Doesn't surprise me. Creeper always just struck me as a freaky dudeThou must not spread fake..... stuff
Doesn't surprise me. Creeper always just struck me as a freaky dudeThou must not spread fake..... stuff
Bruce Boudreau still hates Montreal and loves the Leafs
He's still a Good Tarannah Kid at heart.
Doesn't surprise me. Creeper always just struck me as a freaky dude
Pretty dramatic, shitty situation, but they still have the best record right now as a cushion. They have to play tighter defensively, try and go .500 until AGally is back and go from there. They need Pleks, BGally and Patches to really step up now.Habs down to 2 (bad) centres for the next 2 months. FML. Season is over.
The only silver lining here is at least AGally's doesn't require survery. Must have been a sprain or a very small tear.
thanks bozak
you idiot
Hey guys, friend of Chewies here. He didnt get banned. The TLR is that he wanted to just take a break for a bit, thought he was posting a bit more than he should. Hes still lurking around and definitely appreciates the well wishes.
Yay chewieJust because people were worried:
Pretty dramatic, shitty situation, but they still have the best record right now as a cushion. They have to play tighter defensively, try and go .500 until AGally is back and go from there. They need Pleks, BGally and Patches to really step up now.
Patches and Pleks have definitely looked better as of late, I have no idea what's going on with BGally, but the fact we've done as well as we have with all 3 of them underperforming is a bonus.That's a tall order given how poorly all of then have played most of the season. Patches has shown some signs lately, but the other 2 have been bad bad bad.
Sportsnet suggesting Habs go after Peter Holland
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkkk ooooooooofffffffffffffffffffff
Loooool the Golden Knights trademark request got rejected.
Loooool the Golden Knights trademark request got rejected.
Loooool the Golden Knights trademark request got rejected.
Unless it is reported by the big triumvirate of hockey reporters (Which it isn't) I would hold the laughing part.
This seems to be the rejection letter
Didn't read through the whole thing since I don't do that shit anymore, but I wouldnt say that's a rejection. Some pretty amusing reasoning challenging them on "Vegas". They still have time to respond to the examiner, and being stopped at this stage is not a surprise.
This seems to be the rejection letter
Now holds the franchise record for most points by a defenceman.
Loooool the Golden Knights trademark request got rejected.
I haven't posted here yet.
Didn't read through the whole thing since I don't do that shit anymore, but I wouldnt say that's a rejection. Some pretty amusing reasoning challenging them on "Vegas". They still have time to respond to the examiner, and being stopped at this stage is not a surprise.
When I worked in trademarks, we routinely had to deal with examiner responses and you simply stated your case to him or her. I laugh when I think the only one that went through with zero problems was one I applied for a video game. It was just way too out there and the examiner let it through. Where a real problem can come in is if a third party raises an objection. Agents and lawyers love it since it's more work and money for them and can take awhile to resolve.
Just make it Aces already.Loooool the Golden Knights trademark request got rejected.
Exactly, but instead, we can go 'hurr durr Foley so stupid' and get snide comments from others.
Well hes not wrong, but saying it today of all days is beyond wrong.This man has a PHD.
Well hes not wrong, but saying it today of all days is beyond wrong.
I haven't posted here yet.
Ducks win! I'm going to bed.