Crazy talk, wish he still did the leafs games.
If a average game is like 3 hours...
I've be giving a lot of time following the Leafs. Wow.
Those Blues sweaters... if I've ever been jealous of St. Louis this is the one time.
Jim Hughson is better.
Kadri line continuing to look pretty good so far.
Habs havent really played good yet this season. And we're still 2-0. lolz
we all know that but how do you think they're playing?
Hi I'm an Islanders fan poking my head out of the bunker for the first time in 20 years. Or so.
These guys look fun.
He's fucking awful.The Fun adventures of Jared Cowen.
He's fucking awful.
The Fun adventures of Jared Cowen.
Oh man, Zibenajad is looking dangerous out there right now. And I just had to bench him tonight. Fml