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NHL March 2013 |OT| Black History Forever

Tabris, why would you want future Vancouver Canuck Corey Perry to get vertigo? Wouldn't that risk putting him out of the lineup for our playoff drive? I mean, I suppose we could slot Iginla up with the Sedins, but it seems wasteful to give up "picks and a prospect" to get a vertigo'd Perry.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Splinters in the ass?

I don't even want to know what kind of sport would leave me with splinters in the ass?

Most painful (coincidentally NOT longest-lasting) sports injury was probably a hyperextended knee ligament. Not fun.


Whenever I think of injuries, I think of my own sports-related injuries and how they were no fun at all. Anyone that's ever played sport has most likely had an injury and knows they can be incredibly painful and annoying and wouldn't wish them upon anyone.

Not anymore in professional sports, injuries are good. Injuries mean its okay to take steroids. Injuries make you a better athlete bro. Everyone wants to get injured!

I don't even want to know what kind of sport would leave me with splinters in the ass?

Most painful (coincidentally NOT longest-lasting) sports injury was probably a hyperextended knee ligament. Not fun.

The one were I fuck you in the ass. You down?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

You're way too late man, I posted this already. Maybe if you spent some less time on your heavenly cloud you'd notice.

Not anymore in professional sports, injuries are good. Injuries mean its okay to take steroids. Injuries make you a better athlete bro. Everyone wants to get injured!

The one were I fuck you in the ass. You down?

You have a wooden penis? Thanks for that info.


Shut the fuck up, Tabris.

You're acting like there are no centers out there that are around the same skill level as him with the same faceoff capabilities.
Just because they're out there doesn't mean they're available. Toews/Bolland/Shaw are fine. Bolland isn't holding Kane/Sharp back when it comes to putting up points so I'm not worried about him. The problem is, we don't have a decent depth center. Mayers and Kruger are fucking worthless. They either need to get a 2C (like Vermette) and slide Bolland back down to the 3rd line where he's most effective , or grab a 4C who can PK and win faceoffs (like the Hawks had with Madden in '10). Trading Bolland for another center fixes one hole but opens another.

Even if we kept him, whatever. We still need another center regardless and we need to stop dressing plugs like Carcillo and Bollig.
Carcillo =/= Bollig

Carcillo needs to be on the 4th line. He also needs to play more than 2 minutes. Bollig plays 10+ when it should be 0. Carcillo can be effective in his role. Bollig is fucking worthless.

This mess is all on Quenneville not knowing what he should be doing.
Shut the fuck up, Tabris.

Just because they're out there doesn't mean they're available. Toews/Bolland/Shaw are fine. Bolland isn't holding Kane/Sharp back when it comes to putting up points so I'm not worried about him. The problem is, we don't have a decent depth center. Mayers and Kruger are fucking worthless. They either need to get a 2C (like Vermette) and slide Bolland back down to the 3rd line where he's most effective , or grab a 4C who can PK and win faceoffs (like the Hawks had with Madden in '10). Trading Bolland for another center fixes one hole but opens another.

Carcillo =/= Bollig

Carcillo needs to be on the 4th line. He also needs to play more than 2 minutes. Bollig plays 10+ when it should be 0. Carcillo can be effective in his role. Bollig is fucking worthless.

This mess is all on Quenneville not knowing what he should be doing.

Bolland is a shutdown 3rd line center. Not a second. Kane needs someone who can finish off his passes.

Carcillo would be fine but Q dresses him and then plays him with cameo appearances.
Whenever I think of injuries, I think of my own sports-related injuries and how they were no fun at all. Anyone that's ever played sport has most likely had an injury and knows they can be incredibly painful and annoying and wouldn't wish them upon anyone.

Christ yes. Goaltending has given me multiple groin muscle pulls, lacerations/stitches, concussions and a black eye. Things I wouldn't wish on anyone.
You're way too late man, I posted this already. Maybe if you spent some less time on your heavenly cloud you'd notice.


Man some of you have that stick way too far up. Yes I want people to go through painful and traumatic events. Come on :lol
Sounds like when you were cracking jokes about deaf people and then had to backpedal when someone called you out on being a dickwagon.

Bolland is a shutdown 3rd line center. Not a second. Kane needs someone who can finish off his passes.
Bolland eases the defensive responsibilities for the wings on his line.

Sharp is there to finish things off, when his head isn't up his ass that is.

Carcillo would be fine but Q dresses him and then plays him with cameo appearances.
Copy more stuff from HFboards please.

Hm. Me, you, Rev... We got any other goalies here?

Used to play it.
Sounds like when you were cracking jokes about deaf people and then had to backpedal when someone called you out on being a dickwagon.

Bolland eases the defensive responsibilities for the wings on his line.

Sharp is there to finish things off, when his head isn't up his ass that is.

Copy more stuff from HFboards please.

I suppose you're right about Sharp when he isn't hitting posts.

And I couldn't think of any other way to put it. He dresses him and then plays him <5 shifts. Why say all that when someone else put it more concisely?
Soccer goalie! I've been kicked, stepped on, elbowed, and spit on. It's tough being a goalie...

I played as a soccer goalie when I was a kid. Our net was right next to a house with a dog in the backyard.

I played with the dog while I was in net.

We didn't win much.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
What in the flying fuck? Has this guy ever posted here? That's ridiculously impressive, shame it's all for the Jackets.

Where's Desi? I prefer late night gaf when Marvie isn't teaching Wsoxfan about hockey.

I played as a soccer goalie when I was a kid. Our net was right next to a house with a dog in the backyard.

I played with the dog while I was in net.

We didn't win much.

This sounds like a story Ralph would tell.
What in the flying fuck? Has this guy ever posted here? That's ridiculously impressive, shame it's all for the Jackets.

Where's Desi? I prefer late night gaf when Marvie isn't teaching Wsoxfan about hockey.

This sounds like a story Ralph would tell.

Your obsession with me is getting a little weird.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I will have to stand up for Heretic and say having tried it last summer it takes some cajones.

Definitely took some wounds home with me from that. Pretty fun though assuming you're dumb enough to want to try it out.

Being from a country where soccer is the summer national sport- it's indeed fun. Good times where had when it rained overnight and the grass was still somewhat wet in the morning. All the sliding tackles.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Also, soccer goalies have nothing on Handball goalies. You have even less time to react, they throw from even closer, and the ball is MUCH harder. You basically throw yourself towards the guy and HOPE he hits you without injuring yourself.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Hockey 101 with Professor Marvie
Wsoxfan must give you the worst rating on ratemyprofessor.com

I don't really think it's arguing. He has different opinions on different players. Hawks-GAF isn't some giant consensus like you guys with Gally.

Shut the fuck up. You don't jump on commenting it until we score. Sure takes a lot of balls to call me out then, huh?


Who would have thought that the fans of a team that finished last in their conference would be generally very pleased with a 3rd round pick player playing well!
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