No idea. Dude is not the same mentally.2 guys open underneath
Why go to a covered Vereen?
No idea. Dude is not the same mentally.2 guys open underneath
Why go to a covered Vereen?
Good thing they play the Jets on Thursday of they might be worried.
Gronk is back omg yes. And maybe Ridley gets replaced by a halfway decent back
Gonna disagree with this line, Kas. 18-29 for 187 w/1 TD doesn't really kill that. But yeah, glad Joique is back.
2 guys open underneath
Why go to a covered Vereen?
At least before this series they were saying he was averaging about 29yds per completion.
omg gronks back
hug me dutch!
Gronk is back omg yes. And maybe Ridley gets replaced by a halfway decent back
2 guys open underneath
Why go to a covered Vereen?
Why did we let Blount go?
Why? Why? Why?
Group hug?
28 point lead.
Still nervous as hell.
Why did we let Blount go?
Why? Why? Why?
Considering he's been under duress all game that pretty good.
Blount god sucks this season, i picked him up as one of my last picks and hes been awful, bye
I know you don't follow the Seahawks so let me explain to you something. Our players drop like flies every year so in actuality I'm doing a reverse jinx.
He was pretty cheap, I believe. Not sure about the cancer.He was expensive and a cancer.
Plus you guys look tired while winning the clock. Lamar Miller looks good, for example.Fire your roommate.
Game is meaningless, if Miami scores lets just take Rodgers out so he doesn't get hurt too.
Lead isn't safe till the Browns get in their cars and head home.28 point lead.
Still nervous as hell.
He did a good job with us last year. We use Ridley like a power runner and he isn't. Blount was for us and did a good job. I wondered why we got rid of him too