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NFL 2015 Divisional |OT| - A Fraud Divided


Weren't the Bills down like 31-3 or some shit to the Oilers back in the 90s and they came back in the second half? Can't remember the exact score but shit there's still time. Panthers better not get soft

That was a collapse by the Oilers, do not expect the Panthers to blow their lead
Only thing here I see is you're being a complete dickwad to a simple question. We can have differing opinions on this matter easily.

Cricket: the ball usually travels faster, and being smaller also makes visibility a huge issue. Holding on to a cricket ball is harder when it's wet than holding either a rugby or a am football ball. heck unless you have midget hands holding on to a fast traveling cricketball is harder than an Am. football or a rugby ball under any condition from my experience so far. There are other positions than a short leg in cricket genius. Some catches in any sport depend on luck, just like in American football, if it gets stuck it gets stuck. Some of these so called great catches they show over and over also depend on luck. I'm not talking about those obviously. And no you DO see a lot of taken catches in cricket with fielders running around and even taking many over their shoulders while leaping! You sure you watch cricket? Sounds pretty ignorant to me. Cricketers just seem to be overall better at catching than NFL players imho. It's just based on my experiences and observations. No need to get all worked up about it.

And Rugby the ball always comes at an angle that is easy to handle it? What? Congrats you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Have you actually played any rugby? I can't imagine anyone saying with a straight face such a statement.

I did take time to think of it and I was hoping for some feedback. Some of the points you made sense. Like the point that you mentioned in your rush to look like a douche, which was that in Am football the impending threat of physical harm could also be a factor and could affect the attention paid. Hope you feel like a real class A idiot for reacting the way you did. I'm not attacking your beloved sport for you to act like you're doing.

So far other fans here have been very helpful in making me understand rules etc better when I have a question but they did so in a civil manner which seems to be an alien concept to you. I will not engage you any further

OK, so you asked for a proper answer.

You got a proper answer.

You proceeded to ignore said answer because reasons just to fit your preconceived narrative.

Nice one.

As for your question about whether I've played rugby or watched cricket, I only played rugby for three or four years so you might have me beat there.

On the other I've definitely played more American football than you and unless you started playing cricket more than 25 years ago I'm pretty certain I've played a lot more cricket than you have.

So like I said, you probably should have stopped before you started making a fool of yourself and going "lol pls why can't American footballers catch".

If you want to ask a question, ask a question. Don't come into a thread acting like an idiot and trying to be condescending to people who know a whole lot more than you do.


Wilson continues to be hot garbage. Can't hit wide open guys consistently. All you have to do now is have tight coverage and he isn't making the throw.
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