The Autumn Wind
Mark Sanchez is proof the Jets are incapable of doing that.I have no idea why Geno is the hill they're dying on. He wasn't good last year, he's been abysmal this year. Move on while you can.
Mark Sanchez is proof the Jets are incapable of doing that.I have no idea why Geno is the hill they're dying on. He wasn't good last year, he's been abysmal this year. Move on while you can.
Let's be fair, Marshall is nowhere near 100 percent. We have plenty of yards and have just not put up the points when we had the chance and turnovers. Your D still sucks, just not as bad as the Bears D.
The Bears defense is atrocious. Wow.
If the Lions give this game away it's on Lombardi.
Thanks, Kas. This one's on you if we lose.
Not as bad as the Lions' defense.
I'm way more hydrated then past Sunday'sSo you don't stop puking even when the Browns aren't playing? You need help.
A football team has injuries? Heavens to mergatroid this is a stunning development. I am so sorry.
Same Lions defense that held the Packers to 7 last week and shut down Rogers?Not as bad as the Lions' defense.
Thanks, Kas. This one's on you if we lose.
What's Cutler's record against the packers?