experience as Gary. C section and milk did not come in right away either and they sent in some specialists who got it going pretty quickly. Our kids were tiny in the beginning and they supplemented for formula for first week or maybe first 2 weeks until there was enough milk to feed both.

Also worrying is normal for the first kid. The first 3 months are the easiest but it doesn't seem that way because despite the books and movies you have no idea what the fuck you are doing.

Also take advantage of being in the hospital and get some sleep! Might be awhile before mommy gets it again unless you are lucky.

Incidentally, how did you get rid of theformula? We're six weeks in and still on it.

Did you do a heavy regime of pumping? And supplements? General advice for increasing yield?


We are still in the hospital since Leah wound up needing to have a C-section so she needs a few extra days to recover and for her and the baby to be monitored.

So far mother and baby are both doing well. I am a little concerned as baby has lost a bit of weight in the 48 hours since birth, which everyone keeps telling me is normal, but she was already pretty small at birth - 6lbs 7oz. If she loses more tomorrow there's a discussion to be had about supplementing with formula until mother's milk comes in, which hopefully will be any day now.

Baby also has a little jaundice - which again apparently is normal, 80% of babies have it to some extent - and hopefully she won't have to spend any time under the phototherapy lights before we can be discharged.

I am trying not to be the super over-anxious dad but it's not easy, I am a worrier by nature. So I am obsessing over every little thing even though Leah and all the doctors and nurses around us are telling me not to. Being a dad is ROUGH.

I'm a worrier as well, but trust me, babies are pretty resilient. The baby and mom will be OK.

Just wait until she starts walking, its a whole new ballgame then. There's some things my son has gotten a hold of that I still have no clue how he managed to reach them (nothing that would hurt him, just things that I though was out of his reach).


Incidentally, how did you get rid of theformula? We're six weeks in and still on it.

Did you do a heavy regime of pumping? And supplements? General advice for increasing yield?
The problem with the formula is not the formula it is the nipple. It is much easier to get the milk from the nipple instead of the breast. Te kids eventually don't want to work for the milk. Keep in mind this was 16 months ago and I can barely remember last week, but from what I remember the pumping got more milk initially than suckling. After like 3 days the milk from the pump just kept increasing every day and after like a week or two there was enough for both kids full time. It was too hard to feed both at the same time so most of the time the kids were fed breath milk through the bottles that came with the pump. But my wife also tried to keep feeding them a few times a day as well, the specialists were all about that instead of the pump, though I don't remember if there was any real benefit.

As for supplements yeah there was something my wife was recommended that she got after the first week that exponentially increased production (much moreso than even the pump). Can't remember name, i think it was tea I got from Wegmans (east coast grocery story). I will ask wife if anyone wants to know.


Also, I rock at changing diapers and checking poops! Her poop evolution has been fascinating to observe, from the really early tar-like spackle that's near impossible wipe off butt cheeks, to the huge eruption of Nutella-like cream that came out of her last night, to the more mustard-seedy stuff today. Apparently this is exactly what you want to see in a newborn.

All the food groups! From melted liquorice to peanut butter, seeded mustard through to wasabi!
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