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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(


A combined 21 penalties for 225 yards in the Panthers/Phins game and we're not even in the 4th quarter yet...

edit: make that 22 for 239
Some impressions I took from the game-


Cam Newton- Played very well, I think. The Dolphins defense wasn't great (they got no pressure upfront and left some gaping holes in the secondary), but Cam took advantage of what he was given and moved the ball well down the field.

Panthers defense- This was just a preseason game, so excuse me if I seem a little over enthusiastic, but the defense looked good. They were consistently getting pressure on Tannehill and were pretty good against the run too. Luke Kuechly was the standout man for me, he was strong in pursuit and was able to stop a good number of plays on the night. The secondary was decent, but their job was made much easier by how well the d-line played.


Ryan Tannehill's Offensive Line- When you have a rookie QB behind you, your job as an offensive lineman is to do your best to make sure he's comfortable in the pocket. The Dolphins' o-line didn't do that tonight. They were beaten (badly) by simple four man rushes time after time and never gave Tannehill the time to operate in the pocket. They also didn't get much push, so the rushing game never was able to get off the ground.

Ryan Tannehill-When you spend at least 75% of your time in the game firmly planted on your ass, it's got to be a bad game as a QB. Granted, it wasn't his fault that his offensive line never left Miami, but still. I think Tannehill has all the tools to be a good QB, but this wasn't a night to remember for him.

Replacement Refs-Ugh. The refs were...terrible as always. Bullshit holding penalties all over the place (no, refs, good block does not equal holding) and at times the refs looked like chickens with their heads cut off. Some of the guys behind me were joking that they let the first ten fans in the stadium call the game. Based off of those calls, it wouldn't surprise me.


Grover, I'm on a bus and just following using the Panthers' official app, but two other areas of concern seem to be we couldn't get off the field on 3rd and long (gave up a 3rd and 9 and two 3rd and 10s against Tannehill) and looks like we're not doing so hot on 3rd down (3-9). I won't address penalties as I'm assuming the replacement refs are straight garbage.


McFadden has a couple steps on the defender, but I don't know if that play was designed for him, probably was. He ran that route a little too wide, but Palmer has to make that throw.
all jokes aside wtf is wrong with kolb? it seems like he has no concept of progressions through his receivers. i feel like even if you gave kolb 5 seconds on every drop back he wouldn't really be any better.

i was going to post that i hope the cards start kolb but honestly skelton isn't much better. sure, he is better, but he is still mediocre


That boy's scared. LOL.



Vince Young is going to make the Bills.

This team is a bit of a disaster right now, more than a bit actually. Top 5 pick is my prediction right now.

Chan's a good man, but he can't play the way he wants to. You just don't have the talent. So keep spreading and going 5 wide, and watch your QB get fucking destroyed week after week. There's only one receiver on this roster that can beat press repeatedly.

If I was coaching this team I would blow my brains out. Good interior line, really young at tackle. One accomplished receiver and a decent TE, good backs that won't be used enough because there's this new rule about passing at least 40 times a game.


Cards don't spend early round picks on the offensive line, remind me of the Bills post 2009. If you have a shit DL/OL just go home, you can't win shit with garbage up front.


What a terrible call. You could see that coming... yet Palmer didn't change the play either.

You know Palmer so far since Gannon has been the only QB that the Raiders had so far that can read defenses and audible out of. Is he as good as Gannon at it, obviously not, Gannon was almost Peypey like at audibling.


You know Palmer so far since Gannon has been the only QB that the Raiders had so far that can read defenses and audible out of. Is he as good as Gannon at it, obviously not, Gannon was almost Peypey like at audibling.

Collins and Grabowski did it. It's just been a long time with JaMarcus and Campbell.

[edit] Oh, you mean doing it well. I'd argue Palmer doesn't do it well either.
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