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NFL 2016 Week 6 - I'm Going to Go Home and Sleep With My Wife


Kari Van Horn ‏@KariVanHorn
Tebow signing autographs. Fan has what looks like seizure. Not moving. Tebow puts hand on him and says a prayer. Man breathes. WOW.
Hello friends

Football is bad for your health and for the players' health and you should feel bad for watching it.
It's not your fault

Dammit Floy
Sorry guys.. my bad. I invented sexism. It's all my fault.. "I was like nope.. no one without a Y chromosome can command our armed forces."
/s I'm voting for our future Madame president.. thank you

So.. Let's having a running list of all the bad things that may or may not be my fault.. Go.
F has done everything that is wrong with life

BaeG has done everything right with life

F created Trump. BaeG leaked the tape that ruined Trump's chance

BaeG created anibae, F created anihate


Kari Van Horn ‏@KariVanHorn
Tebow signing autographs. Fan has what looks like seizure. Not moving. Tebow puts hand on him and says a prayer. Man breathes. WOW.
Who would want a blessing from a met?

Its like getting advice on how to succeed from a Cleveland Brown.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Looking at the different power rankings for the Falcons I think the ones that put us at 6 are probably about right.

We aren't a top 5 team yet especially with the loss to Tampa, but if we beat the Hawks at their house than we move up. Even with a loss I'd still put us top 10 as that's back to back big road games.


We should take all of the animus and place them in Gata's house.

Then Gata and the animus can have sleepovers with each other forever and ever.


Colin Kaepernick comes in to take us to the promise land.
The # 1 draft pick and the firing of Trent Baalke


I'm still watching the Ravens.
You bastards better not hurt one of the Triple B's.

This is just too good to last and one of the animals from the North is going to fuck it up. I did what I could this year and took no Steelers in my fantasy team (instead I took AP which fucking me and AP over, but did not seem to slow down the Vikes).
Patrick Walker ‏@PatrickWalker 2m2 minutes ago
BREAKING: Stadium/Convention Ctr bill #SB1 passes Senate, on to Assembly Thursday. #8NN #nvleg

Funding for Raiders Vegas stadium passed the state Senate by a vote of 16-5, it goes onto the State Assembly on Thursday with a vote likely on Friday. After that the owners in January


On his first Monday morning WEEI interview of the 2016 season, Kirk and Callahan saved the Trump question for last, introducing it as the sponsored "Quarterback Question of the Week."

"Have you talked to Trump at all in the last few months?" host Kirk Minihane asked. "Have you talked to Trump at all in the four weeks you were out?"

"This is the quarterback question of the week?" Brady said.

Minihane then offered to switch gears.

"You want something else? We'll give you something else if you want," Minihane said. "But have you talked to Trump at all in the last month."

Brady answered: "I don't think so. I don't think so. I've been just trying to get ready and prepared and so forth."
Hey did you cheat?

I am not sure, I don't think so.

What a lying sack of shit.

Anyone who does not disengage from Brady is as bad as Trump supporters. Just as bad!
Patrick Walker ‏@PatrickWalker 2m2 minutes ago
BREAKING: Stadium/Convention Ctr bill #SB1 passes Senate, on to Assembly Thursday. #8NN #nvleg

Funding for Raiders Vegas stadium passed the state Senate by a vote of 16-5, it goes onto the State Assembly on Thursday with a vote likely on Friday. After that the owners in January

Wow. So I wonder where the Raiders will play for the next 3 years. Sounds like Sam Boyd Stadium could be expanded to 45k seats, which would be pretty tiny.


The place has become pretty synonymous with Wentz these days. ESPN and NFL Network have both broadcast from there. And Wentz held a private party in their back room last Saturday night, right after watching his alma mater roll to a 31-10 win over Illinois State. The party was a low-key affair, but waiters and bartenders were still swapping stories days later.

"As I was waiting on him, I had to look up. He is so tall,” said Rachel, a junior at NDSU who works as a server at Herd & Horns. "He was very humble, especially as a guest. He didn’t treat anyone like they were below him or anything.”

(In case you're wondering, Wentz picked up the entire tab, $1,000 and left a $500 tip. He was whisked off by his cousin in a 1996 Chevy pickup truck. No frills.)

That's my QB


Good job AT!
Cross posting from the old thread

I'd rather roll with Dak and if he keeps racking up wins I wouldn't make a change. No doubt Romo is the better qb but the team is clicking and there is no guarantee that continues with Romo back under center. That's not a knock on Tony either just sticking with what's working for the moment. If Jerry is hell bent on bringing Romo back then do it with the browns game. Feed him a weak opponent and let him shake the rust off.
this is a good move. play it as Romo is still healing, no need to rush him. then if day fks up put Romo in against a easier opponent. I really want Romo to have his glory though, he deserves it. Romo 4 life. Dak 4 life too, the guy is amazing. we set offensively and can draft a defense in the earlier rounds


He is going to watch the Steelers this weekend.

That way he gets to watch a pro bowl qb in his prime slinging the ball all over the field and getting everyone involved. Deep, short and over the middle. He can do it all!

The Steelers also have the best WR in the game, the most talented RB in the game and a tall white ass tightened who catches TDs.

We have it all folks. Join DM and me this Sunday when the Steelers travel to Miami.
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