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NFSU2 Reviews - IGN


Holds a little red book
A part of this game was on the same disc as Burnout 3. It's already infinitely doomed in my mind.
Speevy said:
Gamecube version it is.

Visually, NFSU2 improves upon its excellent looking original in every way, plus several little bonuses sweeten the deal. At least that's true on the Xbox. The PS2 is a slight step down, thoug it's still quite good looking, and the GameCube is a big step down, with a slower framerate that affects gameplay

On the whole, EA's done an excellent job with the visuals on the PC and Xbox versions, and to a certain extent, it's done as best it could on the PS2. Too bad about the Cube version.

Are you sure?
This is what happens when you overwork your staff ea. Shitty visuals on the GC. There shouldn't be any reason for this though. Its a competent enough console


*start disclosure* this game has never been on my radar. *end disclosure*

Justin Bailey

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As far as gameplay goes, football and racing games are A-OK, but adventure and FPS games - rehashing is OUT OF THE QUESTION, UMMMKAY!

/just a little drunk
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