Don't play dumb. Is needle a code word for something else?
Tom does heroin, thats why he had so many texts. All to his dealers
Is Manning the Broncos? We we're beating Patriot ass before he was here, and we'll do it after he leaves.
As you have said yourself, regular season is inconsequential, so Manning as a Bronco is perfect against your team when it matters in a big game.
How's my savior Tebow doing?
Also fuck you assholes, I'll ask her out in spite of you degenerates.
I'll probably end up giving her a kiss on the cheek at the end of it like a weenie
Your a rebel. Good Luck!!How's my savior Tebow doing?
Also fuck you assholes, I'll ask her out in spite of you degenerates.
I'll probably end up giving her a kiss on the cheek at the end of it like a weenie
So yes, they were in reference to the refs over inflating the balls. Thanks for clearing that up.
Storms are coming in. I hope lightning doesn't delay the game.
Tom does heroin, thats why he had so many texts. All to his dealers
Where is Godslay?! I'm drunk and ready to fight. Get your ass out here you fucking 26 minute man.
You're dead to me.
You are the first Broncos fan I've ever disowned.
Hunter will be around shortly to file the paperwork, enjoy being a Pats fan!
I'm pretty sure he lied about at least 25 of those minutes, girl.
Tebow sucks
Smite me I don't care.
Christian Fauria should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.
How's my savior Tebow doing?
Also fuck you assholes, I'll ask her out in spite of you degenerates.
I'll probably end up giving her a kiss on the cheek at the end of it like a weenie
Where is Godslay?! I'm drunk and ready to fight. Get your ass out here you fucking 26 minute man.
Jerry World is almost empty, nobody gives a fuck about this useless game.
Get the Diamond Cutter ready.. this is gonna be more epic than Kave vs. Printer Paper
Now all we'd need is a Zychi vs Konka rematch and then we'd have a GAF Pay per view.
Charles James starting at CB
Damn that hit was bad.
Skinner landed on him.
I doubt it.
Yankeehater already defanged him a long time ago.
I doubt it.
Yankeehater already defanged him a long time ago.
Rooting for this guy, honestly.
I doubt it.
Yankeehater already defanged him a long time ago.