NHL Off-Season 2017 |OT| We’ve Been Here Since October


NHL October 2017 |OT| 31 teams full of straight patriotic males playing the white (house) way

Edit: dammit, Lone_Prodigy beat me to it
NHL October 2017 |OT| What Happens in Pre-Season Stays in Pre-Season
NHL October 2017 |OT| As Many Teams as Baskins Robbins has Flavours, if You Like Vanilla


What's the verdict on the Switch, my NHL GAF bros? I'm really tempted to finally jump in with Mario hitting in 4 weeks and obviously to play BOTW.


My only worry is that there won't be enough games that appeal to me to make it worthwhile. The N64 was the last Nintendo console that I didn't have that problem on.


As usual, the first party stuff looks great. And there are ports coming of games I never got around to (like Doom 2016).....I'll probably bite the bullet. Like you say, if nothing else I can sink hundreds of hours into Zelda and Mario.


As usual, the first party stuff looks great. And there are ports coming of games I never got around to (like Doom 2016).....I'll probably bite the bullet. Like you say, if nothing else I can sink hundreds of hours into Zelda and Mario.
Im at 150+ in BOTW and i still have a bunch of stuff to do and I havent even touched the DLC.
I woke up early to head over to my small-city's Walmart and see if I could get a Super Nintendo Classic. Sold out - apparently people were lining up there at 9:00 yesterday, wow. Same place I went morning of BotW Wii U release date and they had Switches galore. Classic's already listing at $350 + online. Wonder if Nintendo actually has their shit together this time and can keep it flowing like they said they would.


I woke up early to head over to my small-city's Walmart and see if I could get a Super Nintendo Classic. Sold out - apparently people were lining up there at 9:00 yesterday, wow. Same place I went morning of BotW Wii U release date and they had Switches galore. Classic's already listing at $350 + online. Wonder if Nintendo actually has their shit together this time and can keep it flowing like they said they would.
If you read the thread for it, it sounds like supply is pretty good. My gf and I were gonna wait at Nintendo NY but at 7am the line was already way around the block so we just bailed. :lol

Cake Boss

I'm making the new thread as of right now.

I woke up early to head over to my small-city's Walmart and see if I could get a Super Nintendo Classic. Sold out - apparently people were lining up there at 9:00 yesterday, wow. Same place I went morning of BotW Wii U release date and they had Switches galore. Classic's already listing at $350 + online. Wonder if Nintendo actually has their shit together this time and can keep it flowing like they said they would.

Got to mine 10 mins before opening. They had 90 and I was number 56 in line.


I mean...we've got three days of preseason left and it's still September...

Aaaand you named it Kneelin and Dealin even though not a single NHL player had knelt 🤔

I am just so disappointed right now
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