NFL 2015 Week 14 |OT| - A Fraud Probably Injures Himself



How lewd of that mascot. Take him away.
I've been watching Metal Gear Scanlon on Giant Bomb and I might have to do yet another MGS3 run in spite of having three games to play.

MGScanlon is too good. Some of the best content on that site.

I gotta make some time to catch up with V since I'm like an episode or two behind.


Arkham Knight
Ori and the Blind Forest
and finishing Dragon Quest Heroes

I guess I technically have that Witcher 3 expansion to finish too but Fallout 4/Rise of the Tomb Raider ate up my November.
How much did you enjoy the previous 2 Arkhams? There's a ton of tank stuff in Knight that may be a turnoff.

The second is beautiful but I've heard mixed things about the gameplay.

Don't know anything about the third.

Honestly whatever you're in the mood for. MGS3 is obviously better than any of those but don't feel like you're obligated to play it.
Such a shitty day for Cincinnati sports.

Bengals season is done. Sounds like Andy will be out at least 5 weeks. It was such a special season this year too. This year was our window. Hue will be gone to a head coaching position somewhere next year.

I guess it could be worse. I could be a browns fan.

The mantra of the losers..
Good to remember it as a reminder it can be worse.




I think next weekend is supposed to be in the upper 30s on the East Coast. Should finally get some winter weather

Great coverage. Stills smh
is his run of V any good? That seems it could be very boring to watch with how open it is.

We got some really good Dan and Drew commentary with the very open and slow nature of the game making the experience kind of a mixed bag. Drew doesn't really bother with trying out different weapons or techniques to infiltrate so it can get pretty repetitive to watch. As much as I love MGSV, the structure of the game is just not great LP material.

I'd still give it a watch though, because its still a fun watch as a Dan and Drew fan. Just don't expect it to be as good as MGScanlon 1/2/3
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