4th down. They let them play. The division belongs to Philly next season bois!!!!
Thursday Night Fuckball > Giants > Cowboysthis is the team that beat the cowboys
4th down. They let them play. The division belongs to Philly next season bois!!!!
4th down. They let them play. The division belongs to Philly next season bois!!!!
Collingsworth said he would have called it.Love how the TV shrills just laugh it off. Oh it's fourth down, let them play.
It's the fucking game, the rules don't change.
"Let them play"Obvious PI on Matthews there.
Collingsworth said he would have called it.
Love how the TV shrills just laugh it off. Oh it's fourth down, let them play.
It's the fucking game, the rules don't change.
What? Probably because it clearly was PI.While laughing about it.
Collinsworth laughed off the 150k fine and giants cheatery shit too
hes an idiot