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NFL 2014 Week 4 |OT| Hell is Empty and All The Devils Are Here


To honor our criminal league, imploding before our eyes this weeks theme is criminal bastards!


Ray Rice

Crime(s): Assault after a physical altercation
Convicted: No
Where is he now: Suspended from the NFL, but happily married making a shit ton of money by sitting on his ass.
Punishments : Suspended from the NFL getting payed millions. Hated by Roger Goodell, not for punching his girl, but for being videotaped while doing so. Who would have known there are camera’s in a casino, amiright?

Background: Ray Rice decided to be a fucking idiot and gobsmacked the shit out of his girlfriend in a casino elevator. After knocking her out cold, he went into full mobster mode and tried to hide the body. He even lied to a guy who saw him drag her unconscious body out of the elevator by telling her she was drunk. That never works on TV, I doubt it would work for you Ray, dumb bastard.


Aaron Hernandez

Crime(s): A shooting lawsuit in Miami, First-degree murder and five gun-related charges and another double homicide.
Convicted: Not yet, currently waiting for his trial.
Where is he now: In a prison somewhere, liking it a little bit too much, writing letters with his girly handwriting.
Punishments : Besides being cut by the greatest franchise in the NFL, he’s currently awaiting his trial.

Background : Aaron decided that being a professional football player who makes millions already wasn't enough so he became Scarface. Murdering people for looking at him the wrong way, this piece of shit turned out to be absolutely insane. Describing the summer where he killed a bunch of people a lot of fun to reporters before it came to light what he actually did for fun.


Ray Lewis*

Crime(s): Murder and Aggravated- Assault
Convicted: No
Where is he now: He currently works as the worst sports commentator known to man.
Punishments : Had to pay a $250,000 fine to the NFL

Background: Ray Lewis was hanging out at a Super Bowl party when him and 2 bros decided to get into a fight. Two people ended up stabbed and dead, a common occurrence when getting stabbed. The suit Ray was wearing during the stabbing magically disappeared and after spending a couple of days in jail he made a deal to snitch on his friends and was released. Got a statue in front of the Ravens their stadium because that’s how they roll over there.

*Let the record show, Larry was against this. Sorry Larry, but the people get what they want.


Sam Hurd

Crime(s): Attempting to purchase and distribute large quantities of cocaine and marijuana.
Convicted: Yes
Where is he now: Currently spending his days in the beautiful city of Bastrop, Texas.
Punishments : The reason he is in Bastrop is because he’s spending a 15 year jail sentence there.

Background : The millions he was making weren’t enough for him either. He decided that being a druglord would be a lot more fun, so he went out and tried to buy coke and marijuana by the kilo (How much kilos were for Michael Irvin is not know).


Michael Vick

Crime(s): Felony conspiracy in interstate commerce/aid of unlawful animal fighting venture
Convicted: Yes
Where is he now: Playing in the NFL
Punishments : 23 months in prison, playing for the New York Jets

Background : Michael Vick decided that it would be pretty cool to set up a dog fighting ring. Because everyone needs a hobby. Torturing, murdering and having them fight to death worked for the Romans, so why not for Mike? He seems to have actually came out of this a better man after serving his time in jail, unfortunately for him he plays for the Jets.


Rae Carruth

Crime(s): Conspiracy to commit murder, shooting into an occupied vehicle and using a instrument to destroy an unborn child.
Convicted: Yes, thank God.
Where is he now: Jail
Punishments : Spending around 40 years in jail.

Background : Batshit insane motherfucker. Might be the worst one on the list. Got his girlfriend pregnant and decided that he didn’t want her to keep it. She on the other hand did want to keep the kid, but Carruth didn’t agree. So the only logical move for him would be to hire a hitman to kill his girlfriend and unborn child.
The doctors were able to safe the child but unfortunately couldn’t save the woman. Carruth then decided to run from the police and hid in a the trunk of his car, pissing in bottles and eating candy bars.


OJ Simpson

Crime(s): Robbery, Kidnapping, Coercion, Conspiracy, Murder, Money Laundering, Ecstasy possession, Simple battery and burglary.
Convicted: Convicted of Robbery, Kidnapping
Where is he now: Las Vegas!
Punishments : Not enjoying Sin City, but spending the next 33 years in jail.

Background : Where to begin? The crazy murder trial? The car chase? The terrible acting in movies? Speeding through a manatee protection zone? Writing a book called „If I did it” ? Robbing a sports memorabilia store by gunpoint? Yeah…


Tom Brady

Crime(s): Extreme handsomeness. So hot, he’s like fire. Pitching illegal tents.
Convicted: No
Where is he now: Being super handsome everywhere.
Punishments : I would punish him, if you know what I mean.

Background : Greatest QB of all time and also the handsomest man alive. It is known.


Adrian Peterson

Crime(s): Beating the shit out of his kid.
Convicted: Not yet
Where is he now: Making millions watching TV at home.
Punishments : Suspended from his team, currently waiting on what’s going to happen.

Background : Adrian thought it was perfectly normal to slap your kid with a switch until he bleeds. You know to discipline the 4 year old. He’s not alone though, other players like Reggie Bush totally agrees with him. But don’t worry he tries to not bruise his 1 year old daughter when he disciplines her!


