Empty dome.
Atlanta sports.
Empty dome.
Oh ok thanks, for some reason I thought someone said it was only a couple games.
God, I shouldn't be nervous but no win is ever easy for Atlanta.
It may be? Today is Def on cbs thoYeah I also heard it was like half the season on CBS.
You cant buy weed with a debit or credit card? Or just that dispensary?
This game is going to suck
I think they only deal with cash due to banks either fearing intervention from the Feds or simply refusing to deal with them due to breaking Federal law. If you deal in cash, there is really no way of them knowing where the cash is coming from. So they don't take cards.
Both loseIs there a general NFL pool thread? I have a question about a Last Man Standing Survivor Pool. If you are down to only 2 people left and on a week both of their picks lose, what happens? They share the pool win or keep playing till you get a 1 win, 1 lose week?
But you going to watch it?
Apparently sparks from the pyro got in Matt Ryan's eye?
It actually was charred remains of RBH's penis.
Don't know why but I find that funny. Its legal but we are still scared of the cops.
At the buyers request does someone come out in a trench coat, open it and show you their selection?