It was during the cyberpunk 2077 trans meltdown that I created my GAF account. That shit was brutal and unbelievably unfair. I think a lot of people left the forum during that ban genocide.
And depending on what happens I think Hogwarts will kill off most people still lingering currently on reset. No one who has drank the Kool-aid over there will ever be caught dead over here with their current reset name. Some will want to start fresh maybe and create a new name, and to me I think thats fine, or bring over your current name? But it would mean admitting reset was a bad experiment. Reseta era was created I do believe with people behind it with the best intentions. But trying to be this haven and being open to all non threatening opinions doesn't work when you take a specific stance. The reason for the most part small News stations do what they do, is they report the news as it happens and add no opinion the given information.
Like a fire in downtown Syracuse started today when a truck ran off the road.
Thats it, no added commentary on how this will impact local business's or impact tax payers or what ever. Reset did the opposite of that and went full on Progressive CNN or whatever major news outlet swings that way. And in doing so you broke the one rule that keeps things on even field. Now no matter what people bring up discussion wise it all ties back to the stance the sites moderation/Admins take. ANd a lot of that after the first year or so seems to now be more from personal Identity politics rather than, something more blanket.
Until anyone has that realization which they wont because most of them grew up living on their phones/social media and not in real world living no one will change. We will always be labeled as nazi. bigots or something because we dare have discussion thats not all one sided. Even now with the Politics sections gone. This place has been great to talk games, and issues.
They think we dont bring up the things that plague the industry. We do, we just dont worship reporters who bring these things to light like Jason Schreier/Jeff Grubb. Which is how things like CNN don lemon or fox equivalent fanboying is started. Now people like Jason rarely get called out, thank god for people like Colin, Jaffe. WHo I dont always agree with, but can understand their knowledge of the industry has merit.
The thing is resetera is still on this idea that Social media groups is the way progress works. It's a great tool to bring forth information so it can be analyzed and talked about to be presented to the mass/public/company's when shit happens. But its not to be used to pass laws, judgement on people by way of social mobs. Which now we see where that leads to industry vets losing their jobs for little information but a lot of yelling outrage.
Putting your plight on twitter in the 21st century where access to legal action is at your finger tips for the disenfranchised is to me cowardly. It should only be used as a last resort for extreme measures, as in people with power or connections to said legal organizations are blocking/threatening you from contacting correct authorities. But reset/twitter/facebook ect think thats how this all works.
Going to things like twitter, online forums to tell your story to me says you are lying, your story isn't sound evidence wise, or you know there is doubt and want to garner attention in the hopes it catches and people don't ask questions because the buzz will be about the story not the context or facts.
I get that if you don't live in a country where these things like legal organizations for things like rape, sexual harassments ect makes it difficult. But then thats where the internet can be used as the tool it was intended to be. You can connect with someone across the world like reporter to tell your story 100% and they will do their research if they are a good reporter before anything goes public.
No one at resetera even thinks what im saying is true, and they think that none of the organizations do any good or that they are against Minorities, when in fact we have used these for years, and they do work if used correctly. They are not perfect, nothing is, but saying twitter was the only way to get justice for a voice actor, developer who was sexually harassed is literally the most moronic think i've ever heard. There are sub orgs for companies in gaming, there are people you can call outside your org that can do investigations, and then if there is some real nefarious shit happening thats stopping that justice, thats where reaching out to reporter or maybe sharing it with receipts on social comes into play. But there are tons of avenues/ orgs that literally are for supporting the little guy and making sure big corps dont silence you.
People are either intimidated because they lack social skills, or just fucking to caught up in their own personal social status vices to actually use whats out there and use social media as a crutch.
Courage isn't measured by how many followers re-tweet your story, it comes by facing that disservice/wrong doing in person then making then acting. Going on social media just shifts the responsibility.
Sorry mods, rant over if you need to delete this go ahead I kind of went off the rails.