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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


Just got home, lol sounds like the Hawks are trying basically trying to trade down and down and down until they have the entire 7th round


Stay calm, Squicken cursed us. I already freaked out, but turns out he could only be suspended a couple games. Farmer and gang have a chance to appeal and negotiate, and they don't seem to rattled honestly
Edit: Kave! No! Stay calm! Read my post! Derek Anderson! Loud noises!



Jenkins over Byrd, Jackson, reach in the first, trade up in the second for a guy that would most likely be there. Not a good off season for you guys.

Lost to the Saints in the playoffs. Then they took the Safety we should have. Meanwhile we took their garbage Safety as our new starter. Gave them a 5th for Sproles which I was fine with but then Saints leapfrog us to take Cooks. Much rather have our 5th back and Cooks over Sproles at this point.

Desean lost with no picks in return. Mathews which is fine but really moving up for him? When we couldn't move up for Dix, Mosley, or Dennard? But Mathews we have to move up for?

We started the draft with only 6 picks thanks to this incompetent FO. Gained one but just lost another.

All these guys better be homeruns.
More on Richburg from Tony Pauline:

- Last year, prior to the combine, I mentioned Travis Frederick was being whispered about as the surprise pick of round one (found here in the April 12th notes). After his combine workout (has he completed the forty yet?) I never bothered to follow up. Foolish me. This year I’m told another center, Weston Richburg of Colorado State, (scouting report) could be the surprise pick in round one. Its a thin class at the center position and the feeling is if you need one Richburg is the guy and you better grab him early. His smart, athletic and fundamentally sound play is drawing comparisons to Pro-Bowl center Nick Mangold. Who would take Richburg at the end of the first frame? I’m told for a variety of reasons keep an eye on the Green Bay Packers, New England Patriots and Denver Broncos. The Jacksonville Jaguars are candidates for Richburg at the top of round two.


Fuck this Gordon shit has got me down. I finally feel excitement about a team and this shit happens. Maybe we can get a solid WR with one of our top ten picks next year.
Fuck this Gordon shit has got me down. I finally feel excitement about a team and this shit happens. Maybe we can get a solid WR with one of our top ten picks next year.
Yeah man, Gordon had me so excited. Literally thought he could be the top Wr. But hopefully he won't be gone a whole year, could only be a couple games. So holding out hope.
Fucking Michael Irvin was suppose to mentor him!


Lost to the Saints in the playoffs. Then they took the Safety we should have. Meanwhile we took their garbage Safety as our new starter. Gave them a 5th for Sproles which I was fine with but then Saints leapfrog us to take Cooks. Much rather have our 5th back and Cooks over Sproles at this point.

Desean lost with no picks in return. Mathews which is fine but really moving up for him? When we couldn't move up for Dix, Mosley, or Dennard? But Mathews we have to move up for?

We started the draft with only 6 picks thanks to this incompetent FO. Gained one but just lost another.

All these guys better be homeruns.

I feel like the trade up was a bit reactionary, given what happened yesterday. They felt they couldn't afford to stand pat and watch everyone they like go off the board again.

That being said, I love the pick. He's 6'3", 215 and runs a 4.41 40. He's going to excel in this offense.


Browns weren't going to contend this season anyway. This improves their pick next year, so in 2 years when JFF is ready to take over, they get Gordon back AND they can use this to keep the price on his next contract down.
I feel bad for Browns fans. :/

ed: ^^ Of course he fucking does. He's Gordon's agent. He wouldn't publicly say they expect to lose.

Browns weren't going to contend this season anyway. This improves their pick next year, so in 2 years when JFF is ready to take over, they get Gordon back AND they can use this to keep the price on his next contract down.

He'd better hope he wins his appeal. This is at least his third strike, which means banishment with eligibility to get back in coming next season. If he loses this appeal and next year's appeal, he's done in the league.
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