Garrett taking a timeout to take more time to plan which running play to do on third and long.
Not that I believe this team is anything but horrible but the Cowboys have 5 losses and the Giants have 4. Not really out of reach...yet.
Trickeration @_@... TWICE!
Damn STL
Hekker is more elite than Sanchez
Unless the Giants have an epic meltdown, then there isn't really a chance. Although, Dallas has one of the lightest schedules here on out, the Giants are leading in division wins by a wide margin. The probability is definitely stacked against Dallas even though they are only a few games behind.
Romo keeps his job for another week.
Garrett going turtle mode.
I have great accuracy up until about 15 yards. After then my velocity falls off.I'd take bionic at qb over Sanchez. I hear he has a great jump shot.
Divisional teams plays other divisional teams tougher. Not really new news folks.Are the niners playing prevent defense? why aren't they giving the Rams the middle?
Divisional teams plays other divisional teams tougher. Not really new news folks.