Bernd Lauert
Bruh, first of all, Scandinavian countries are pure capitalism and have all the problems that capitalism involves, even if they have a decent safety net.Scandinavian countries and most of Europe would beg to differ. They are all market economy democracies with strong social safety nets which conservatives in the west call "socialism" as if that's equivalent to Venezuela or Cuba.
The point of social systems is to ensure everyone can be the best they can be (can take risks and make mistakes and still get up and try again) and ensure everyone benefits from a country's wealth. That can coexist with profit and individual enterprise comfortably. Except when either true socialists take over and start nationalising everything or there are so many rich people with political access that they start to rig the economy in their favour and starve social systems of funds so they can hoard more wealth.
The 2008 Financial Crisis or the Enron or Worldcomm cases among many many others should have taught us that market economies need to be moderated and the public good needs to be protected.
Covid antimask and antivax hysteria show just how far the extreme right are willing to go to protect individualism at the expense of the public good. To the death, literally.
That's as screwed up as Venezuela...just in a different way.
Secondly, Norway, Denmark and Sweden don't give a fuck about Covid anymore, so it's kind of a weird thing to mention.