(Yesterday, 11:05 PM)
Bandwagoner down! You're losing men, Clydefrog!
He was doomed from the beginning and he knew it. I cannot deny nor confirm his fandom. He was a junior, he was ill-tempered, and he rightly got banned. I appreciated his enthusiasm and I hope other people like him continue to join our forum to discuss the NHL (at the very least for LOLs). CRASH, if you ever come back, you got a spot in the Kings section of NHL-GAF. (WE NEED MEMBERS)
Better start making more alts.
If Raffi Torres does that, I don't think he ever plays in the NHL again. With that said, I think there is a very real chance Keith only gets fined
First off, Carter did take a jab at Keith's hand right before that gif. I'd like to think Carter was just trying to move Keith's glove, but he obviously wasn't. Carter knew what he was doing and Keith made a huge mistake by slashing him in the chin.
Keith was pleading to Shanahan not to ban him. He went over to Carter afterwards during a TV timeout and apologized again, as we saw in the telecast.
Keith won't get a suspension.
Keith was just thanking him for the slash on the hands he received moments earlier!
fuck you