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NHL March 2014 |OT| The C on Dustin Brown's jersey stands for Cu


This is pretty terrible. Still shaken up. I've met Peverly twice now and both times he's been incredibly nice. I really want to see him play again but this seems unreasonable there's no reason to risk your life for a sport.

I hope everything is okay with him.
Did not want to experience anything like this.
Especially not in person.
Yeah I'm still shaken by the whole thing.

The scariest thing that keeps flashing through my head is the players freaking out. Trying to get the refs attention and no one listening.

Also all the fans checking numbers... Trying to find out who was missing.

I instantly knew it was Pevs. I just had this gut feeling. The arena was so incredibly eerie with a dead silence.

The guy is amazing.



GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I swear someone's paid off Phillips to play the shittiest hockey that's possible for him. If anything proves proves that Bryan Murray is a fucking idiot, it's resigning that Pylon Phillips.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Phillips :lol

I eagerly await the Cake Boss post.
I swear someone's paid off Phillips to play the shittiest hockey that's possible for him. If anything proves proves that Bryan Murray is a fucking idiot, it's resigning that Pylon Phillips.

Holden.. fucking god just ugh

I cannot wait for Bigras and Siemens to push these fucking scrubs out of the lineup. GOOD JOB SARICH SWEET PENALTY BRO.

Bigras will probably be ready, Siemens has had setbacks in development from injury though, so who knows with him.

And fuck...


come in my shame circle
For a second it looked like Clarkson had one of those teardrop tattoos.

Who'd he kill you ask?

Samyy's love for the team. :(


Really glad it seems peverly will be ok. Scary shit.

GCL was buffering like shit during that PP. Going to have to trust Beyak that it was solidly executed. :p
Fucking Tampa come on. Should have buried Phoenix. Ottawa messed up too.

Now I guess all I can root for are Colorado and Calgary the rest of the night, even if the latter won't really have an effect on the Wild.


Shameful admission time: Jets have exactly zero hat tricks since they moved. Do the right thing here Colorado. Do it for Buff.

Oh ffs GCL is almost unwatchable.
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