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NFL 2017 Training Camp/Preseason |OT| - If you don't like it, you should have made it

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WYTS Colts http://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2017-indianapolis-colts-1797889404

My wedding was the best day of my life but a substantial part of that was because it was also the day Ryan Grigson got fired.
Here’s to being the 3rd best team in the cellar of the NFL! Cheers!
Since the 2012 draft, the only difference between the franchise trajectories of Washington and Indy is that it’s taking our pill-addled owner longer to grind Andrew Luck into dust because his ogre genetics produce a physical specimen that is far more durable than mere humans like RGIII.
I had the extreme misfortune of sitting directly in front of a couple of very belligerent individuals who found themselves in that sweet Venn diagram overlap of Colts fans and Bama fans (many exist, for no reason at all). The entire game they screamed for the Colts to put in Trent Richardson and would frequently launch a barrage of racial epithets when he wasn’t in, usually capped with “Trent is the best player on this fucking team!” Problem 1: (extreme Ron Howard voice) He wasn’t. Problem 2: Said game occurred in late 2015, many months after Richardson had been cut from the team. The player they were cheering was, in fact, Boom Herron.
* We stole the team from Baltimore, where the Ravens have since doubled us up on subsequent Super Bowl wins in 12 fewer seasons of trying.
* I watched Peyton Manning play the best football of his life and still retire with a losing playoff record against the Jets and Chargers.
* It’s because of us that the Texans think they’re good now.

About the only things about this franchise that bring me sustained joy are Jim Mora YouTube videos and Prince’s performance at that Super Bowl.
It takes an otherworldly level of incompetence to not only waste Andrew Luck’s football career, but also waste his true calling as a world-class architect by bludgeoning his brain on a weekly basis thanks to an O-line comprised of lawn chairs and dental floss.
The Colts have managed to somehow acquire not one, but TWO once in a generation quarterbacks and I have watched them both waste into oblivion because the front office does not feel the need to have anything aside from a group of dead cats as an o-line or an actual defense.

I look forward to going 8-8 (if we were in any other division I would say 6-10, but the AFC South will always be a dumpster fire) and letting Houston win the division again.
It is a genuine embarrassment Robert Mathis had to go out on that wet fart of a season.


Ya know, after the 2020 season we're headed for a strike. I think we're gonna lose a season for that one. The two sides keep getting further and further apart.

Honestly, I'll never understand how the Peyton colts only won one super bowl. That had to have been the most perennially stacked offenses top to bottom for what, 12 years? They got like 5-6 hall of famers drafted all between 96-02.

And it's not like they only had bums on defense. Freeney, Mathis, and Sanders were all-pro type talent.

The current colts I understand being mediocre as fuck, but that team had no goddamn excuse.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Chris Sheridan‏Verified account @sheridanhoops

NBA source said today: "This will be LeBron's final season in Cleveland. He is 100 percent leaving. Relationship with owners beyond repair."
12:42 PM - 16 Aug 2017

Honestly, I'll never understand how the Peyton colts only won one super bowl. That had to have been the most perennially stacked offenses top to bottom for what, 12 years? They got like 5-6 hall of famers drafted all between 96-02.

And it's not like they only had bums on defense. Freeney, Mathis, and Sanders were all-pro type talent.

The current colts I understand being mediocre as fuck, but that team had no goddamn excuse.

Tony Dungy was a truly terrible head coach. I never got the sense that he was a guy who put his players in a better position to win. Also the rules were different back then and teams would just mug Wr's at the line and the colts more then any team of that era never seemed to have an answer for that.


Ya know, after the 2020 season we're headed for a strike. I think we're gonna lose a season for that one. The two sides keep getting further and further apart.

Nah, the huge problem the NFLPA is that there are too many players who can't live without their paycheck for a season.


Hope the NFLPA can find a better spokesperson. DeMaurice Smith botched the CBA deal back in the 2011 lockout, it's been shitshow after shitshow since then.


They'll be the best team in the East when Bron leaves

Unless he stays in the East

Speaking as a Wizards fan, they just maintained the status quo while the Celtics got Gordon Hayward, so I would give the advantage to them
The fact that we're discussing basketball in an NFL thread proves how dead it is rn
Hope the NFLPA can find a better spokesperson. DeMaurice Smith botched the CBA deal back in the 2011 lockout, it's been shitshow after shitshow since then.

He didn't botch it, he had little leverage or bargaining power. A majority of the NFL players are guys with super short shelf lives and making (comparatively) peanuts. They can't afford to really strike and the owners know it.


*Sees NFL and NFLPA taking shots*

Was wondering if something would happen with the zeke case that would make the NFL look stupid, but this is much more interesting to me.


They'll be the best team in the East when Bron leaves

Unless he stays in the East
No they won't lol

They're maxed out right now, they're paying their core 3 guys superstar money and they have no picks or young talent to flip. Unless Wall somehow makes the jump to become a top 3 player they'll never make it out of the east.

Celtics have the east on lock and they have the youth and picks to keep it going.


No they won't lol

They're maxed out right now, they're paying their core 3 guys superstar money and they have no picks or young talent to flip. Unless Wall somehow makes the jump to become a top 3 player they'll never make it out of the east.

Celtics have the east on lock and they have the youth and picks to keep it going.
I believe in John Wall.
The NFL can do no right.

No charges pressed against Ray Rice, they don't penalize him enough, shit comes out that makes them look like dopes. Everyone acts like they are monsters.

They try to take a hard line on the next high profile domestic abuse case with Zeke. No charges pressed on Zeke, NFL penalizes him anyway. Everyone acts like they are monsters.
The NFL can do no right.

No charges pressed against Ray Rice, they don't penalize him enough, shit comes out that makes them look like dopes. Everyone acts like they are monsters.

They try to take a hard line on the next high profile domestic abuse case with Zeke. No charges pressed on Zeke, NFL penalizes him anyway. Everyone acts like they are monsters.

If they were consistent with their punishment, instead of handing out suspensions depending on how well goodell is feeling that day, they wouldn't have this issue.

Im trying to make home made fried chicken for dinner. Pray 4 me

What time would be a good time for me to be there? Also what kind of beer y'all like?


On my way to work this morning I was sitting in traffic and a woman slammed into the back of my car. I took out a home loan 2 weeks ago and bought a new Toyota Sienna with part of the money. In the 2 weeks of owning it someone put a huge crack in the windshield while it was parked and now someone else smashed up the back of it. The worst part was when the cop showed up the woman tried to say it wasn't her fault because she was distracted by the man in the car next to her texting. My back is killing me and I have a pounding headache, I feel like such an old today.

It really is. Some times I wonder what I did to piss off the universe so much.

Crackdown 3 delayed to 2018
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