I can't control the content or the state of mind when a post is made. I don't typically mind the animu stuff either, but at times its just spamming and that is annoying.
Should I go into the anime thread and spam a bunch of NFL gifs? That would probably irritate the thread if done on a consistent basis.
Apologies for the super late reply, but yeah, I think it'll be toned down now that there will be real games to play with gamespeed and all that jazz. Me personally I'm so relieved that July is so over just so we can finally get back into it, and then
BOOM! Regular season in full swing. Fucking September and Week 1 get here already!
You should go in there, pick something and be like...
[Title] [Episode number]
"Yeah yeah, this looks decent and watchable enough."
[Final minutes winding down]
"Wow, I looked away for a second and suddenly the tone changed. Not what I expected from the premise."
I've seen the Doc Rivers gif in there before, so I don't think that should be something to get irritated over, haha.