That second clip is completely out of context. McAfee spent over half an hour explaining how the league isn't rigged. He, AJ Hawk, and Adam Schefter were openly laughing at the idiots who think the league is somehow rigged.
If you genuinely are going to sit there and tell me that you think the NFL is rigged then I need you to explain to me how the NFL is somehow keeping this a secret despite having tens of thousands of people involved in their operation between players, coaches, referees, support staff, medical staff, etc etc and none of them are leaking any of this to the media in a day and age of a 24-hour news cycle. Not only is it not leaking but they aren't even rigging it in their favor apparently. Because if this was actually rigged then a small market team like the Jags wouldn't have made it to the playoffs in the first place and the Cowboys who are the most popular team in the country would have at least done a single goddamn thing in the last 20 years. And that also doesn't explain the absolute tear that Tom Brady went on. Because you would think that if the league was rigged they would want to make it at least appear to not have any kind of trends or predictable patterns. Yet Tom Brady went to a million Super Bowls in his 80-year career.
And that's not even getting into the Mount Everest sized pile of shit that would come their way if even a hint of it being rigged in any way at all ever surfaced. You would have the mother of all lawsuits on your hands because every sport book, gambler, casino, and everyone else that has a vested financial interest in the various outcomes of the sport would come for the NFL's throat. So I will need you to also explain to me why the NFL would ever risk that kind of exposure when they are happily setting revenue records for themselves and have ratings off the fucking charts. Why would you risk everything to rig the outcome of a few games? Oh that's wouldn't.
Being big mad because you didn't like the outcome of a game or you think referees did a bad job is one thing, but putting on a tin foil hat and suddenly declaring an entire professional sport is rigged like it's fucking wrestling is absolutely ridiculous and you should be embarrassed. And that is not to say that the NFL is perfect and it does not have any problems. It has been abundantly clear for a few years now that they have a very big officiating problem that needs to be addressed and these playoffs are just the latest chapter in that story.
But shitty officiating does not a rigging make.