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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.



That's so awesome it almost looks fake. Especially the velocity of the shot.
how are they so bad in international play

1 part bad luck (Ask any Englishman about penalty kicks and they'll probably have a breakdown right in front of you)

But its mostly their own hubris. They've hung onto this idea of "1966!!" and "Bringing Football Home!" and they've relied on outdated tactics and less technically gifted players while nations like Spain and Germany have completely eclipsed them. I like some of the young talent they have on their current roster, but I don't trust their manager.

Congrats JABEE!
Why dont they have a bigger fanbase? They are so consistent.

They aren't the most SportsCenter-friendly team, they play in a small market, and they've been so consistently good in the Duncan-Pop era that they've become boring.

People would rather watch the Knicks flop all over themselves than the Spurs consistently contend.


Wooooooooooooooooo congrats, drinks are on me!!

Gata rubs animals' bellies while he loves on them.

And congrats.

Soft serve ice cream

Thanks, guys.

That bed-shitting story is disgusting.

Also, Gata needs to really settle himself down. I think it's time for an intervention. I know we all like to joke around in here, but Gata is acting like a sick individual.

Every layer you peel, reveals another ghastly secret that makes up the core of Gata's being. We need to decide on whether we should leave things be. I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with the darkness that lies within Gata that manifests itself to us all in public displays of affection towards animals and his cousins.

We need to consider our next actions very seriously and in a manner that will produce the best results for all parties involved.


First of all, congrats my Philly friend. I wish you the best in your job hunt.

Secondly, I would like to hire you to write a poem about the recent follies of the Gata. Your payment will be in laughs from yours truly, which as we all know are a highly valuable legal tender.

Thank you good sir,
Bread Pitt
Yo Talon

SportsNation ‏@SportsNation 6m
The Spurs are that old guy at the gym with short shorts & goggles, that you think you're better than, but you're not.
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