Kills Photobucket
I recommend a pass play, Pete...
Yep. I still remember Brandon Jacobs fumbling in the 2011 nfc championship game, but was called forward progress. Ugh.Forward progress rule is so arbitrary. Sometimes they wait 5 minutes to call a guy down, here they blow it dead after half a second
It is known.Phil Simms is an idiot
Something we can all agree onPhil Summs is an idiot
That's a penalty! You can't challenge an unchallengable play! SUCH BULLSHIT!
Or did they change that?
Had meh taco bell for dinner an hour ago, gonna pull a sanjuro and order a pizza for second dinner
Eating like a cow.
How can such an expensive brand new stadium have such a shitty field?
thread is as dead as that bengals/whatever game on mnf a few years back that had like 2 pages of talk