Well, I'm caught up for now as I'm on my break from work but it is very interesting to see certain users that obviously burn the bridges here going to another forum and I'm not sure what the count is nor do I have time to even bother checking but certainly there are people who have been soured by The experience over there probably wouldn't mind being back here if only because this place isn't so damn bad in hindsight.
But this is the way of the world and people that think like that on that forum, and it's not all of them to be sure, they are a major part of the problem and the more that vocal minority swells the more this world will be the shit show that it's turning into.
I remember when I left here and I don't recall saying anything bad to anybody but hey whatever somebody can look up my post history and see the long disparity of posts between sometime this year and three or four years ago but obviously I wasn't banned so obviously I didn't burn any Bridges nor did I care to but to be honest with you what has happened over there I would definitely gladly burn that bridge because the way that form is going versus this one here that is still thriving, there's nothing redeeming about that that wouldn't be popping up in another place anyways.
As far as I am concerned places like that or a dime a dozen with people of similar like-minded short-sightedness just desperate to be agreed with and oppress people that just want to have fun, work hard, have a disagreement here and there in a respectful manner, and a respectful take heaven forbid even if it doesn't agree with the other person's point of view.
So even if the rose tinted glasses over there or if there is even lurkers here reading this, you should very well be aware that no matter what you think of this particular place here, I promise you your view of the world is not justified by liking the way it is run on that other forum because you see now that even the leadership has gone over the edge and absolutely has squandered any faith in my view of what a good community should be.
I get that even in the worst times around here when whatever happened to cause turmoil, none of this type of mentality and types of stuff was that prominent and if there was, those people were dispatched with.
Sorry for the long post but clearly I am invested in this enough to have very strong opinions on this.