Just gotta keep it up. Law of averages. Put 50 up each game, some are bound to go in.
Cooke is a cunt and I hate the fucking Pens. We need some momentum
That was the weakest fucking penalty I have seen called in a while. Total reputation call.
Bullshit. Cooke was holding the stick and being the cunty goon he always is. It was justified.
Bullshit. Cooke was holding the stick and being the cunty goon he always is. It was justified.
Bullshit. Cooke was holding the stick and being the cunty goon he always is. It was justified.
Maybe in the 3rd.I hope he does break off the leash like last time and giving us a couple of powerplays.
Oh dear god take cover!
Solo is about to explode!
Fucking cunt ass goon Penguins. Cheap shot artists. Glad Okposo at least got a few good blows in before going down like the potato sack he is