Have I blurred the lines of my serious and joke posts?You need to step your :kas game up.
No not convinced he does yet BG.Gruden mentioned Super bowl?.... Does my boy Grovo Trump deserve that?
If ATL loses to Gabbert RBH might be done posting here for the month
This NFL season is karmic retribution for starting DeflateGate.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm.
So. We all know that Pagano is gone but considering this collapse in the making does Grigson go with him?
Seahawks vs Gabbert in Week 11...?
Watch yall lose...
Just remember that Luck has to play against Denver's D next week. Is that a prime time game?
Oh, opponents of Liquified Natural Gas... Great.
I'm having fun.
It's great
Hasselbeck easily wins this game. Luck is terrible.
I think Cutler does bad games better than Luck.
Skip Bayless ‏@RealSkipBayless 23m23 minutes ago
This rain-ruined game is a joke.
I'll place my dick inside a pit of hot coals if the Falcons lose to Blaine Gabbert.
Niners going full tank!
EDIT: Can I change my name now that the dream is over?