Marvin Harrison

Crime(s): Nobody is sure, but he probably shot a dude.
Convicted: Nope, not even charged with anything.
Where is he now: He disappeared, NFL forgot about him.
Punishments : Nothing.

Background : Weird ass story. After an altercation with a convicted drug dealer, Harrison was sued by the man, because he claimed he shot him. The District Attorney stated that she was not going to pursue charges, because of conflicting witness statements. Now fast forward about a year and the same drug dealer was found shot in his car a couple blocks away from Harrison his bar. They linked Harrison his gun to the shooting after they found it inside his Escalade. For some reason though, he didn’t get charged/arrested or anything.


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Week 4 Picks
NY Giants at Washington
Green Bay at Chicago
Buffalo at Houston
Tennessee at Indianapolis
Carolina at Baltimore
Detroit at NY Jets
Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh
Miami at Oakland
Jacksonville at San Diego
Atlanta at Minnesota
Philadelphia at San Francisco
New Orleans at Dallas
New England at Kansas City

*** S/o to my main man Squicken for the thread title!


Go Hawks

NY Giants at Washington
Green Bay at Chicago
Buffalo at Houston
Tennessee at Indianapolis
Carolina at Baltimore
Detroit at NY Jets
Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh
Miami at Oakland
Jacksonville at San Diego
Atlanta at Minnesota
Philadelphia at San Francisco
New Orleans at Dallas
New England at Kansas City


Week 4 Picks

NY Giants
Green Bay
NY Jets
San Francisco
New Orleans
Kansas City


Go Hawks

NY Giants at Washington
Green Bay at Chicago
Buffalo at Houston
Tennessee at Indianapolis
Carolina at Baltimore
Detroit at NY Jets
Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh
Miami at Oakland
Jacksonville at San Diego
Atlanta at Minnesota
Philadelphia at San Francisco
New Orleans at Dallas
New England at Kansas City

Week 4 Picks

NY Giants
Green Bay
NY Jets
San Francisco
New Orleans
Kansas City



Khalil Mack was the highest rated LB of week 3 says PFF. I'm pretty sure Nate Soldier never wants to see him again.


Jets got robbed. They could beat us.

Also, anyone got a gif of the Cutler fumble? The look on his face was amazing.
This year and last has proved what I was always thought, you can't give Marc Trestman that extra down, you just can't. He makes you pay.


If Antonio Brown gets 5 catches this week, he'll break the tied streak of consecutive 5 catch games with Laveranues Cole. 19 is the current record.


Amazing OT Dutch.

But you can eat dicks for that Brady log though.

Colts suck



I was all excited for this week, then the Bears secondary became the local insurance agency's roster.

No Browns this week, no heartache!

Problem is it just means an extra week to agonize over that horrible Ravens game. If we were playing again this weekend, we could at least get it out of our system.

Anyways, provided he stays healthy, Hoyer is our franchise QB. I'm convinced, and hopefully most Browns fans are as well.

Too bad our O.C. is a colossal dong.
Problem is it just means an extra week to agonize over that horrible Ravens game. If we were playing again this weekend, we could at least get it out of our system.

Anyways, provided he stays healthy, Hoyer is our franchise QB. I'm convinced, and hopefully most Browns fans are as well.

Too bad our O.C. is a colossal dong.
Nah, Kyle is genius. Agree with you on Hoyer though. If nothing else he throws a pretty spiral....
NY Giants at Washington
Green Bay at Chicago
Buffalo at Houston
Tennessee at Indianapolis
Carolina at Baltimore
Detroit at NY Jets
Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh
Miami at Oakland
Jacksonville at San Diego
Atlanta at Minnesota
Philadelphia at San Francisco
New Orleans at Dallas
New England at Kansas City
No puking this week, time to get my fluid levels up.
Anyways, provided he stays healthy, Hoyer is our franchise QB. I'm convinced, and hopefully most Browns fans are as well.

Too bad our O.C. is a colossal dong.
Don't look at my avatar when I say this.

No, but we might just have different definitions of franchise qbs. He'll never be an elite guy, he's a really good game manager. Get him some weapons and and guys that can get some yac and he'll be fine. We've had some super shit Qbs, but generally have had some competitive teams. Hoyer just isn't making any of those dumb mistakes yet (been really
lucky some missed ints) and done a great job taking what he can get. We have a good situation at qb, but do I think he's the franchise guy? Naaw breh. I kinda look at this situation like Alex Smith and Kaep.

As for shanahan I'm a fan, I've never seen our offense consistently be able to score points.
Read some stat about the Browns not scoring this many points in the first 3 games since like 69 or somthing

Now look at my avatar, johnny came into the perfect situation.


Depressing OT. Why not celebrate the good things?! Boooo on this OT.

Anyways, cool to have the game on MNF. Fun to have a stress free sunday and RedZone most of the day.

Go Chiefs! Fuck the Pats this week.

3-0 in SiF, 2-1 in Stragglers. Fantasy Football is easy!


Idzik has been horrible at GM with his picks and signings.

His two highest CB picks had huge injury histories and will miss most of the season or all of it.

His vet signing have been horrible including wasting money on Dimitri Patterson and Mike Goodson.

He cut Antonio Cromartie for no reason at all.

He is trying to go into next season with as much cap room as possible because cap room carries over and between the 15 mil the jets have in dead money free cap room now he will have 60-80+ mill to spend.
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