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NFL Super Bowl XLVII |OT| Where The Magic Happens

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Fuck. Going into full NFL media blackout now for a few days.
I can't handle this any other way.

I feel completely drained.

I'm already afraid of the next season. Here in Europe, on ESPN America they always show clips of the last superbowl during timeouts while commercials are shown in the US. So every week I will be confronted with today's loss. FML.


Neil deGrasse Tyson ‏@neiltyson

For every player who credits God for the win, a player from the opposing team can logically blame God for the loss.

Retweeted by Arian Foster

He is right
To answer the question every fucking announcer kept asking, YES I can believe this was Collin's 10 NFL start. He made a rookie mistake and it cost them.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Joe "I'm about to get FUCKING PAID!" Flacco

If he gets MVP, +3 Mil on each year, damn!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Funny how playing perfect for an entire post season still doesn't get you any respect.

Flacco said he was elite, now he's officially in elite company. He was right. At least for one year.




But seriously, no matter how you want to argue calls if the 49ers had played in the first half like they did in the second half we'd probably have a different winner right now. I definitely agree with the sentiment that this wasn't really a great game, it went from blowout to bizarre to near a near movie ending. It was hilarious though, so there's that.
You're misunderstanding. Holding stopped the player from getting to the punter. The reason the punter could kill that much clock is because the guy who was coming at him was held.


It's almost like the offense knew this as well and used it to their advantage?!
Fuck. Going into full NFL media blackout now for a few days.
I can't handle this any other way.

I feel completely drained.

I'm already afraid of the next season. Here in Europe, on ESPN America they always show clips of the last superbowl during timeouts while commercials are shown in the US. So every week I will be confronted with today's loss. FML.

I know that pain bro! I always just change the channel.

No he betrayed me. He stabbed me in the back and then an antler fueled Ray murdered the witnesses.

Talking bout stabbing people in the back, I'll PM you your new avatar for the offseason tomorrow.

Hunter S.

Well I won my prediction league. I still say meh to this Super Bowl. Best part about it was the lack of New England. Thanks for that ravens. You are hero's of hero's.


how was that one boring? 10 pt deficit, onside kick, peyton throwing a pick 6 at the end

Very friggin' exciting. The scrum following the onside kick lasted how long? Hartley nailing how many 40+ field goals when he'd been a bit, err.., shaky during the regular season?

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