Google Now allows you to do that? Mind blown
Google search (via voice or otherwise) always did math equations, talking them out is new though. heh
Yeah I was just thinking about what to test it out with. So I tried a short one. Then I started trying some stupidly long ones just rambling off the top of my head, and it would speak dictate the problem out on screen in text, then show the problem numerically and speak the answer. lol funny stuff.
Google Now is damned creepy in an awesome way. Every morning when I wake up, since installing Jelly Bean a few weeks ago, I get little notifications that pop up on my Nexus before I leave for work telling me stuff like '47 minutes drive time (5 minutes delay) to work via I-95 - Traffic: Normal'.
Not only did I not tell it where I work, I also don't even have GPS on. The scary part is that it knows where I work and that 47 minutes was dead on.
All I did was opt into Google Now initially.