I heard you and Chan break in to zoos at night and have sex with the baboons and apes.His cousin denies him.
I heard you and Chan break in to zoos at night and have sex with the baboons and apes.His cousin denies him.
I heard you and Chan break in to zoos at night and have sex with the baboons and apes.
So?You're the one with all the depressed animal avatars.
I don't even own any animals.We know what you been doing to them.
Sidenote: #Texans OLB Whitney Mercilus lost 1/2 his left index finger in a weight lifting accident while at Illinois
For those asking how this could effect him
You're the one with all the depressed animal avatars.
Reading somethings here and there. Good thing for JPP is that almost all grip strength comes from the pinky not the index finger.
Pretty smart actually. He's going to be a washed up bum in a few years out of the league. Gotta make all that money now!
Aren't you a cowboy fan who wants to be a jet fan
Theres like 5 chans here
I nominate Umaru-chan as NFL-Gaf anime mascot
I learned something watching JJ Watt's Top 100 video.
...Shane Lechler is Elpresador!
Pretty smart actually. He's going to be a washed up bum in a few years out of the league. Gotta make all that money now!
Yeah but a ray resection means it's they're removing into palm, possibly mid-palm. Also I think someone reported his thumb is also fucked. Would imagine most of his hand is damaged anyway.
at least he's not blowing his money raising someone else's kid and not even getting any sex out of the arrangement.
Just like every NFL-GAF post.
Lots of characters typed yet nothing of importance said
May I ask who is this Chan you people are talking about?
You are ChanMay I ask who is this Chan you people are talking about?
I nominate Umaru-chan as NFL-Gaf anime mascot
When I woke up this morning this thread had beautiful women reporting the weather with a nice booty. As the sun shines bright from the sky.
Now as the sky turn dark and nighttime is upon us I get anime.... Sometimes life is just cruel.
touhou a shit
Chan is a true beloved American hero.
Chan is a true beloved American hero.
he likes anime and the Pats
he likes anime and the Pats
Chan's spirit lives on in his best friend Coldnoodle.
You degenerates are guilty of slander. Shame on you both.
At what point during the development of Batman Arkham Knight did the developers say to themselves "You know, it's time to add the Batmobile to these games, and make it as shitty and unfun to use as possible!"
most AAA games are like that, with broken assed mechanics.