Suck the dicks of the almighty unmerciful hockey gods you fucking bandwagoning Kings fuckwits.
Don't choke in this game, Pens. Keep the pressure on. You're better than these assholes.
Yea, it legit took about 5 mins to load the Flyers / Pens game on my laptop. Such bullshit, how do they not have their service in gear?running like shit on PC for me. A lot of random framerate drops.
can't get it to work on android.
Gamecenterworking for anyone yet? Such bullshit.
Yea, it legit took about 5 mins to load the Flyers / Pens game on my laptop. Such bullshit, how do they not have their service in gear?
They are only there because the Lakers suck.
LOVING the Philly-Pens game. So much action. So little defense.
LOVING the Philly-Pens game. So little defense.
thanks for the ten second look-in guys
Welp seems I at least get to see the first period of the game tonight before I have to head out.
Third period should be intense. Come on, Pens. No heartbreak, please.
So will the other teams who feast on them in the playoffs.
Welp seems I at least get to see the first period of the game tonight before I have to head out.
First world problems: My pizza arrived just as the period ended.
... you're not that slow, Marvie. (?)You're unquestionably retarded.
I've never defended Keith's hit. It was a dirty play, but so was Sedin's. All I'm saying is that if Sedin doesn't put a shoulder in Keith's jaw, he doesn't get an elbow to the face.
Don't worry, Habs will be up 2-0 after one anyways.
Are you driving around Cleavland drunk cat because the Browns lost Kelly?
Welp seems I at least get to see the first period of the game tonight before I have to head out.
... you're not that slow, Marvie. (?)
A: Fuck OJ Simpson for murdering Nicole Brown.
B: If Nicole hadn't cheated on him, she wouldn't have gotten stabbed in the head!
... you're not that slow, Marvie. (?)
A: Fuck OJ Simpson for murdering Nicole Brown.
B: If Nicole hadn't cheated on him, she wouldn't have gotten stabbed in the head!
That's because it's true. But it's absurd to say unless that person actually wants to defend OJ.Makes sense to me
He's in LA, just back from Switzerland.Wonder what Kato Kaelin is up to?
That's because it's true. But it's absurd to say unless that person actually wants to defend OJ.
Just wait. It'll be the longest twenty minutes of your life, but it's worth it.First world problems: My pizza arrived just as the period ended.
That's because it's true. But it's absurd to say unless that person actually wants to defend OJ.