Sorry, I'm not familiar with Iowa football.Did you feel like Hawkeye?

I'll have to do it on ICU/ER months during residency, so it was good practice. Actually haven't seen House. :x Always much more of a Scrubs fan.Are you going to do it all the time like on House? It seems gruesome
Yup! It was good to get some practice in, feel more comfortable with intubations now. Didn't bust any teeth thankfully! Most important thing is the head position. Just extend that neck as far as you can at the start, and that'll make things a whole lot easier. Even more important than the intubations is just doing proper mask ventilation as well, so I feel pretty good with that now.Anesthesiology rotation? Did you bust someone's teeth? heheh
We've practiced on dummy's and I always wreck the dummy's fake teeth ;_;
And don't worry about wrecking that dummy's teeth! A lot of those dummys have small mouths for some reason.