Did Bettman just thank people for booing him? What a fucking douchebag."Energetic welcome"
Lol fuck that stay inside and wait for draft notifications more like itlol you have to go outside and enjoy nature.
He really is the real life Vince Mcmahon
Josh Cooper
Bergevin and MacLellan just shook hands
Not gonna lie, watching Bettman just charge through this is pretty hilarious, props. He's such a villain and he owns it.
Boourns means you approve of Bettman. It's the opposite of booing.
It fucking disgusts me those Toronto fans gained access to our building. lol
But Vince is real
We got the first pick. >It fucking disgusts me those Toronto fans gained access to our building. lol
Bettman you aren't David Stern. He at least knows how to bring the boos on.
Renaud Lavoie said:The Canadiens will deal tonight
Was gonna say at least you got to boo Bettman but I'm pretty sure that didn't happen >_>