Hoyer is the luckiest motherfucker ever. He is straight trash and looks occasionally competent b/c of it. Blown coverages and dropped/fumbled INTs all year. Whoever pays him doesn't watch the games
Bad win but I'll take it. Go Bengals.
Det is gonna pay him after we win the Superbowl and Megatron restructures his contract. Or we franchise tag him
Oh thanks god. now we can tank. Brees I love you.
its ok cajun you'll have a better pick because of this!
I know!! Im excited now!
We HAVE to lose against the Panthers on the road and Im confident we can do it!
Furyous is dumb as fuck, but I just want to win to rub it in grovers face. He called the Browns abysmal this week.
For what reason does Megatron, a wide receiver, have to restructure his absurd contract?
Furyous is dumb as fuck, but I just want to win to rub it in grovers face. He called the Browns abysmal this week.
be still my beating dickJust remember one thing - if denver loses tomorrow... it's Jimmy G time!!
You mean the Bucs? They aren't going to win next week so we'll still go 7-9. The bucs are in position for the number 1 pick.
I still will take zero pleasure from making it to the playoffs and killing our chance to get better via the draft.