NHL Off-Season 2017 |OT| We’ve Been Here Since October


Mine arrived just now. Waiting at home. Looking forward to playing it once and then completely neglecting it.

I have a five-year-old, so I'm hopeful this will be the thing that gets her into video games and can be a dad/daughter activity.

We'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to playing Zelda and Yoshi's Island on my own again.

But yeah, your scenario could easily happen as well.
What's the verdict on the Switch, my NHL GAF bros? I'm really tempted to finally jump in with Mario hitting in 4 weeks and obviously to play BOTW.
I bought it day one to play BOTW. Since then there's been a lot of downtime but I ended up playing Cave Story for the first time (it's ok) and then bought Rabbids, which is pretty good. Currently playing Steamworld Dig 2 which is pretty much as good as any 2D Metroid I've played since Super.

I'll prolly buy Golf Story and well, Odyssey.

Overall, I didn't think I'd play it portable when I bought it (I generally play on my PS4, big TV, soundsystem, etc..) but I ended up playing 99% of my time in portable mode. I hadn't bought a mobile device since the DS, which I didn't play that much, and the Switch is a revelation. I play in my bed, while the gf is watching/playing something else, on the toilet... Brought it on some trips, but never played in a public place or on public transport. Would probably be nice for this too.

I can't recommend it enough, on the whole, just because BOTW got me back in love with gaming and because it feels pretty great to play. Great screen, great store, great indie games choice for a 1st year, great first party games... but above all, playing all this on portable mode.

Enjoy, man.


I bought it day one to play BOTW. Since then there's been a lot of downtime but I ended up playing Cave Story for the first time (it's ok) and then bought Rabbids, which is pretty good. Currently playing Steamworld Dig 2 which is pretty much as good as any 2D Metroid I've played since Super.

I'll prolly buy Golf Story and well, Odyssey.

Overall, I didn't think I'd play it portable when I bought it (I generally play on my PS4, big TV, soundsystem, etc..) but I ended up playing 99% of my time in portable mode. I hadn't bought a mobile device since the DS, which I didn't play that much, and the Switch is a revelation. I play in my bed, while the gf is watching/playing something else, on the toilet... Brought it on some trips, but never played in a public place or on public transport. Would probably be nice for this too.

I can't recommend it enough, on the whole, just because BOTW got me back in love with gaming and because it feels pretty great to play. Great screen, great store, great indie games choice for a 1st year, great first party games... but above all, playing all this on portable mode.

Enjoy, man.

Now THAT is a sales pitch! Thanks man, I'm convinced.
Now THAT is a sales pitch! Thanks man, I'm convinced.
It might be a good time to mention I've been a pretty big Nintendo fan from the SNES to the Gamecube and, to a lesser extent, the Wii. So yeah, on the "graphics vs. gameplay" debate which happens between hi-def gamers and Nintendo fans, I generally side with Nintendo fanboys just because I've generally been in love with Nintendo franchises (Zelda, Mario, old Yoshi and old Metroid, mainly).

But yeah, if you already have a PS4 to get your graphics fix like I do, the Switch is the absolute perfect complement to that. I haven't been really interested in the big PS4 games lately (nothing since TLOU on PS3 has really grabbed my attention for too long), so I'm just really happy Nintendo's bringing back the big guns.
Finished Metroid's story in about 15 hours, got to go back and grab missing upgrades but I think that's a solid #3 in the franchise for me right behind super. Cool game, the free aim adds a lot for me.


Finished Metroid's story in about 15 hours, got to go back and grab missing upgrades but I think that's a solid #3 in the franchise for me right behind super. Cool game, the free aim adds a lot for me.
Agreed, I enjoyed this more than both Fusion and Zero Mission


Oh my God. Just finished the first bit of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the feels are so damn real. The music...THE MUSIC. So damn good. This was the best era, friends.
So I wasn't around for the draft but the autopicker seems to have done a semi OK job? I managed to grab Scheifele and Laine, which could be excellent.
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