If his policies are any indication, he probably follows the Snoop way of football fandom.Romney looks like an Eagle fan.
eznark said:Vick needs to be put down like a dog.
I'm okay with this.Vick needs to be put down like a dog. Bring on the Foles era Reid!!
I thought we were cool Browns fans.
Could be a long night friend.
Where are you from?
Go Saints
Vick needs to be put down like a dog. Bring on the Foles era Reid!!
If his policies are any indication, he probably follows the Snoop way of football fandom.
Too soon bro. Too soon.
I have friends who are dogs!
Yall hate the eagles that much?
If Foles came in would Browns fans be on the Eagles side?Meh.
Best friend is stupid for Vick. I love to see him suffer so I love to see Vick fail.
Fosho!!If Foles came in would Browns fans be on the Eagles side?
I hate Vick the dog killer but otherwise like the Eagles. I hate Brees less than Vick but don't like the Saints. But then the Saints did help end the Favre nightmare. Tough call on this one. WWTD?
Disco-era Stones?
Thanks for letting me know, that was actually pretty entertaining!Game is so boring EZ is trolling the HALO 4 review thread.
Go Saints
They're called the Saints. It's obvious what Tebow would do.
The Eagles look like a completely different team out there. They will most likely get a WC spot.
Im down the road in Upper Lafayette at my parents place.
This stupid fucking offense. And there's the first timeout wasted, 3 minutes into the game.
This stupid fucking offense. And there's the first timeout wasted, 3 minutes into the game.