Frankly, the level of incompetence demonstrated by this administration warrants impeachment for the sake of national security, even if there was no Russian collusion.

Frankly, the level of incompetence demonstrated by this administration warrants impeachment for the sake of national security, even if there was no Russian collusion.
Carrier but they're moving to Mexico anyway so that didn't work out so well.I don't think I've heard of a good negotiation coming out of this administration. Maybe getting the healthcare bill out of the house?
It's honestly sad. The country has literally gone to shit. Thankfully there are still a good amount reasonable people left. We just need a ruthless and cunning good leader to come from the Democrats that can bash Trump and the Republicans on every given chance and push them back into nothingness.As a UK observer who knows little about US politics, I am astonished that Trump can get away with giving advisory positions to his daughter and son-in-law, despite them seemingly having no qualifications whatsoever to perform such roles. Aren't there any rules about such shameless, brazen nepotism? Trump seems to be treating this presidency like his own corporate fiefdom.
I just realized Jared Kushner looks like Kyle Bosman's evil twin in that photo.Really?
Who could say no to this?! /s
What strings do we have to pull to get Bosman on SNL to play Kushner?I just realized Jared Kushner looks like Kyle Bosman's evil twin in that photo.
We have in the audience a special person who's worked very hard, who married very well, it is my daughter Ivanka. Where is she? I sort of stole her husband. He is so great. If you can't produce peace in the Middle East, nobody can. OK? All my life I have been hearing that's the toughest deal in the world to make. And I've seen it, but I have a feeling that Jared is going to do a great job. I have a feeling he is going to do a great job. So he will work with them.
Kushner is a close family friend of Netanyahu, and diplomacy is often built more around these personal ties than anyone's expertise.
Though in this case it just means that Kushner's going to act as a cudgel for whatever Bibi wants, but absent his rank incompetence, he's "qualified" because he would have Netanyahu's ear.
Who could say no to this?! /s
I'm Jewish and even I know enough not to send an Orthodox Jew to negotiate peace (even if he was qualified) with the Palestinians. What were they thinking?
As a UK observer who knows little about US politics, I am astonished that Trump can get away with giving advisory positions to his daughter and son-in-law, despite them seemingly having no qualifications whatsoever to perform such roles. Aren't there any rules about such shameless, brazen nepotism? Trump seems to be treating this presidency like his own corporate fiefdom.
Wow it's almost like he has no qualifications for the job and he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.
But surely that can't be the case
I think the better thing about all this is just how spineless they all are. They're considering pulling out after making a big fucking deal about it and its only been one real meeting. Negotiations don't happen over night especially for something like peace in one of the most contentious areas out there. Its pathetic.
I don't think I've heard of a good negotiation coming out of this administration. Maybe getting the healthcare bill out of the house?
why is the president's son-in-law trying to negotiate anything anywhere?
That is exactly why he is unqualified for the job.
The idea that Palestine would even countenance negotiating in good faith with Bibi's mate is absurd.
Well, yeah. No matter what you think about the conflict, no matter your stance on the subject, it's pretty naive to expect anything else from the US considering the US keeps vetoing pretty much every single thing that goes against Israel's wishes."They sounded like Netanyahu's advisers and not like fair arbiters,"
"Have you tried unplugging and replugging the source of tension back in? Yes? Have you dusted the inside recently?"I think maybe you're gonna see the middle east problem isn't as hard to solve as people think. My son in law will set it straight.