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NFL Offseason Thread |OT4| Cheaters Cheat.


Jason Cole reporting that Cam's new deal will average $21m per (unclear if that $21m per includes 2015) and will include between $46m-$48m in guaranteed money. So it will either be a 6 year, $120m deal ($14.67m in 2015, 5 year, $105m extension) or a 6 year, $126m deal ($21m per over the entire life of the deal, $22.3m per in "new money").

Russell and Luck about to get PAID


Yea fuck JR. Unless he does some kung-fu shit on Curry to put him out of the game I think Warriors have got this
JR is a horrible defender.

If he is in the game Klay and Steph are going to get a lot of wide open looks at the basket. He has gotten away with fuckball for 3 rounds because he is playing WNBA teams and he plays with Lebron. The Cavs may not be able to play with him on the floor if Curry and Klay are getting wide open looks. Especially Curry. A wide open 3 for Curry feels like a layup for most players.

He is just a dirty thug though and I hate seeing those types of players rewarded. Though he was instrumental in the Cavs run I still hate him.


I played during the alpha and didn't like it for reasons beyond it being "simplified". I really hate the whole rotating hero pool/limited access to heroes, especially coming from Dota with all 100+ heroes available to everyone for free. I didn't like that the maps and map objectives feel much more important and powerful than the actual heroes themselves. A big part of MOBAs is how strong and dominating your hero can be by the end of a match, this doesn't really work when you are gathering coins or skulls or whatever so that a much more powerful pirate ship can be the one causing most of the damage.

I haven't played in a while and they have apparently improved some stuff (although I don't think either of my complaints above have been among those altered), but I haven't felt even the smallest desire to go back and try it again.



Thrones newest episode was a gamechanger in all of tv.

So many great things in one episode.

Makes me hate Grrm even more for taking too long with the new book



I just play the Youtube clip of it whenever I'm feeling down. It's even better than playing the game because I don't have to wait for a cooldown to hear it again.


Zombies on tv. Why I never!

More that they changed the book and made it better. None of that happens in the book.

After the CS:GO fixing shit I can't help but feel most e-sports are fixed in some way.

I've been saying it for years, and have no proof. Boxing, the NBA, FIFA, and UFC are all fixed. NFL and MLB are harder to fix but can be done.

Doesn't change my enjoyment, I am a wrestling fan afterall.


This really does put the Seahawks in a bind. Cam's deal is probably what they hoped Wilson would accept, now they are going to have to pay way more. It may end up dragging those negotiations through the whole season.



Teach him the ways of the force Vince. wipes tear


Thanks zychi for spoiling a Song of Fire and Ice. Fuckin filthy scumbag

Nice try, I didn't say anything besides loving the episode, and what happens in the episode is in the book, but different. So didn't spoil that either :p


More that they changed the book and made it better. None of that happens in the book.

I've been saying it for years, and have no proof. Boxing, the NBA, FIFA, and UFC are all fixed. NFL and MLB are harder to fix but can be done.

Doesn't change my enjoyment, I am a wrestling fan afterall.
Nothing is impossible with BB and Brady.


The thing is that's kind of what I'm looking for in a moba. It has the stuff that interests me about the genre but removes a lot of what makes it such a massive timesink that pulls you away from every other game.

I tend to avoid games that consume every spare moment of my gaming time. I have had countless friends play WoW and other MMO's over the years but I never touched them, for instance.

I think dota is an incredible game and I'm glad it exists but I just don't think it's for me.

It's not necessarily a timesink, it's just a long learning curve. You have to put in X amount of hours before you can really feel comfortable playing with all the features not present in the other games, and obviously playing more hours at a time will get you there faster.
It's not necessarily a timesink, it's just a long learning curve. You have to put in X amount of hours before you can really feel comfortable playing with all the features not present in the other games, and obviously playing more hours at a time will get you there faster.
All the people I know who play dota basically only play dota. You know it's true!


All the people I know who play dota basically only play dota. You know it's true!

Yeah, but that's because it's really fun. It's not like an MMO where 20 extra hours of grinding = an extra piece of loot. There's really nothing to gain from playing long hours, since you start every game at the exact same point: with nothing but your starting gold.


I love this keyboard so much. Its all happy and colorful and squee. If it wasnt made of rather sharp edged aircraft grade aluminum, I would hug it!


I love this keyboard so much. Its all happy and colorful and squee. If it wasnt made of rather sharp edged aircraft grade aluminum, I would hug it!

Did you have a mechanical one before? I love the feel of them, have a blackwidow I've had for 4 years now.


Weird when I posted this post I got an invalid thread notification, but I reloaded the thread and it had gone through, anyone else getting those?
Steaming hot takes pouring in from everywhere

Cam Newton should be put on trial for larceny said:
The Carolina Panthers are about to hand out the worst contract in league history. Cam Newton is on the verge of signing a 5-year extension worth what is being reported as $100 million guaranteed.

Guaranteed contracts would be the worse thing to happen to the NFL. Major League Baseball has guaranteed contracts and its turned the sport into one big welfare state. Attending a minor league game is like visiting the social security office. And with today's news that Cam Newton is going to be the latest QB to cash in, the NFL is taking a dangerous step toward communism. Everyone in Russia had a guaranteed job- just some of them happened to be burying the bodies of the capitalists. But do you think Newtons losing any sleep over the cap room hes stealing from Kuechley? Yeah me neither.

I'll start guaranteeing contracts for NFL players when they start guaranteeing me wins. The reality is that football hasn't been around very long at all in Carolina so they technically don't know what a good player looks like. Newsflash for Cam Newton the hopes and dreams of a entire state are on your back. This guys so greedy when he learned there was a lot of money in the Outer Banks he put on a ski mask and tried to rob it.

Newton would be taking advantage of the NFL's dumbest fanbase, no offense to Carolina Panther fans. This is a team that broke the bank for Jake Delhomme, so of course as long as your able to throw the ball once or twice a game without getting intercepted there going to think your the second coming of Jesus.

Even Jesus himself would of been a waste of money if you gave him a guaranteed 5 year contract at age 28- you have to take into account longevity. And Cam Newton is a fraud crybaby who isn't as good as Tom Brady. I'll remind all of you that Newton missed a game last year because he broke a process in his back, but ironically the only broken process I see here is the one that would allow a guy like Newton to milk Jerry Richardson for ANY guaranteed money.

OK, this is a satirical article from SB Nation but there are plenty of people inside and out of the fanbase that share the sentiment!


Did you have a mechanical one before? I love the feel of them, have a blackwidow I've had for 4 years now.

nah I had shit cheap 20$ ones that came with computers before this. The feel of a mechanical one is very pleasant. I like the feel of cherry red MX switches. I dont like the louder clicks of brown or blue.
Yeah, but that's because it's really fun. It's not like an MMO where 20 extra hours of grinding = an extra piece of loot. There's really nothing to gain from playing long hours, since you start every game at the exact same point: with nothing but your starting gold.
Not criticizing it at all, but I'm already into too many other games (including other competitive games) to need something else like that. Trust me, I understand the concept of a game being addictive simply because of how good it is and not because of a loot grind, it's the reason I routinely dump 100+ hours into FIFA every year.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Not a good or bad thing, just a personal preference. I am still trying to finish The Witcher 3, Codename Steam, and Axiom Verge, plus I'm always mixing in FIFA and other multiplayer games. I don't mind dropping stuff like that for a great MP game for a few weeks but dota seems to be a much larger commitment than that with most people!
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