Oh my Bortles.
Brown is so fucking terrible. Hated that pick, dude flashed last year, glad it was sample size. Scrub all the way.
The Panthers will lose to the Falcons next week because the win over the Jaguars will give them confidence.
Feel horrible for Shady. The players are going to have to speak up against the targeting issues... The league can't keep making the box smaller.
This tackling is so soft.
The Panthers will lose to the Falcons next week because the win over the Jaguars will give them confidence.
They should try making the equipment safer, but they won't.
Those extra half-helmets you saw on some guys back in the 90's? Those should come back.
Where is Dega friend?
Trump deported him.
I agree that more thought/effort should be put into improving the equipment. It'll never be a safe sport tho.